Peanut Blessed me with a

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ok, I am allowed to check on them every now and then, just not all the time... we have a usage amount per month and if it goes over we get charged heaps... so I can't keep the mares up all the time, but I'm allowed to keep an eye on them every hour or so, but maybe while I'm at my desk I might have the barn alarm on so that if anything happens I can quickly check LOL

you must be the best fun at dress up parties Heidi!! LOL

I can still come on here and post and such, just I need to cut back on marestare.... but I'm addicted!! :wackoLOL
Well dont get fired or in have a new baby on the way that will need new halters and all sorts of other fun stuff that we know you will buy for her!!

I appreciate you watching but dont worry...we can even keep an eye on cassie
Am I aloud to read back??
Oh my gosh...I would love it!! Please say you will...when? I might shave my legs for this...oh please...I need outside opinions..oh please !! Just close your eyes when you come in the house....lets just halloween decor is up..

Have you left yet?
naw, hi Renee
They are crazy here today LOL

na Heidi I won't get fired, not for this anyway... I am the bosses daughter after all... and the one who gets the customers to pay the accounts LOL we just didn't realised that leaving the marestare cams up all day used that much internet, wil have to watch myself at home aswell hmmm

I think Diane, if you go during the day you might be safe, but beware the night time. oh and wasn't it just a full moon?? LOL
uummm, I wonder how we get charged at home....guess we will find out the end of the month. I never realized that about marestare. I didnt your dad a vet?

Yes that would be great!!!
LOL sorry prob should have clarified.

I am a qualified vet nurse and work at a vet hospital on Saturdays, well every second saturday now (yes!! LOL)

but I also work in our hardware store, we own two. during the week, 5 days. I do accounts Receivable in our hardware store and I mix paint, and serve customers LOL.

my Dad owns the hardware stores and he is a builder which is why I have such a brilliant stable hehe!!

does that make sense?
o.k I am back now, the horses are fed and pat has does his bit
The little brat double barrelled me and I lost a shoe whilst walking on gravel. He gets so excited that he can't control himself, he swings his head and screams , I suppose this will teach me for laughing at hubby yesterday.
Cassie, it makes perfect sense..especially when I do remember you telling us about your dad, the hardware store, working part time at the vet...Guess Im just tired and wasnt thinking right sorry.
Morning all.

What on earth have you all been up to overnight? I've had to read my way through nearly 5 pages and I find witches frightening poor Peanut, spells being cast, songs about America and England (good job they didn't use Wales as a comparison - we are like the Beverly Hill Billies (who remembers that family?)), visits suggested, work in hardware stores (and I thought you had a farm with cows, Cassie?) losing marestare (how awful!), plus folk smoking wacky baccy and drinking bottles of booze and Albe only waking once in the night!

Just another boring quiet night.

LOL!! Renee! Some of these little darlings are so small (short in body) that you seem to be walking very close to the back feet even when actually by their shoulder. I had one who used to swing his head just at the wrong minute, yank me across the front of him and then trip me up with a front foot!

Well morning ladies,
Cassie, how are you feeling today? Is you head better? How was the bridal expo?

Heidi what were you up to last night? who came visiting last night?

Diane, how are you after you first day back doing feet and all?

I had a great bbq yesterday until Alby had an accident. I was chatting away and all of a sudden Matteo came running over with Alby in his arms and I could tell by the look on Matteo's face that something bad had happened. I grabbed Alby just as he was turning green and fainting, his lips were blue and his eyes were rolling. OMG I am a total headless chicken when it comes to my kids and I was about to go into a state of panic. I called Barbara, the host who owns a nursery school and is a part time ambulance assistant. Matteo said he fell off his bike and the handle bars went into his tummy so I pulled up his shirt to find a perfect circle. He had turned the handle bars to fast and flipped over and the grip part had pressed against his tummy taking his breath away, then he was crying and not breathing until he passed out. we stood him up and made him talk until he stated to get some colour. He sat in my arms for at least an hour and I had just told hubby that we should go to the hospital to check when he took off playing with his friends.

What a nightmare, I think I lost a few kilo in minutes

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