It past time for horse slaughter to end

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Horses exported to Mexico 06 AL_LS635

Las Cruces, NM Thu, Feb 16, 2006 USDA Market News

US to Mexico Weekly Livestock Export Summary

Current Previous Current Previous

Week Week Y-T-D Y-T-D*

Species 2/11/2006 2/4/2006

Beef Cattle

Slaughter 0 0 0 0

Breeding Males 0 0 0 0

Breeding Females 0 0 0 0

Total Beef Cattle 0 0 0 0


Slaughter 11,722 6,566 51,704 23,204

Breeding Males 0 0 2 20

Breeding Females 0 185 394 1,072

Total Hogs 11,722 6,751 52,100 24,296


Slaughter Lambs 0 0 244 0

Slaughter Ewes 2,629 300 10,707 9,009

Breeding Males 0 0 0 0

Breeding Females 0 0 0 0

Total Sheep 2,629 300 10,951 9,009

Dairy Cattle

Breeding Males 0 0 0 0

Breeding Females 0 0 0 0

Total Dairy Cattle 0 0 0 0


Angora 50 0 200 0

Spanish 0 0 0 0

Other 0 0 0 0

Total Goats 50 0 200 0


Slaughter 132 116 1,010 665

Breeding Males 4 27 73 90

Breeding Females 4 75 120 180

Geldings 31 37 194 7

Burro/Mule/Pony 0 2 2 0

Total Horses 171 257 1,399 942

Exotics 0 0 0 0

Grand Total All Species 14,572 7,308 64,650 34,247

Source: USDA Market News Service, Las Cruces, NM

John Langenegger, OIC (505) 527-6861 FAX (505) 527-6868

0735M AP
Thank you thank you at that rate with the current year to date being only 1010 divide by 6 weeks then multiply by 52 and your annual total is oh look ONLY 8753............huge huge difference from the 60,000 that keeps being touted...... as I said get you 9.5 million supporters to each buy 1 and the problem would be solved as there would be no horses left for salughter
runamuk.... I can back up what I say . How many horses have you sent to slaughter personally? Gypsyheart
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I believe all people have a duty to stand up for what they think is just and right. The horse slaughter industry is not HUMANE........ To turn away from evil and pretend it does not exhist is dangerous for the very soul of this nation . Contrary to what is stated by some in this thread , The majority of slaughter bound horses are NOT CULLS !!!!!..... Instead they are young & healthy. The horses I witnessed at the feedlot were GREAT-LOOKING !!!!!!! Sadly they they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know many of you that are reading this thread wish to stop horse slaughter. You will find great links I provided to help you with this. Call,write or fax your rep,your senators,your governors. You can make a difference. Gypsyheart
When I get menopausal, I hope to God Premarin is still available.

If you want it so and all the other selfish people that would put an animal thru suffering just to benefit themselves and to save a few dollars should just drink your OWN horses urine!!!!
WRONG. Most of the myths you read about PMU ranches are CRAP. They also police themselves very well. I used to go on rounds with a vet - we stopped in unannounced at PMU farms for inspections (as is required for all ranches) ... where mares clamoured to get back inside from their turnouts (yes - they had regular turnout) ... where no mares were

So you think that you know more going around ONE AREA with ONE VET about premarin mares than organizations that are trying to do something to stop cruelty???? Wow!
HALLOOOO!! can anyone hear me/us???

Without an alternative- which you patently do not have- to close the slaughterhouses will cause MORE abuse Gypsyheart- you are not a member of Peta by any chance, are you?????

Slaney, might I suggest that attacking people on a personal level is not a very mature way to get your view across????

This has already been suggested to Leeanna, and she is seventeen!!!
runamuk.... I can back up what I say . How many horses have you sent to slaughter personally? Gypsyheart
I have never sent a single horse to slaughter and have rescued or been involved in the rescue of upwards of 20 destined for the kill gypsy how many have you sent away and how many have you saved?

My issue is with scewed statistics and outright propaganda ..... I prefer the facts...I have seen firsthand slaughter facilities that dealt with horses and I have seen the feedlots...none ever even remotely resembled the complete BS most of those links show..........If you want to rally people for a cause I feel it is better to rally them with truth and honesty and to have a real plan.....banning slaughter will not stop the glut of unwanted horses on the market.........those horses will all still be there so what are you going to do with them?? Where is your contingency plan for the day after the slaughter facilities shut down?? these are the more important issues stopping the inhumane treatment, preventing indiscriminate breeding, and slowing down the number of unwanted/culls going into the system.......if you can solve those issues I will back the banning of slaughter but until will be doing more harm than good.

I`d be interested to know that do seem very defensive about this it your living???
WOW I have been personally attacked...woohoo ...hey everyone it finally happened :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: I have been a member of this forum since it's inception and have NEVER managed to be attacked ......records are made to be broken

please see my response to gypsy............I prefer fact and reality to lies and propaganda has nothing to do with whether I personally oppose or support slaughter
Wow I wasn't planning on getting invovled in this one because it's always so rediculous but I thought I'd add a few comments. Also just to note I've only read a few posts on this topic.

Firstly I'm not a PETA member or supporter I'm very much against PETA.

Secondly...whoever said this "When I get menopausal, I hope to God Premarin is still available." is absolutely rediculous in my opinion. Have you never even looked into the alternative methods? I know quite a long list of women who are using the plant/herbal methods rather than getting into that premarin rubbish. They are doing amazing, if not better than the ladies who use premarin.

Up here most of the PMU farms are wonderful farms. The farmers are very dedicated to their horses and now are breeding sporting type horses or other specialized horses so the offspring will have a better chance of being sold to good homes rather than heading to slaughter. I know quite a lot of PMU foals and they're all so fabulous. The mares unfortunetly have to endure some time in a confined area and some farms respect their exercise rules and some dont. But from what I've heard from rescue groups as well as other dedicated horse people these farmers treat their horses wonderfully and to the best of their abilities. But there are always going to be bad apples. That being said I've also heard awful things...but I take EVERYTHING I heard/read with a grain of salt. The industry has had a major downfall within the past few years due to the realization that premarin isn't good for you. With the taking of premarin your risk of stroke, a heart attack, blood clots, and breast cancer go up a heck of a lot.

I've only read the past few posts by Runamuk but I'm agreeing with her so far! Anyone who thinks horse slaughter should be completely banned isn't thinking about THE WHOLE PICTURE. If you ban horse slaughter where are all the thousands of excess horses going to go? Will they stay in peoples backyards to wither away slowly and die long hard painful deaths? YES, it's likely that would happen. Who are we to say that we shouldn't eat horses when we eat cattle or pigs(which by the way is one of the DIRTIEST meats...what with all it's worms and larva in it...even if you cook it
? In my opinion horse slaughter needs to continue otherwise there would be so many big problems that would arise and at the moment I can't think of a way to solve those problems. It's possible that after maybe thirty or so years (although probably a bit more) the problems would level themselves out...but horses are not wild animals they are domestic animals which makes this even more of a problem. These horses do need to be killed humanely and be kept in good conditions. They have the right to live wonderful lives, even if it will be shortlived.

That reminds me, that I also believe animals are much more superior to humans and deserve the same rights as humans. They deserve teh right to not be eaten....but at the same time the world is always going to be eating meat...Oh begger I don't know where I'm going with this at all. I'll return to this later.
QUOTEHow about getting your 9.5 million supporters and having each of them buy 1 horse out of this system? that would take care of all the horses going to slaughter for the next 5-6 years if there are no horses to buy for slaughter then there is no need for slaughter plants now is there

Tee Hee that would never happen. People can gripe and make some one else pay to clean up messes but can not do much them selves.

I do not like horse slaughter. But some things are nessacery! There is not much I can do about it. Sure I can gripe, bitch and complain with the best of yous but what happens when slaughter is no more? I have rescued several horses from the slaughter pens my self. Most of which I have re homed. All were very nice horses. Seems 50/50 to me. Sum horses are something people will want and were just wrong place wrong time & if we can help them, great but sum are in deed un wanted animals and where would they go? The handling and care given to the animals before they are brought to be killed is what we should go after. That can and should change and it would be fore the better.

PMU now thats another story Unessacery and cruel.
:aktion033: I couldnt have said it any better, either!!!

I wish less horses went to slaughter as many are not un wanted like some have said. But the real thing is how they are treated. There should be a way to buy horses from feed lots or before they are slaughtered to. I dont see what stopping slaughter all together will do other then cause a mess.

Gypsey and others - What will happen to the horses when there is no more slaughter?! Im curious!
Again the answer seems simple enough... DONT BREED or breed MUCH LESS we all like to think our breeding program is SO MUCH better then the next guy, maybe cause our horses have color, or have won a few ribbons or or or.... but bottom line if you have or will breed you are contributing in your own way to slaughter.

I have been to feed lots and gotten horses from there and your right there are some amazing horses that end up there, and it is very sad and the PMU farms arent just about how the horses are treated the mares but the mass production of foals.

Again we can believe there is a market for them but unless you track the foals from birth to natural death no one has any idea what numbers truly end up in the kill pens of any breed including our minis

This whole thing is a sad reality
Runamuk...I wasnt attacking you at all!! I just wondered as you seem so sure that you have the facts and gypsyheart doesnt ....if this is because it was your job or something!! Why do you call it propaganda and why do you think you have the facts and none of the groups/people do?? Just a question.
Runamuck... I have found over the years that those who are most opposed to the stopping of horse slaughter are those most intimately involved with it. I would not sit down and break bread with a killer nor allow them on my place. I have never -ever sent any horse to slaughter either by direct or indirect means. I have in my rescue, a pmu belgian,an arabian, a mini, a mini donkey. Times change... In all of this discussion where is the mention of the owner-breeder's responsibilties ? When slaughter becomes illegal then it beomes each owner's rightful duty to put their horse down humanely. I put the responsibility back into the rightful place The owner-breeder. Gypsy
I`d be interested to know that do seem very defensive about this it your living???

As a member of this wonderful Forum, I take issue with this inappropriate or ANY PERSONAL ATTACK.

There are rules against such behavior on this Forum. Such public posts should not be tolerated....even in half the dose meeted out to Runamuk.

That said, I'm sure folks will understand if Mary Lou or other Monitors make a decision to close or, preferably, delete this thread in its entirety.

REMEMBER, THIS FORUM IS HERE AT THE BEHEST OF IT'S OWNER, MARY LOU. If folks continue to post personal barbs I wouldn't blame her for shutting this down.

SUGGESTION: Individuals with an uncontrollable COMPULSION TO PERSONALLY ATTACK another forum member, PLEASE PM. Frankly, a majority of the members have grown weary of this behavior.

We can disagree, agreeably.
Canada does not have ALL the PMU farms there are some in Minn and quite a few in South Dakota as well and I am sure there are more around the USA also~!!
I think im going to just stay out of these discussions, i see both sides here and right now im about as confused as i can get.


I dont think i make any personal attacks ..i merely stick up for myself as any human (including yourself) would do. This is mostly a opinion based forum, if everyone can share there opinions i beleive that i have a right to as well. If someone asks my opinion they will get it.

There is a difference between sticking up for yourself/What you beleive in & Personal attacks though ...

What I see are some opinions that are being supported by misinformation and naive emotions. There are plenty of laws already in existence to prevent the perceived problems now were they enforced. Creating new laws is not going to alter the fate of these animals one way or the other. Personal attacks on forum members is not going to further a cause or create support where little exists. One of the causes I used to support financially no longer receives support from me since they adopted radical ideas. Let them find support from people who voice opinions but have little to contribute. Just my .02 cents worth.

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