Late November foal, or will she pop in Jan 2008??

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Hi Kylie

Hows Rayne going?


Hi Karen... she's not going, lol.

Still no foal.

I turned her out in the big paddock for the day yesty, so she go for a hoon about but she didnt, head down & eating the whole time!

So reckon it'll be a Jan foal, even thought thats 8 wks away? Lol.

Mares hey!

I know how you are feeling.. I bought a mare several months ago and the seller told me she was due late October or later -- she turned her out with the stud in November and saw the stud breed her and then stopped watching basically and he ran with her all winter and into the spring as well -- she is HUGE -- I mean huge but no bag hardley at all so I have no idea when to expect a foal. So I just keep checking her each day to look for changes... It is getting old though -- I figure she is as sick of me touching her bag and looking her over as I am of going out there in the cold to do it -- haha
So hopefully we will both luck out and get fillies (any healthy foal is ok actually) soon...

I have been following your post from the beginning and cant wait till she foals for sure though -- I bet the foal will be a real looker with a momma like that...
Kylie, now her bag is starting to look more like it but still I say CHRISTMAS BABY!!!!

No way will she hold off till end of January as you mentioned in an early post
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Kylie, now her bag is starting to look more like it but still I say CHRISTMAS BABY!!!!

No way will she hold off till end of January as you mentioned in an early post

Lol, so its going to be either a very late foal or a very early foal!

Both EDD are 21st Nov & 26th Jan.... so she's going to make me wait isnt she & then i'll have to DNA, thanks Rayne!

Cheers Danielle.
She's surely got to have it soon! Look at the shape on her! Quite apart from that I need to stop this morning rush to my computor to check up on her progress LOL!!

Here at my stud we have a 'saying' - squeeze their heads and maybe it will pop out the other end!! Or we walk around with a huge pin in our hands and tell them that we have a way of sorting it out for them if they dont hurry up LOL!! Of course we dont mean it and the mares take absolutely no notice of us, but it makes us feel better!

I would guess that she will foal in the next week, or even before that?? Probably wrong tho!

I would guess sometime in Dec. She sure looks close. good luck.

can't wait to see her foal.
Going by your last pic post Im going to bet she will pop before the end of next week (hopefully, LOL)

Her bag is starting look good too

You poor thing, this must be making you crazy.

We are all excited here, checking on you everyday



Well i couldnt post yesty, got home yesty noon to no power, checked meter box, fuses all ok.

Called Western power, no blackouts in York so Ray goes outside & yells for my help to get ther kids inside (thinking snake as you do.....).

There was a livewire down in Rayne's yard , the wire that goes from the lines to the house had snapped in half, covering 3/4 of Rayne's yard..... i thank christ that it didnt land on her, or she didnt touch it, *phew*!!!!

Kids inside, catch Rayne whom luckily stood still as she normally walks off, moved her & put her in with Jai & Angel.

Call Western Power (at this stage it was 1pm)..... we called them 6 times till they EVENTUALLY came out at 6.30pm!! :arg!

Turn our power off & say they'll hopefully have someone out later to reattach wire etc. Bullsh1t!

Now, at this stage the kids had had enough & were grumpy & it was too cool outside to play after being locked inside all arvo!!

We had 3 candles, try getting around a dark house with grumpy kids, tea by candlelight is NOT romantic!!

Anyway, getting ready this morn at 4am in the dark is great, its amazing the amount of toys you trip over, bloody $80 Transformer toy was trodden on at least 12 times, he's not broken yet!

I called Ray at show & he said Western Power rocked & power all done & going at 10am.

Yep, so more than 12 hours without power, big grocery shop on Thurs so we are making a claim.... lost me icecream, lol.

So i figured, lastnight without the foaling alarm on, she'd foaled, pffttttt not at all.

Yep, im still waiting.
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Geez by the look of that belly she looks ready to go!

What color is her milk? Is kinda sicky and syrupy? Is her bag tight?

Are her pelvic muscles and tailhead region relaxed? (poke the tailhead area (see the wiggle and flabbyness) or grab her tail and see how easily you can move it (granted she is okay with you doing that)

Good Luck!
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Geez by the look of that belly she looks ready to go!

What color is her milk? Is kinda sicky and syrupy? Is her bag tight?

Are her pelvic muscles and tailhead region relaxed? (poke the tailhead area (see the wiggle and flabbyness) or grab her tail and see how easily you can move it (granted she is okay with you doing that)

Good Luck!

Ok, her milk is still a cloudy colour, not sticky/syrupy.

It was salty to taste last week, but not as salty atm.

Her bag isnt really tight.... she is rather squishy around her tailhead, so i'd say yes she's relaxed in that area.

Other than that, nothing else thats changed! Lol.
She looks like my mare did. Almost have to put a wagon under the belly to hold it up. Poor thing.

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