I would like to ask a religous ?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2003
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I am just wondering if you have ever lost or waivered in your faith? If you have, how did you get it back? I am feeling a little lost and uncertain at the moment when it comes to God. Nothing major has happened to make me feel this way, I do not know know why I feel this way.
Well I think questioning ones faith is important. Blindly following the dictates of someone else can be dangerous. My personal belief is we each need to develop our faith in our own way even if it goes against our upbringing. Faith comes in many forms and there are many paths to faith. I don't feel it is what you believe so much as believing in something that is important.
runamuk's right on.

My PERSONAL beliefs came about as a result of a long string of betrayals and contradictions in this matter. I believe organized religion is a WRONG choice no matter what as there is no way one answer can be right for any group of people, whether it be a family or a nation, or just a large number of people. These groups are used ruthlessly by politicians and greedy individuals to steal, cheat and murder. It is horrible to me and it goes against what the principles of "faith" would lead one to understand.

It is a personal belief, or set of beliefs, and mine are such that there is no "god" type person controlling anything nor waiting for us all to "join up" or whatever, but that we as human beings on this planet, are responsible for OUR OWN behavior and we need to grow up and act like it and stop using excuses and crutches to get by. I am not perfect, but I don't think any of us expect everyone to BE perfect, we just need to treat others the way we would want to be treated (I do darn well believe in that golden rule).

There are a lot of good principles and factors of religion and the publications coming from such, but there is so much bad that it makes it distasteful to me. Look at all the forms and interpretations, basically if you wanted to eat cheese for breakfast and that was your major difference, you could find some passage in the bible or other publication that said that god wanted all people to eat cheese for breakfast (just being ridiculously hypothetical here) and base a religion thus. Look at Scientology...it is embarassingly based on a science fiction novel/concept and admittedly so if you look at L. Ron Hubbard's history, he bragged about doing what he's done with that.

People NEED something in their lives, something to believe in and I dont' begrudge that. It's when it gets out of control in that they want to control OTHER people's lives, judge them for it, or excuse this or that that I take issue with it. For example, there is a woman here that has the worst things happen to her, but I am convinced it is because she is a "victim" and she says "Oh well, god wanted that to happen." and she never actively DOES anything to fix it or to make things better. Her daughter is out of control and in a horrible way but god wanted it that way, it wasn't that SHE needed to change or to help her daughter, etc. she just "gave it to god" that is a sin to me. That girl needed counselling and she needed medical help, etc. Nope, "god" was going to fix it all and now that she is a disabled adult, well, it's because god wanted it that way. The other is that people put their heads in the sand and refuse to learn and understand our own world b/c it goes against religious principles (such as evolution for example). What god would not want a person to understand how their world came to be what it is and so they could better understand where it's headed also what more of a miracle IS the evolutionary/adaptive process which has brought us to this place in time right here? For those of you that don't believe in evolution, guess what, we've enacted it right here in our herds of Miniature Horses....look at what we've changed and "set" against nature perhaps but proof that it happens.

Meh sorry about the soap box. I think you need to probably take a step back and find your own way in this one. It does not make it any easier to accept the unfair if you have "no" religion, but it's just as easy to me to say it was "random" than that god pointed his finger and said, "your turn for a bad ride" and in some cases it happens over and over again.

My best wishes to you and I'm sorry you're having a rough patch. The one thing I think that is good/works about organized religion is the community of people that gather. THAT is not wrong. As long as they're not taking money for ill purposes, well, they are right on the money to gather and support each other in difficult times. You might contact someone within your church and tell them you're having a tough time. Or find anyone to talk to. It will help to have a hug and some time to hang out with someone who understands.

Liz M.
I think Runamuk and Liz expressed it very much like I feel about religoin and God. There definitely would not have been as many wars in this world had it not been for organized religious beliefs getting in the way of good common sense. I too belive in the Golden Rule and being responsible for my own actions. God may allow all things to be but we have a choice in how we deal with it. JMHO Mary
well i lost my way and still am lost lol.......ive too many questions that need an answer, i dont practice any religion, but i do lead my life as best as possible, ive never really thought about religion much, in the last ten years, i have friends from all sides and ive never thought about asking there faith, but i do respect it when i know
Since no one has spoken up for the Christian and God "side", I guess I'll go first. We're in a drought here so please don't flame me. I don't really want to start a fire :bgrin

Ok, the question (as I understand it) wasn't about organized religion and what you do or don't believe. It seems to me that Bcody is asking if you've ever "backslid" in your faith. I've always believed in God, but I haven't been a Christian except for about the last 5 years or so. I pray that I never backslide and turn away from God. But if I do, I know that He will accept me back and forgive me for my sins.

Bcody, I think there are "backsliders" in everything, not just faith. You've surely heard the term "falling off the wagon" when referring to gambling or drinking, and this is almost the same thing. I think that everyone comes to a point in their lives when they step back and rethink things. If you believe in God, then you have to believe in Satan. I believe that satan has a "bag of tricks" that he uses against us to try and make us fall on our faces in our Christian beliefs. You have to guard yourself against these tricks and learn to recognize them for what they are.

However, some people decide that God and Christianity just aren't for them. Do I agree with them? Absolutely not. But I'm sure that some don't agree with my way of life, either. I just pray for them the best that I can. I'm sure that some wouldn't like that people actually pray to God on their behalf, but that's just tough :bgrin

I'll leave this alone now, for I fear that it may get ugly. Faith is something that's been attacked and fought about for thousands of years and I don't see it stopping until the end. That's ok, I suppose. If no one bashes me in public, I won't bash them.
Sit tight, ask for help- it does not matter a fig to God if you lose your faith in Him, He will always believe in you so just you take your time.

In your own time, you will find Him again.

I think we have all been there, at some time or other.

If yo find your way back into organised religion, well then God Bless you, that is what is right for YOU, and that is what matters here, not the fact that this is not right for me.

In your own time, Sweetie....
I never have tried to dissuade anyone from having Faith.

I have faith. I just don't have faith in anything so fallible as one person's interpretation of something written by a human (ultimately this is true). I don't have faith in things that steal from weak or disadvantaged and give to rich and advantaged, as well as give people the basis for misgivings and bad choices because it "works" for a large group of people.

What works for one person may not work for another and it's likely to be true.

There is no right answer and I would not condemn anyone for their beliefs just the same as you would not condemn a child because they don't know better, or a pet because they were not trained. I am not saying I feel like I am "better" just have a different attitude.

So much of religion ends up being elitist and judgmental, and is the basis of much bad feeling and even murder/wars. If it is to end, we know our responsibilities as humans are treat each other RIGHT, and there is the reward for a life well-lived is the respect, love, and caring of other humans. It can't be wrong to think and live this way and if there IS a god who would withhold some reward for someone who lived this way but didn't believe in a particular deity, well, I have no use for them anyway and I will roast in whereever it is people like me go (which I don't believe in either, as in the he-ll we create we are living whether we realize it or not). I believe every human, animal, plant and organism experiences the same fate upon the failing of our body to sustain life. If someone were to judge us otherwise as a mere human, then they themselves need to question THEIR understanding of their "loving god."

Faith is not necessarily defined as religious to me. It is faith in something you believe in, whatever it is and it IS a necessary feature of life. I am not fighting or trying to get "ugly" with anyone, as this topic is one that is not worth causing pain to anyone over, there is enough of it going on in the world as it is (pain caused by religious causes trying to force their beliefs on others).

The way to find your faith again is to look at the most basic value of your life and those that you love and that love and need you. It will be there for you again. I know you said nothing happened to make this come about, but I think all people question this from time to time. Again, I urge you to find like-minded people that you love and trust and discuss with them, lean on them as you need. I bet you'll find more than a little faith there, too.


(who never feels badly that anyone might pray for me, rather I am honored that they thought that much of me, and I appreciate the thought greatly).
Thank you for all your responses, and for being civil. I realize this could be a hot topic, but felt we can also all be adults. I have read the responses and it gives me comfort, and hope. I believe everyone has different beliefs and practice for faith, even people within the same religion have a different degree of practice/faith. I am not judgmental on anyone for their religious thoughts, it only matters, to me, how they live and treat others.

Liz, thank you. "(The way to find your faith again is to look at the most basic value of your life and those that you love and that love and need you. It will be there for you again. I know you said nothing happened to make this come about, but I think all people question this from time to time. Again, I urge you to find like-minded people that you love and trust and discuss with them, lean on them as you need. I bet you'll find more than a little faith there, too.)" This is very good advice.

Thank you all for the support, and lack of flames, I will give it some time and beleive that it will work. I am a big believer in the energy you put out is the energy you get back.

Thanks again.
The renewal of your spirit and your beliefs will come in a way unique to you, whether it be through religion per se or events and inspirations that resonate within you. As Jane said, it will happen in its own time, in its own way.

I am deeply inspired when I see and hear of people who have suffered tremendous abuse, yet are amongst the most loving and giving peope I could ever hope to meet. The same is true with how abused animals find it in their souls to forgive and once again love.

The strength and resilience of the soul speaks to me of the power of faith, no matter what one's beliefs.
I'm glad you found some comfort here, that's what it's all about; we're all in this together and we need to be there or each other regardless. I have found some very supportive and loving friends in all walks of life, and some very unexpected ones, so it never pays to judge anyone based on anything external, including what they do or don't believe, because a person's faith becomes apparent as you witness them withstanding difficulty. It may also unexpectedly become a resource you yourself will draw upon.

My grandmother was not "religious" and yet she had a great deal of strength and faith. I draw much faith from her spirit. She wanted so much to believe in a reward for living her life with integrity (she was basically a single mom, her husband was very ill/disabled and she had to work and care for two young boys in a time when women got paid zilch for working, she also didn't drive a car and had to walk and ride the bus to do all this), that she chose a quote for her headstone, "Now enter unto the joys of thy lord, thou good and faithful servant." (may not be exactly as it is) and her explanation was not "THE" lord, but "A" lord, your own personal belief and this reward was what living a good life was about, not in merely waiting for it, living it.

That she did. Faith is something that is tested by its very nature, and more so in adversity. I would be willing to bet that you are a very deeply faithful person no matter how it waxes and wanes.

Some of the people I rely on the most don't spend much time in a church, reading the bible or listening to any type of preaching...they live a good life and do things for others that often noone ever finds out about, the kind of good they in their hearts know, and breeds more good, ultimately. I like these kinds of things...happy secrets.



"The strength and resilience of the soul speaks to me of the power of faith, no matter what one's beliefs. "

Again susanne scores a home-run w/her summation. Very true and perfectly apt.
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Ummm...staying civil and not flaming BUT...I have no faith in Jesus, I am not a Christian.

I shall NOT go to heck because of it, I just do not believe my salvation lies in Jesus, and I never shall.

I have not dropped off the planet yet, and I believe no less strongly in God for it.

Sorry, needed to get that off my chest as I know a few of us here are no Christians, either.
Ummm...staying civil and not flaming BUT...I have no faith in Jesus, I am not a Christian.I shall NOT go to heck because of it, I just do not believe my salvation lies in Jesus, and I never shall.

I have not dropped off the planet yet, and I believe no less strongly in God for it.

Sorry, needed to get that off my chest as I know a few of us here are no Christians, either.
Well, we're pretty much on the same page.

Liz M.
yea we all have im sure. I dont consider myself as being religous. I dont even know if there is a god. there may be nothing after this life. It is all a matter of what keeps you going. I live by the golden rule . treat others as I want to be treated. I do the best I can to be the best person I can. if there is a god then that should be enough in his eyes
[SIZE=14pt]There have been lots of times in my life when I got in the way of my faith. Jesus was always there to speak on my behalf..... God looks at us thru the covering of Jesus because He knew that on our own we couldnt keep our faith. Breathe deep....... think of times in your life when you knew you werent making it on your own. Even great fathers of Faith in the Bible, Moses, David, and others who wondered sometimes if God was really there....and then God prooved that He was still there..... even the apostle Peter, who lived with the Lord and followed his teachings denied him 3 times but regained his faith. You might feel lost but Jesus will find you.... in the parable of the shepherd and the lost lamb he left the 99 to go look for that one. I will pray for you to find your way back. God isnt hiding He is always right there.[/SIZE]

I ditto Jane (RabbitFizz's) first post.........Don't worry. God (or Jesus) hasn't gone anywhere. The question is in YOU and in YOUR HEART.

I think it's normal for many to question either their faith or their religious upbringing. In time you will find what is right for YOU.

MY belief is that God (or Jesus) are not judgemental with love -- only humans are.

I happen to believe in God and that God sent Jesus to earth to show us a Path -- an easier Path for our Souls on earth on how to get closer to Him. I also believe there are other paths humans can take, but Jesus did a very good job at spelling things out simply for the "common folk".
: Jesus showed and taught many many things about faith and our own Spiritual Power -- much of which is either buried in the current Bible or was editted from original scripture, so it can only be found with some research.

So, don't say you have "lost your faith"......consider it a LEARNING CURVE. Don't be afraid to read and research about the Bible.....including the books of the Bible that were tossed out over the years by us Humans. Then, in the end......always listen to YOUR HEART for what is right for YOU.

When you do find what is right, you will know.......because you will be at peace within yourSELF.

Hope what I've posted make some sense........

I live by the golden rule . treat others as I want to be treated. I do the best I can to be the best person I can. if there is a god then that should be enough in his eyes

And MA, what you posted makes perfect sense to anyone, I would think, with a conscience.

The sad thing to me is that there is sometimes a very blurry and wide "line" between faith and becoming overzealous/mentally ill, obsessed even. Therein lies a HUGE problem in that we end up with terrible injustice.

And MA, what you posted makes perfect sense to anyone, I would think, with a conscience.

The sad thing to me is that there is sometimes a very blurry and wide "line" between faith and becoming overzealous/mentally ill, obsessed even. Therein lies a HUGE problem in that we end up with terrible injustice.


We live in a world of choices. Nothing is spelled out in black or white, because of that. I think God intended us to have our choices for Soul Growth. Unfortunately it also means we are witness (and victims) to a lot of stupidity and pain caused by others.

In the end all any of us have IS faith and how WE deal with the injustices from others........

I am also a beleiver in the golden rule. As long as you try your best day in and day out and do what is right you will be ok.

I dont belive in god, but have several friends that are very religious. I respect them the same as they respect me. As long as you dont push it on me, I wont push my non beleiveing on you. That said anybody that wants can pray for me but I can assure you you are wasting your time.

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