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[SIZE=12pt]Glad you have a diagnosis - I agree with the others, if it's the shavings, I would get them out asap. No sense in further aggravating him.[/SIZE]

Good luck.

Glad your vet was able to figure it out. And I agree with everyone else, get those shavings out of there now.
Glad the vet got there and hope he's feeling better.

I kinda agree what someone else though who said wouldn't the allergic reaction shown up before now, and even if not, did the vet for sure say it didn't seem like a teeth issue?
Wow! I'm so glad it's something relatively simple. I would get those shavings out of there NOW! From my experience that has been necesary. Even if he has to be on dirt or concrete with no bedding till you can get a different kind.

Bright Reflection was allergic to certain shavings too. I forgot about that. We got down to FtWorth for a show...she was in her stall for about 1 hour when I went to get her to go measure. She was swollen all over! Called the vet out on emergency...he gave her antihistamine, a steroid and I think Banamine??? then stayed with her for an hour as he was concerned about the swelling being internal too and closing off her airway.

I'm sure glad you have this figured out.

We have had very good luck with the cardboard bedding for allergic horses. Bright Reflection was so allergic that just being in the barn with that particular kind of shavings used in other stalls would make her have hives.

Please let us know how your guy is coming along.

I would not have guessed it was the shavings. Hope your beautiful boy returns to normal by

the morning. I have to agree with everyone else - get those shavings out of the stall tonight even

concrete or hay is better than being on something you are allergic too.

I so hope he is alot better soon.

Hope your boy is doing better. I'd sure watch his breathing through the night and be sure the swelling is going down. I had one swell up at a show - actually two different times at the same show barn - the second time he swelled from nose to tail, his ears were even swollen and his breathing was restricted. We got Dexamethasone and benedryl into him, ran cold water on him (it was summer). I've never seen a horse so swollen, and we never knew for sure whether it was the shavings, a spider bite, or most likely, some very strong liniment I used on him. The good news is that he recovered and has not had another episode. Hoping the best for your guy.

if you look at that pic of his head he looks to have swelling right under his bottom jaw. With the fever etc I swear that looks like strangles. A new horse we brought here did this overnight. His entire head swelled even worse then this. The vet came and had to cut open the swelling to get the puss out. After that the swelling immediately went down. Strangles is usually under the jaw but can be more up to the front (which is what mine did) which causes the nose and face to swell. We didnt see it start due to the winter coat.

if it is the shavings i would get them out now not in the morning.

I'm so sorrry to hear about Narko! I hope all goes well! My Old QH's face will swell up if he eats some unknown weed from the pasture, been trying to pin point it for years. It does remind me of an allergic reaction. It is tooo COLD here to be a spider bite, I'd think! And I doubt you have anything to grazing on other than hay, this time of year. Only new thing is the shavings, then thats most likely the culprit I'd expect shavings from 1 farm store to the other to be similiar, guess this is something I'll have to be sure to watch. I sure hope swelling is down in the a.m. !

Try not to stress out to much!! Keep us updated!

Best wishes to you both!!

Oh, yes I very much agree that the shavings have got to be removed right away.

I hope it was just an allergic reaction, but if he's been running a fever, I don't think that an allergy could be all that's going on (?).

How's he doing this morning?
Good Morning

How is your beautiful boy doing this morning???

I hope better. I am worried about the temp too.

Last night i ran out and stripped his stall and went over every thing with a broom to get all the shavings out and put down a layer of straw, we had around 1/2 a bale left luckly but had to dig to find it behind all the hay.

This morning all the swelling has gone down, there is still some poof on the end of his muzzle. Eyes look more 'awake' and he nibbled at his grain most of the night from the looks of it and he ate some more hay. I took his temp and its back to normal agian.

The vet did say he had a slight tempature. Last night i had a talk with Bonnie and i was told to check underneath his muzzle right in that groove and it seems to be extremely swollen in that area and i found a small bumb right there. I couldnt get his head in a position where i could clearly see it in the barn light but this morning i got dads spotlight out of his truck and i think i can see a red mark/bump where she told me is possible he had a spider bite, as that is what it looks like. I'm suprised i hadnt found this yesterday. She was also right on about a couple other things as well

Thank you all soo much for your prayers and information. Dont know what we would do without you all. Your wonderful! :aktion033:

So glad he is doing better this morning - hope he's soon back to his normal self.

You're taking good care of your baby boy
: I'm happy he's doing better this morning! Bacardi sends a whinny out to his nephew :bgrin
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So glad to hear things are getting back to normal this morning, and that you were able to talk to Bonnie about him, very good news.

:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

Leanna, I was thinking spider or snake bite too.

If you have any icthomol, keep some rubbed on that bump that you see on his nose. Icthomol might suck it out.
Oh Leeana I am so glad that Narko is doing better! That must have been so scarry for you!
:aktion033: Wonderful news!!! So glad he is better!!!

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