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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Green Springs Ohio
I'm going to write this in a rush.

I just got home about 20 minutes ago and found Narko in his stall with his head (mostly muzzle, face and jaw) swolen WAY up. His eyes are half closed as well. He still has nearly 3/4'th of his grain left (he is a slow eater, i grain him at 8am and normally by 11 or noon its gone, he just nibbles from time to time). So i'm guessing whatever happened happened before noon. He also has about 1/4th his hay left.

I called the vet, we live on his way home so he is going to be over agian 5pm which seems like FOREVER away, its 3:42 right now. Narko has been in his stall alone and has been all day. I have made no changes to his grain or hay, there is nothing in his stall other then bedding, dish and water. His water is full from where i filled it up this AM. His gums look like a purple-pink color. Eyes are dark and clean, just half closed. He is normally very upright and awake, right now his head medium set. He wouldnt let us touch his mouth at first but i managed to put one of COCO's halters on him which is way way to big for narko bc narko's halter would not come close to fitting him.

Please prayors and knowlege is what we need. I'm half way near a panick attack at this moment. We couldnt find anything in his mouth and i tried to get him to open his mouth by bribing him with a carrot (not for him to actually take a bite, i just wanted to see if he would open his mouth he would NEVER refuse a carrot) and his eye turned toward it and then away. Breathing is okay and no fluid in his nose. Walking fine.

I'm going to be in he** untill 5pm, i'm so worried. Prayors and knowlege.

One other thing, i hightly dought this happened but about 7ft abover his stall we have a electrical outlet that we run all heated water bucket to, i'd imagine their is no way he got to it and all electrical wires are taped up. I couldnt imagine him getting up high enough to lick it or something but that is the only thing. I would never imagine he could get to that. Other horses are okay.

Please please, i know no one is a vet but maybe someone has knowlege that they can share?

I'll get pics of him asap within the hour if i can or after the vet gets here and leave.
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Leeana -- I can't think of what might have happened, but I am praying and hoping 5pm comes fast! The first thing that came to my mind was an allergic reaction (but to what???) only that is just an uneducated guess. The few times I've had to ask for prayers here, my horses tured out to be okay! Are you on the same time zone as the east coast? Jill

Insect bite???? spider?????? Sounds a lot like an allergic reaction.....can he breathe ok? Nostrils not swolen too much?

Praying for your boy and for you


Leeana -- I can't think of what might have happened, but I am praying and hoping 5pm comes fast! The first thing that came to my mind was an allergic reaction (but to what???) only that is just an uneducated guess. The few times I've had to ask for prayers here, my horses tured out to be okay! Are you on the same time zone as the east coast? Jill

We are sending our prayers that Narko will be OK.
Narko is a strong, beautiful young boy!
: He has the strength to handle whatever this is. I just know it! Take a deep breath, keep him calm until the vet gets there and we'll be praying
i would also guess insect bite or allergic reaction to something... do you have benadryl? we were told by our vet that we can use that on horses and dogs and if they need it, it's there to help, and if not, it won't hurt them. just a thought but do check with your vet FIRST!

prayers for your sanity and Narko's complete and speedy recovery!!
Sounds like he's having an allergic reaction to a bite from something!

Make sure he's breathing okay.......listen and watch his breathing. If he's having a problem, you cannot wait for 5 oclock!

Do you have any epinephrin (sp)??? Straight anithistimine - like Benedryl with no additives? If so, call your vet and ask him if it would hurt to give him some.

Please post again.......will be thinking of you!

Check your hay as something (insect) could be in it...does sound like an allergic reaction.....

Forgot to add. Friend in Fla. bought a ton of hay T/A and alot of it had Black Widows in it.....YIKES>>>>>
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Oh sweetie... I am SO sorry ..... :new_shocked:

It sounds to me like he got bit by something as well, spider...? I am sending prayers your way and keep us in the loop, ok?

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
Like the others said, it sounds like some kind of bite..maybe a spider or?

Good luck with him!!!
I didnt think of a spider bite. I'll check him for that in a moment. I just ran down to the barn and got these pictures to give you a better idea. I've posted pictures of him before and he has got a very exotic dishy refined araby (dont know how many other words i can use) head.

This is him 5 minutes ago, This is Cocos/Chiefs halter who have a larger head and its fitting narko, actually the only halter i have that will fit him now. He would normally SWIM in this halter. I had to put it on to check his gums agian. I also felt his throat and down the lower crest and i feel nothing blocking anything in there.


This one shows how swollen his nostrils are and overall face. To me it looks like the swelling is getting worst. I'm worried about his nostrils swelling more, he is breathing okay it looks like but that is one thing i'm worried about.


Also, as you can see his eyes are funky in both those pics, normally he is wide eyed and awake ...there his eyes are nearly closed and he looks very tired. This is not how he is.

Spider bite is very possible, its been cold this past week so the spideys are making their way in the barn.

Another half hour, i'm wondering if Bonnie does emergency readings?

Thank You
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Jill, that was my first thought as well... snake/spider/insect bites or an abcess. Whatever it is, I hope the vet gets there soon and helps you figure it out. The swelling alone would worry me, but the gum color really worries me! At least his breathing is still OK. Prayers coming your way, thanks for keeping us posted. Hang in there, the vet will be there soon.
I had a similar thing happen once, with a mare. She was swollen from one end to the other...even under her tail...what a scarey mess. A shot of antihistimine did the trick. We suspected spider bite as well, but it was never confirmed. I suggest walking him around a bit...he might be in some pain, and tend to get a bit colicy.
I was going to ask my vet on the phone if it could be something along the lines of teeth but would he go from this to that in the time period that he did?

These pics show what his head normally looks like, just for comparison:



Sorry Leeana, I have no advice, but am sending prayers that Narko will be OK and that it will be something that a simple antihistamine can fix. Good luck hon!
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