Please help me!!! Dreamer is having a pelvic nerve lock

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Just got off the phone with Theresa again - Vet is pretty certain this is a dislocated hip - they are having a chiropractor come and take a look at her. Continued prayers please. Just wanted to update all that are watching so closely. You all are so wonderful. Theresa needs the support. I feel so bad for her.
Connie, thanks for the update. I cant stop watching and crying for this to turn out good...
Looks like maybe the vet has left? I don't see his yellow vet box at the bottom right of the screen anymore?

I wonder if Gary Fluer is by her now?

In a way this is good news if they can get that hip back in she'll be sore but OK.
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Thanks so much, Connie! That POOR mare, OUCH! I sure hope the chiropractor can help, still sending prayers!
did they say anything about getting the foal out?? They look so exhausted. We are all pulling for you!!
If it was dislocated wouldn't it just hang and she wouldn't be able to move it? She is able to move it forward but just not able to put weight on it?

Too bad he didn't have a portable xray machine.
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did they say anything about getting the foal out?? They look so exhausted. We are all pulling for you!!
Kay I agree, they do look so tired and spent...

I keep praying for something good to happen, maybe the chiro can put her back in place.
Continued prayers that the chiropracter can help and that this still could have a good outcome for this most caring family. It is so obvious just how much this mare is loved.
I think the foal is better off inside where the food supply is readily available until they get the mare standing solid.
If it was dislocated wouldn't it just hang and she wouldn't be able to move it? She is able to move it forward but just not able to put weight on it?
Not necessarily - we had a mare dislocate her hip somehow in the comfort and safety of her stall about 6(?) weeks ago (verified with portable x-ray) - she could move that leg forward and sideways a bit but not put weight on it... she could not lay down - or was afraid to in case she could not get up again... she was in so much pain.


(((HUGS))) and prayers for all involved here... and hoping for a good outcome.
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I have been following all night and most of today ,I pray for them and the mare u can definatley tell she is very devoted and loves her horses ...I pray for all to be better soon so the all can get some very much needed rest..
Sending contiued prayers. I hope they can help your sweet mare! You guys have gone through so much emotional turmoil over the last 24 hours!!! (((HUGS)))
Hi There. I am from Barrel Horse World website.

Just wanted to let you guys know we have been watching this little mare since 10:00 last night. There are already at least 28 pages of threads on this mare/foal.

Many prayers are going up for this little lady and her baby.

The live cam is awesome and we are all tied in knots hoping that she will be OK.

So happy she is resting now. But we will be watching and praying for her.
Theresa just came in and put a blanket on Mama and is just loving on her, it hurts to watch

Come on all our forum prayers, lets make some good happen for this sweet Mama and her devoted family...
To watch her, I feel so helpless.. I wish there was something more that can been done. She is in there with her know and is crying... I feel so bad.. Please help this little mare, God..
My heart just breaks for you, you must be exhausted. I pray the Chiro can put your mares hip back in place and all will be ok and you are able to get some rest soon ((((((((HUGS)))))))))
I've had to go out and do chores and keep checking in on here...........Thank you all so much for posting updates for those of us that can't watch what is happening. I feel so badly for the little mare who must be in major pain, AND her exhausted humans.

With the number of people sending prayers and positive thought involved here and on Palomino's site, this little girl just HAS to end up SAFE!!!!