Hybrid -HyBred?????

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2004
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What do you think of this?

I have finally come up with a name that I like for my B horses. I have always kind of resented the over 34 inch horses being called B’s or Overs. I don’t know why, but to me it has always denoted second class.

But anyway I am forever after going to call my formally B horses Hybreds. Kind of a take off of the new cars. I know that they spell it Hybrid. How do you think I should spell it? Hibreds or hybred. What do you think of my idea? I know it is not official, but I can call them anything I want and if I say it enough times, things have a way of catching on.

Boy I can see the fun advertizing this. Hibred vigor. Bred to a litte higher standard. It could go on forever.

I feel an ad coming on.
Clever girl Renee -- I like the new designation!
I have always felt that designating them as "B" or "Over" was somehow insuating that "they weren't worthy" - nothing farther from the truth!

You go Girl -- I personally like the Hy-Bred for a tag.

Ok I am having a serious Deja-vue I could swear I just saw some horses advertised like this I don't remember where or who in fact maybe it was you LOL
I only have a couple B's, but I love "big" minis. To my way of thinking, I'd rather be over than under as far as word connotations
Call them whatever you want, your horses are outstanding
I really don't see what's wrong with calling them what they are since no matter what you call them they are still going to be "B" or "over" horses. I actually think calling them a misspelling of a word that denotes something these horses aren't would add yet another confusing element to an already confusing breed:

Main Entry: hy·brid

Pronunciation: \ˈhī-brəd\

Function: noun

Etymology: Latin hybrida

Date: 1601

1: an offspring of two animals or plants of different races, breeds, varieties, species, or genera

2: a person whose background is a blend of two diverse cultures or traditions

3 a: something heterogeneous in origin or composition : composite <hybrids of complementary DNA and RNA strands> <a hybrid of medieval and Renaissance styles> b: something (as a power plant, vehicle, or electronic circuit) that has two different types of components performing essentially the same function


Main Entry: het·er·o·sis

Pronunciation: \ˌhe-tə-ˈrō-səs\

Function: noun

Etymology: New Latin

Date: 1914

: the marked vigor or capacity for growth often exhibited by crossbred animals or plants —called also hybrid vigor

At least in dogs, responsible breeders denounce "hybrids" and "hybrid vigor" as cheap selling tactics.
Oh I don't expect anyone else to call there 34-38 inch horses hybreds. Just that I am going to do it.

AMHR Fullblooded Hybred Miniature Horses, because thats what they are --At least four generations of miniature breeding top and bottom and they are bred to be (HIGH) Hybreds. If I say it enough times and then I croak people we think it was a good idea.

I looked up B and the word Over in the dictionary but I don't want to write all that stuff. The one thing it said was that Over meant Too Much. They are not Too Much for me and B meant better than average, but not as good as A.
I think it is cute. I was seeing it as "high bred", meaning bred to be higher than the "a" 's for lack of a better term. I think it is really catchy. I hope I was understanding u right on what u ment by it.
High bred, low bred, A or B,under or over are just words so if we like the size of horse we have what does it matter...I am happy with what I have and really don't care what words others want to use for them/
BigGrin BigGrin
Hey, what about using Hi-Bred? That way those who are definition purists won't get their underwear in a bundle...I tried to find a definition and didn't come up with one! Personally I never did like either term.....'B' or 'Over' either.
HY Bred or Hi Bred sounds like the term to use to me.

I'm glad tht some others like my new name, but I was thinking about it and I am not suggesting that we do anything like that officially. That would cost too much to change all the paperwork and show bills. And more work for office staff. Just a nickname.

So many want to look like the (HyBreds) I don't think many will say --" Just A HyBred" These horses are bred to be that size. Not an oopps-- that went over or a pony that stayed under.
I like it, all my minis are B size and it is a little bit of a second class thing too me, I am looking into a Toyota Hibrd car and that is right up my ally, I would like it if they were changed in status, they will always be terrific no matter what anyone calls them but that adds a little somthin ..Thanks for stppin out and sayin what you think...always love THAT!!!!
Check out the Lucky Hart ad on the LB sale page. They are using for their "Private Collection"
That's a good idea but I think someone already beat you to it .....

There's a hackney farm not far from me called " Hi-Bred Ponies" . I always wanted to stop by but never seem to have the time.
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Well I love it! And you are very clever and right on target.

How about spelling it "High-Bred"???
Wouldn't ya just know it. Your right Marty, we'll have to call them High Breds. Then if some of them don't get high enough we can call them Short N Breads instead of A's or Unders.
Oh, I love this stuff.
B = High Bred, A = Short bred , I like it .... but I suddenly have a cookie craving
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High Breds and Shortbreads, I like that. But yeah, it does kind of make me hungry...

off to find some supper