NEW Mission Record,,,, Total Page 30

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We still have a match going on!!!!! Any new forum member that donates, another dollar will be added for each person.

This person making this match WANTS to give away the money,,,,so any new forum member (one year or less), pay by paypal by midnight tonight and another $1 will be added for you. All you have to donate is what the mission is asking for $3.

SO HIT THAT PAYPAL BUTTON,,,and let us know here you have doanted so we can keep track to know how much money to match!!
NO picture yet. We have only one bid so far from Liz for $60 bucks. I'm holding out for more bids for the picture and I'm in no hurry. I actually enjoy sitting here holding this picture for ransome.
I guess its time for a little friendly reminder of what we won't do for these little guys. This is the story of Little Miss T (now owned by our host Carolyn) who happened to be in my neck of the woods. Just going in there with the convicted rapist and petafile that owned her I know was pretty darn stupid and I can't go into details but I had to throw my clothing away and disinfect my truck I was so infested with critters when I left there.

Gosh Marty, I remember the day her story was posted. I can't begin to tell you had it hit me to the core. I think I emailed every CMHR member within 2 minutes, I was so upset. Yes she was allowed to make her home her, still does, but only after the great great care of her foster family and all of those at CMHR was she even able to make the trip home.

She is now a happy, healthy little girl!! She eats like a champ, her legs doing great and has had no health problems since coming to live with us. She has an awesome personality, loves to be loved on, will let you brush her until your arms hurt, and will kick up her heels with all the rest on a cool day.

Her is a picture I took a few days ago, sorry kind of dark but I wanted a newer one. She is with her best bud, Heart. They are so funny together as you can see Heart is just a tad taller!!
Misty's coat is so dark, and shiney, so I know she is healthy from the inside as well as the out.

Thanks to CMHR, she and I are very happy together!!!!! Oh, and Heart as well.


She is such a sweetie!! I was in Alaska when Marty told the board about her.

This was the most horrible place she came from. This is truly a wonderful story. She is a very lucky little horse to have such a wonderful adoptive home! It would be my Christmas wish that all of our horses find a loving home for the holidays...
Just donated $20 for all of the great work!! I am way up in Canada so can't foster or anything so this is the only way I can help. The whole herd including the big drafty and the llama send kisses to the CMHR horses and wish them the best of luck!!
I hope tonight as you were feeding your kids you were able to ponder the plight of others. I know especially at this time of year as I feed I do think of those who aren't being fed, or brushed or loved on, or don't have a caregiver who cares.

My two girls are still at it. Tonight it was over why we should give more money. Prints who thinks she is the queen of the world throws out there how she was given the nickname, 2005 forum baby and so the rest should donate with her, Misty thinks the rest should chip in with her as she came here via CMHR. Then I look at the boys and they are wondering what difference it makes as to the reason we give, just everyone chip in their allowance for the week, and they'll do without treats to add a little more. I think the boys are tired of my drama queens.

Whatever your reason, or why, I hope you just consider to give what you can.
Are you looking? For your change that is,,,it is everywhere!! Try your couch, or favorite chair, or under the seats of your car, I just KNOW you have $3 there. I just went through the bottom of my purse, mainly because it weighed a ton and I couldn't believe the change I had in there, it's a wonder my back wasn't broke from carrying the thing.

So today we are going for the change you have! How much can you find???

I will tell you later the total from my purse, but let me tell you, it was quite a bit more than the $3.

So check your purse, pant pockets, couch, and don't forget the dryer!!!!!!

Who will have the highest loose change just hanging around???

This could be fun, so let us know how much you found,,,and where!!!!!!!
I know there are way more people out there who can give $3.00. Go sit down with your horses and see what they could give up once a month that is worth $3.00. Or maybe give up that cafe latte, or cappochino. Make yourself a sandwich at home one time a month and forget about the fast food.

Also who is going to pay the price to see the pic of Gina? I would if I could but not in my budget. I give what I can. If we don't support these poor mistreated, neglected horses who will? Some of these could be from your breeding.

Lets give them what they need to get thru this season. They need to be cared for and loved just like your horses are daily. They have suffered enough.

Yes! I am begging.
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For those of you reading this and not contributing Shortpig brought up quite a subject, that maybe one of yours or one of mine for that matter could end up with us someday or, maybe he already has and you don't know it. That's right. Maybe a horse that you foaled out and were so proud of and sold in good faith was flipped and flipped and flipped again over the years until there was nothing left of him and thnk goodness he ended up here with us. Yes it has happened. But that is part of the beauty of CMHR where we swear a code of privacy, no judgement, and no questions asked because that is not important here. All we care about is getting these little guys back on their feet and in a home. Once we have them, they get everything that they have been missing all these years.

Thankfully, its your dollars that help us clean up the mess made by others and help these horses find some sense of love and dignity for whatever time they have left in this big ole world of ours. If you haven't given yet, I hope you'll find $3.00 in your pocket today. We do all the work, you supply the money. That's a good deal.
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Marty, I can not imagine the work you do, nor am I sure I could do it. Like going in and getting Misty, not sure I could have done it.

All we have to do is donate from a clean living room and you guys get the mess part, so I think it is more than a good deal!! Thank you to all at CMHR for willing to deal with the mess, to help out so many!!


Really, just $3

We are only asking for $3

Times all the LB members, it will make a grand total!!
I am giving what I can. What I won't do is discuss this with the critters. Trust me I enjoy my plain old home made coffee every morning. They would want me to give it up. Not happening. They would have wanted me to give up my muffin I had this morning well that isn't happening either. They can give up that extra few orchard grass pellets from their buckets for now. I give them the pellets in their beet pulp and grain as an added treat. They get plenty of good grass hay so they can cut back a few pellets each day. With that and Duckie's new home Wah Lah enough to send a check a month.

I pray none of my horses ever end up having to be rescued. If they are I also pray CMHR is involved. I know they will get forever great loving homes. We never know what the future holds for any of us.

The dogs won't give up nothin for those ole horses I guarantee that. They can't figure out why they are even here.

I am proud to be a CMHR Mission Member. How cool is that? Now I think I will add that title to my signature line.

It only takes $3.00/mth to get that title. AWESOME!
Thank you all so very very much!! We will get to our goal, $3 at a time. It for sure adds up.

What a great idea!!!! I think ALL who are mission members should put that in their signature.

CMHR Mission Member 2010

It is sooooooo easy to do. Send in your $3 now by either paypal or snail mail and let them know you want to be a mission member. Then at the first of the month for the next year, send in another $3, a total of $36. It will help CMHR as well, as they will be receiving at least some additional money during other times of the year.

On page 1 is all the information you need to get your donation sent in.

Thank each and every one of you so much! It takes every one to make this thread successful, to make this mission successful and to make CMHR successful.

So please, join us in the success!!
It's going to be a grrrreeeeaaattttt day!!!!!

Calling for beautiful weather over most of the country!

Share your thanks this Thanksgiving season and take only the few minutes we need to give to our $3 Mission of Thanks. Once you do, believe me, going out to care for yours when there is no one to care for others, will be a different experience.

Year after year you guys just prove to be the greatest and we so appreciate you.

Gini,,,it's been a few days,,,can we get a total?? Huh?? Please can we get a new total?!
I think all must be out enjoying this wonderful November weather.

I hope you take just a few minutes today to help a horse in need.

If you would like to know just what it is CMHR does, visit their website at It is filled with information and pictures of the horses that need YOU!

Then donate by hitting the paypal button.

Thank you, and thanks to CMHR for helping so many others in need!!
Hmmm. I thought more would be donating. $3 isn't very much. Even in these hard times. What is the running total at now? Does anyone have it? Just curious. Come on folks! You can do it!!
Carolyn, and everyone I have a new total for you........



Drum Roll Please!!!!

Gini that's great. It's so nice to see the running total.

If you get contributions from some Scared Monkeys that is great. I posted the link to CMHR there and also explained what we are trying to do. This is a group of wonderful caring people who spend their time with searching for missing children and doing research for same. I just figured every little bit can help. I had previously shared the story of Champ with them there and they were all very angry about how he had been treated.

Hoping more people click the button and choose to give the $3.00/mth. What an opportunity to help. Just $3.00 and you become a Mission Member. AWESOME!

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