arrggg, I am so frustrated right now. Ok here is story. Hubby had to go to doctor first thing this morning and of course I had to go to work. Hubby takes first shift with minis with feeding and cleaning poop. He got home a little late, so they were not fed until around 10:30 this morning. He noticed that this mare was laying down in barn and didn't come out to eat. So he got her up and watched her, fed her, she ate, then she layed back down and he said that her flank contracted just like a mares does when in labor. He brought her in, put her in a stall, watched more, she ate her grain, she pooped, she drank, she started eating her hay. Then she layed down and kinda had another contraction. No rolling, he noticed a stream of blood come out of vulva, and some discharge. He called me. Call in to vet, vets office calls back, banamine and see what happens. Didn't talk to vet. Hubby doesn't give shots so I had him give her banamine orally. He called me every 20 minutes with an update. She seemed to start doing better. Off and on she was shivering, but it has been raining here and she was wet. He blanketed her when she was shivering and if she stopped he took it off, so she wouldn't get overheated. She still about every 30 minutes was laying down and acting like contractions, but not for very long. He had to leave for work at 2 so he called me again at work, said she seemed a little better but was still shivering off and on. I left work got home right after he left, took her temp and it was 103.8 so I immediately placed call to vet. Noticed still some discharge and a little straining when she peed, and when she layed down and strained a little several drops of blood came out with a little more discharge. Ok 1 hour passes and vet does not call me back, I call back and they say what she hasn't called you, we will call her again and tell her it is an emergency, they tell me since her temp is high to give her some bute to bring her temp down. Didn't tell me how much or anything, and I know minis and bute, I did give her about 1/10th of a pill, and 2 baby aspirins.
Temp started droping to 102.2 Still wait another hour and finally vet calls back. Says since she is only at the most 3 months along that she wouldn't have contractions at this stage if loosing foal. She shouldn't have any problems aborting and it would be non noticable. She thinks mare is colicy.
Continue to watch and give banamine but try to wait 12 hours. My gut feeling tells me this mare is aborting again. Am I that wrong. She has pooped one more time, she continues to pee but sometimes it seems like she is straining to pee, oh vet said that the blood is probably just dark pee and looks like blood, and sometimes they just have a discharge when colicy.
I just know my horses and this is really irritating me, can I be that totally wrong?
Time will tell I guess, but if anything else happens, a different vet is being called.
Ok need opinions here.