Presidential selfie video

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As far as vitriol and Hillary, well she is a large producer of it...just as Archer Daniels Midland is a large producer of ethanol.

Sonya, while I agree that it was bad timing for the commercial the show is Scandal. Definitely for adult audiences but I must warn you that if you watch a couple of episodes you will get hooked. The corruption and shame that the episodes reveal of what goes on in the White House are scandalous and true to life.
I'm not sure I want to know what exactly goes on in that big White
quote: Despite bitter opposition from Day One, despite trash talk left, right and center, this president will emerge as one of the most successful presidents in American history. end quote

I like him. I like the fact that he is approachable. I don't remember another president talking to ME on TV as much as he has. The legacy of a good President is about changing the country for the better and he has done that.
He has helped bring about change.
He has also shown us all a President is human, not just a talking hand puppet.

It really is laughable to look back at all of the ridiculous claims republicans and others have made against the president over the years. Some people will never believe any good of this President. Then there are some whose mind set is anti-Obama due solely to him being a black man in the white house.

note: Some of my rambling below contains snippets of quotes from here and there.

After one of the most disastrous presidencies in our history, that of George W. Bush, who cut taxes yet involved us in two un-paid for wars, and crashed our economy and that of the rest of the world as a result, we found ourselves with our nation’s first black president.
Not only did Barack H. Obama face the deeply entrenched racism of the nation that elected him, but a Republican Party determined to obstruct his every move, to make him a one term president and that term an utter failure. All the while, he had to face his real work, that for which he was elected: digging our nation out of the hole into which his predecessor had dragged us.

Fact-Checking Sites Prove Just How Good President Obama Has Been for America. It's all there for anyone to see....IF you want to see it.
he’s dramatically boosted our clean energy; moved us closer toward energy independence; presided over a half million jobs being created in the auto industry; massively reduced our deficits; has used diplomacy to make strides in the international community as opposed to just going to war; and we’ve seen the best period of job growth since the last time a Democrat lived in the White House. By the way, none of this includes the fact that he ordered the killing of Osama bin Ladin and we’ve seen stocks hit numerous record highs (proving trickle-down economics doesn’t work). He has given us universal healthcare. So, when Republicans say that President Obama has been the “worst president in history,” they clearly don’t have a clue what the heck they’re talking about.

quote> "I'm a Christian by choice. My family didn't—frankly, they weren't folks who went to church every week. And my mother was one of the most spiritual people I knew, but she didn't raise me in the church.
So I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead—being my brothers' and sisters' keeper, treating others as they would treat me.
And I think also understanding that Jesus Christ dying for my sins spoke to the humility we all have to have as human beings, that we're sinful and we're flawed and we make mistakes, and that we achieve salvation through the grace of God. But what we can do, as flawed as we are, is still see God in other people and do our best to help them find their own grace.
That's what I strive to do. That's what I pray to do every day. I think my public service is part of that effort to express my Christian faith."
Ever since voting to re-elect Barrack Obama I've been in line to vote for Hillary Clinton. She is ready, she's paid her dues and is more than qualified. She will be the first woman president of our United States but gender and race is not really the point here....white, black, male, female what matters is merit -skill, wisdom, leadership, experience. The legacy of a good President is about changing the country for the better and President Obama has done that.
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Sorry I have dial up and therefore can not watch the vedio posted, so I'm left behind in that info. Debbie I wish we still had the like button, thank you for posting your opinion as I feel the same way only have a problem with putting it all in words.

well taking parts of the great Paul Harveys musings from the 60's and 90's and super imposing political propaganda over it isn't my idea of constructive reading. My opinion only here, don't mean to hurt feelings. . I respect everyone's opinion but come on that crap isn't even worthy.

Believe me I'm good friends with many local farmers through the farm bureau and although it's been many, many years ago my grand parents at the time had one of the biggest dairies in Jersey. Farm bills and subsidies have been problems since way back.

This president isn't totally responsible for all the farmers (including dairy farmers) woes.

However with this president it has been a near endless stream of right-wing conspiracies and nonsense.....really not new, the news and fear mongers have been around forever but what makes this so off the chain is social media and the hate being spread across it as gospel. I remember all my life watching smear campaigns on TV, listening to the news, including what was shared at the general store, but none of that was anything like the gossip that is spread now in this electronic age. It's a darn shame. Some of the things I hear, even in church, is shocking when I think this person actually believes what they are repeating.
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Debby I started reading your long post up ther, but as soon as I got to the part that if one disagrees or criticizes Obama it's because they are racist, I stopped reading. Whatever else you say after that is total meaningless to me. I'm so sick of that crap!

Paul Harvey is right on the money!
sorry you feel that way but as stated "some people" are anti-Obama solely because he's a black man.
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How very sad that as we all sit here in the year 2015 , that someone could be disliked because of the colour of their skin.

Debby , You said it perfectly and I agree id rather our leader be seen as human unlike one of the Muppets that we have seen over the years here in Oz

And your very right in saying he has brought change , and for the better.
Ryan with all due do not live here. Yes he has brought change to this once great country, and most of it has not been good!

As the above post points out. He has divided this country more than it's ever been. Everyone I know is financially worse off than what they've been in years. Change= Obamacare (making my premium go up 55%), higher tax rate (mine has increased 3% over the past 4 years while my income hasn't increased at all), electric bill (up 45% in the past two years while I'm using less electric than what I was).

I have a very good friend who makes $12/hour at a part time job and also works part time as a waitress. Between the two jobs she works about 60 hours a week. Neither job has health insurance. Last year she made approx $19,000. She was forced to pay $385/month for Obamacare (that included subsidies), her deductible was $5,000 for the year, which she never reached. She made more last year than what she anticipated and when she did her taxes she owed the Obamacare $2,000 fine. Yep she still had to pay out of her pocket for all her healthcare, pay for insurance (which she never could use), plus pay the fine. Basically ACA took over 1/3 of her income...this is common with low to mid income folks...yep that's change for Ya!
wish i had time to reply right now but I don't.. which is the reason my posts are sometimes long, I tend to add a thought here and there to a text file and then come post it.
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Shorthorsemom- I hope you don't think I was saying you were being racist , because I would never say that & hope it didn't come across that way.
Our dairy farmers , from what you are saying are in the same situation as I read yours are, and I agree something has to be done about it. The Major supermarkets here were in a major battle with each other last year selling 2 litre milk for $2. We have seen so many farmers go broke and even take their own lives due to the fact they cannot make a profit from the milk they sell anymore, hence cannot pay the mortgages or feed their cattle. It has been going on for many ,many years and I couldn't agree with you more - Something has to be done before we start importing Powdered milk. I would give up dairy before powdered milk passed my lips.

Sonya- Your very correct I don't live there, but last time I checked this was an International Horse forum and being that this section is "The Backyard" thought I was entitled to post something.

The first line of my previous post was supporting Debbys previous " Some people don't like the president because of the colour of his skin" It was a comment against racism in general and in 2015 I have every right to voice my opinion............
Ryan you are entitled to post whatever you want, my point was that since you don't live here, you have no idea how the changes made by the Obama administration have personally effected those that do live here.
I would like to say something about the Affordable Care Act, and the friend that didn't have ins and was fined. Although I'm sure it was a burden for her to pay, if she didn't have any health ins. then we the tax payer would be paying for her care if and when needed. Most people without health care go to the emergency room for simple problems instead of a primary. they then can't afford to pay and the er can't refuse to treat them, the cost of treatment is then passed on, not just forgotten. I too had premiums go up on hubby, I have medicare, but my hope is that this will soon bring costs down as more people buy ins. Everyone should have health ins. Some of the young folks think they will never get sick or have an accident. My first husband was shot and had emergency surgery back in the '70's he had no health ins. I was stuck with a huge hospital bill, way more then a $5000 deductable. I couldn't imagine the cost now. Also my grand daughter is a server and had no ins, she was fined as well, but now she has coverage, yeah for her.
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She did have insurance. When only making $19,000/year and $6,620 for insurance that you can't use is not affordable. Next year she will just pay the $2,000 fine and not purchase any insurance and take her chances, can't say I blame her. The fact that she is forced to pay for things like maternity care (she is 45 and had a complete hysterectomy a few years ago) causes her premium to be even more than it needs to be. However if she doesn't work and gets on welfare, she will get insurance at no cost to her, just the tax payer...that's real fair! Yep reward the lazy people and punish those who do work and try to do the right thing. Nothing affordable about ACA. Where is the savings O ranted about? Every single person I've talked to has had their premium go up..a couple people had their insurance cancelled all together.

My nephew is self employed (farrier to be exact). He just started in his career a couple years ago, makes around $50,000. He had insurance for him and his wife, premium went from $800 to $1800 with a higher deductible because of ACA.

My sister in law got laid off last year...lost her insurance. She is not even required to purchase ACA because her income is too low, nor does she have to pay the fine. After 3 hours on the phone with the lady finally said...well if something happens and you find yourself pregnant, then we can help you...real nice!

The system does not work. Those who couldn't afford insurance can't afford it now either. Those who had welfare based insurance still have their taxpayer insurance. Nothing has changed except the government is taking more $ from the people...and those in low to mid income are getting poorer.
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Rudy Guiliano (sp?) pretty much summed it up recently, pretty much took the hammer and hit the nail right on the ole head as far as the president's attitude towards America. Nothing earth shattering for all that already knew though. Sorry to be so vague. Just google it if you are clueless yet curious. Also might want to google the president's 2008 speech poking fun at the Bible.

I fear God. I am a Christian. I will always be a sinner but because I am a Christian and not of the cherry picker variety my moral compass guides and convicts me. I know that we should pray for our leaders whether we like them or not. Quite frankly I struggle with this. Paul said, "I urge, then, first of all that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people--for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Savior" (I Timothy 2:1-3). My prayers along these lines usually ends in petitioning that The Almighty would restore what the locust has eaten away. I see my country being destroyed both financially and morally. But I am reminded that God is in control. He thunders from Heaven. "No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt themselves. It is God who judges: He brings one down, He exalts another" (Psalm 75: 6-7). God's sovereignty is unaffected by men. David proclaimed "the nations conspire and the peoples plot in vain" (Psalm 21: 1). I realize my country could be gone tomorrow if not today. It is a hard pill to swallow yet I believe the prophet Isaiah's words that "All nations are as nothing before Him, they are regarded by Him as less than and meaningless" (Isaiah 40:17). God is never caught off guard or by surprise. All future is under His divine knowledge. Other than praying for our country and admittingly reluctantly its current leadership all I can do is vote in each and every election those who reflect more Godly values and are not blatantly deceptive. While I cannot be sure just yet who I will be voting for in the next presidential election I am very certain of ones I will not be voting for. I hope and pray a true leader emerges.

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