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So glad he's better!!!

Keep an eye on his temperature today, it might be down just because of the drugs the vet gave, once they wear off it could go back up.

If he's not too sensitive about it, I'd also maybe clip around that bump that you found so that you can keep an eye on it better.
So many medical emergencies on here lately! I am glad tho that thanks to your good care (and good vet) things are under control. My Arab also had a severe allergic reaction to bedding at a show once. It's scary to see your horse like that, the poor baby. I hope he's back to his beautiful self again soon!
Glad to hear He's feeling better!

Are spiders still active in this bitter cold? I guess I always expected them to dissappear with the rest of the bugs. :ugh: Now I'll be looking for them.

Hope things get back to normal soon :aktion033:
I would get him off his shavings as soon as possible and not wait until tomorrow. It may not be the shavings themselves but something in the shavings but get them out and see if that helps. I had something similar years ago from shavings and as soon as I removed them, the horse started to get better. Good luck and let us know how you are making out.

Joyce L
:aktion033: YAY! SOOOO very glad he is getting better... you did a great job on getting him back to being to healthy....

Looking forward to seeing how he continues to improve and for your first show... I think that you are really going to go places with that boy...

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Glad to hear he's doing better! You may never be able to figure out what caused it.....just glad he's doing well. When I lived in the Hi-Desert my German Shepard got stung by a scorpion.....poor things head swelled so big, her ears went loppy. Vet and antihistamines did the trick for her. One of my big horses developed hives all over and his poor face was soooo swollen. I was using a garlic supplement that was supposed to help keep flys off and he reacted to it. Thank God neither one of my critters had breathing difficulty. I do keep adrenaline in the fridge in case of severe reactions.
I am so, so glad to hear he is doing better!

Liz R.
Glad he's doing better!

I had a horse have a allergic reaction to shavings, his symptoms were more breathing related - his breathing grew very labored and he was coughing and heaving. Couldn't keep him on any shavings, sawdust, even dusty hay.

HOpe he continues to improve til he is 100%!
So very glad to hear your baby is better!!!! Keep up updated on how he is doing.


P.S. Narko is one of my favorite colored horses.
He is still not drinking as much water as i would like to see. Normally he can easily have 1/2 of a 5gall bucket gone overnight. Since Friday he has drank about 1'' of water. Also he still has a good amount of the grain left from Friday morning, i see him nudge it and attempt to eat it but he really doesnt try that hard. He is eating his hay slowly so he is taking the biggest part of the hay in. I've tried mixing some sweet feed into his grain to see if that would incourage him to eat and even put peices of carrots in it and he hasnt made any real attempt to eat it.

I'm still worried about him not taking in enough water or grain. I wonder if i added gatorade or some electrolytes to the water if that would help? He hasnt lost anyweight, still cannot feel a hip bone or ribs ...i just want him to eat. I'm thinking of soaking some beet pulp and see if i can get that into him which would give him some water as well. He still seems drowsy and his nose around his upper and lower lip are still puffy.

We DID find a spiderbite under his chin too. I went ahead and clipped underneath his chin and we seen the bite area. We're going to keep him in straw for a while though before going back to the other shavings that we always use just in case.

Thank you
leanna are you sure its a spider bite?? i have said since the first pic that looks like strangles. iyou can see in the pic the swelling right under the halter. t would be very odd to see spiders this time of year. I just worry because if you give penicilian to a horse with strangles it could cause big problems. they will perk up at first and then become very ill again. The main thing if it is strangles is to get hot towels on that swelling so it opens and drains out.

thinking good thoughts!
my German Shepard got stung by a scorpion
Just an FYI on this.....I got stung by a scorpion recently (yes there are a few lurking in the winter!) and a good dollop of vinegar took most of the hurt away immediately. Another good thing to have on hand, just in case. My daughter was stung by a jellyfish in Mexico years ago and the lifeguard put red vinegar on it - don't think it matters what kind, all I could find in a hurry was Balsamic vinegar LOL.

Hope your boy continues to improve - soaked beet pulp sounds like a good choice to tempt him with. I'd sure keep an eye on the bite, as Kay said, just to be safe.

The area around the bite is not poofy and swolen anymore, its a small bump about the size of a pea that formed around where i think the bite happened. Only part where there is still swelling is around his upper and lower lips.

When the vet took his temp it was only .3 above where it should be, when i took it yesterday it was normal agian. If it was strangles i would hope my vet would have caught onto it when he was here. I'm going to watch him today and i will prob just give the vet a call tonight and run the strongles by him and see what he thinks. I would have hoped he would have caught it the first time he were here friday as he did a full check on him. I know the basics of strongles but i'm sure not as much as any of you.
If he is not drinking I would suggest giving him some electrolyte paste(ask your vet-it won't hurt him)If he doesn't drink you may end up with another problem-an impaction colic.sometimes in my experience the electrolyte paste gives them a little jump start and then they go on and drink.Hoping your baby gets better.I am not a vet-just a Mini owner with many years(over 50)of equine experience.
I'm glad to hear that Narko is beginning to feel better. I'm worried about his not eating or drinking though, wouldn't want him to develop hyperlipemia on top of this. :eek: I don't want to scare you, just want to give you a heads-up that it is a possibility. Does he like soaked beet pulp? If so, I'd sure try it, maybe even mix in some applesauce or something to make it even more palatable. It wouldn't hurt to give him some Karo syrup by syringe every few hours to keep his blood sugar up.

Keeping him in my prayers, hope he is doing even better than before.

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