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:aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: He's Walking and swimming!!! Still VERY unsteady but I'm sure he'll be ok! I'm so happy!! After I lost my Dad we had a puppy at work that I put everything I had into even bringing her home at night to be sure she got her meds and fluids and long stroy short she didn't make it. I really needed this. Here is a video of Critter(Jasper)taking his bath and swimming. Well shoot I was going to post a video but photo bucket and I are having a MAJOR disagreement. If anyone cares to explain how to post a video I will. I'm good with posting pics but this video stuff is all new to me and you have to have a engineering degree to figure out the directions that came with the darn video camera. Anyway Critter is doing much better then I thought he would.

Oh by the way thank you all for your kind words, prayers and well wishes I'm sure they have helped him and certainly have helped me, and Dimimore any insight you want to give is VERY much appreciated so I'm listening if you have anything else you want to tell me about him. JumpinJackFarm his pic is on page one.
[SIZE=12pt]Critter is one lucky dude!
: I'm glad to know there are other people out there that will stop and rescue anything that needs
: I have raised a few animals for wildlife rescue myself and I love doing it. The baby opposums were my favorite. Sounds like you are doing a great job with him. Glad to hear the progress tonight! Shannon
Jess, he feels better and better. his vision is clearing (bright light still hurts a bit but he's a smart boy and keeps his eyes squinty when needed), his pain is much better and his right shoulder is still bruised but healing very quickly. He feels very content but he wants a bird.....He is very intent on bird :new_shocked: you may want to try a bit of raw fish for him. I so admire your devotion. I think God knows when we need a little something to help us by helping another. Keep us up to date. I think by Monday, if not before, a litter box will be ok, I would use sawdust/shavings or even sand, but not kitty litter. I am looking forward to seeing a new pic of him. Minks are funny soft soft things. I envy you're feeling him. :aktion033:
He is doing so good it amazes me. I gave him a litter box but he's a little backwards, sleeps in his litter box and goes to the bathroom on his blankies. Funny little guy. I gave him his bath and swim time tonight and then let him run around the bathroom while I took my bath and he was scooting all over the rugs and his towel drying off and going crazy just like my dogs do after a bath. Then when I got out of the tub he was rubbing himself against my legs like a cat does. I'd say hes about 75% better and even so he loves to cuddle and is very affectionate. We're going to make him an outdoor pen here as where he came from is near a pretty busy road and we're pretty rural out here and all the property around here is posted. I'd hate for him to be trapped or run over again. After a few weeks we'll open the door to his pen and he can come and go as he wants and we'll continue to put food out for him as long as he sticks around here. We have several small brooks and a stream on our property and the backside of our property has a pond and marsh. I think he should adjust fine. When I let him run around the house he follows me around like a dog does. He's curled up sleeping in my lap right now. I put him in his crate and he kept scratching at the door until I went and picked him up. For a wild animal he is very demanding about getting his fair share of affection and cuddle time. He'll lay on the couch at night with Bryan and I when we're watching tv and was even curled up in front of the woodstove today with Poncho My big Male boxer who is about 95 pounds. Here are some pics of him from today. He's hard to get good pictures of because he is so dark. Dimimore he is so very soft. I'm glad he loves to cuddle becuase I could just pet him for hours on end. I really do believe animals know when your trying to help them and that's why he is still so loving and easy to handle. If anyone didn't know better they'd think he was just a very weird colored ferret when they walked through the door. Bryan wanted to put in a cat door for him when he's better. I told him that might be a little much. God knows what he'd bring in with him from his hunting trips.




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He says, Hi, my name is Martin
: He really likes it there and is perfectly happy to have you as his handmaiden. Try giving him a closed cardboard box to sleep in. Remember minks are tunnel animals and like closed spaces, but laps are MUCH nicer. Perhaps line the box with a tshirt you have worn. I am very impressed with him and you!
If anyone didn't know better they'd think he was just a very weird colored ferret when they walked through the door.
Awesome post... hope he continues to make it!

Back in the 80s I worked for a veterinarian in CT and they did a lot of wildlife work. I nursed many a baby raccoon, woodchuck, possum and rabbit... and sat in on a surgery to try to save a swan that was hit in the head by a BB but she had to be put down... :no:

A girl came in with what she thought was a ferret... she said "This ferret got hit by a car."

The veterinarian laughed as it was a young mink... he ended up getting treated and going to the wildlife rehabilitators in the area and was released.

Good luck with the little critter!


Silversong Farm
The little guy is doing really good. Went to the bait shop and got him some live minnows. I put them in the bathtub when it was his bath time. Did he ever have fun catching and eating them. I felt awful for the minnows but I need to be sure he can catch his own food still. He seemed to enjoy them so it's off to the bait shop again tomorrow. He loves tuna fish but isn't too keen on salmon. He is too funny to watch. He has quite the personality.
PLEASE do not release him.

He will settle quickly in captivity- I have lost the heads alone off thirty chickens in the time it takes to run across a field- that was a mink.

I am sure he is cute- I would rather watch this particular "cute" form the other side of a set of bars, and you have removed his fear of humans so he will likely get shot or trapped anyway.

I know the first instinct is to help, and I guess I might be the same- I guess
you may truly want to check your laws before keeping this weasle or NY wildlife! Many many states have very stiff fines and penalties for keeping wild animals (even if only to help them) and if they are found in captivity they will usually euthanize them because they are considered too domestic to release! If he's catching his own food and whatnot, i'd advise to set him free again as soon as he's fit enough to. If he likes you guys he'll still stick around! Weasles are very smart animals i used to own several ferrets and they are a lot like cats but much more social and are very trainable. He is definatly a male right? If not you would NOT want to keep a female because if they are like other types of weasles they will die if they come into heat and are not bred. If it were a female you'd have to get it spayed.



Well I took Critter to the vet office I work at today and he got his rabies shot and a clean bill of health other then some very slight nerve damage that may or may not get better in time. He will stay here in the mean time and then be released if he improves enough and if he chooses to go. We'll continue to feed him if he is able to be released in hopes that he sticks around here so we can keep an eye on him. My vet issued a statement to me in case I have any issues stating that I work for her and am rehabing him for the clinic I work for so I won't run into any issues as far as having him here. We have our land posted and all the land around us is state land. We live in the adirondacks so it's pretty protected and I won't have to worry about him being trapped and getting into trouble if he is able to be released. He was quite happy today as he got to have a feast of frozen road killed squirrel that Bryan stopped and picked up for him. He loved that but still prefers his meals that I fix for him. Still loves his baths and catching minnows in the tub. He's doing really well and I'm very happy that I was able to help him recover to the point where I know he'll survive and live an as normal life as possible depending on his continuing recovery. Thank you to everyone who has offered support and well wishes as they are appriecated.

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