CHICKENS!!!!!! We really have bug problem, other than fire ants. Those little peckers eat anything that moves, that will fit in their beak LOL gross, they will even eat mice, lets just say that all they need to do is poke one little hole LOL
I have made an observance this year -- and I don't know if it is a curiosity or if it is something that has helped.
Some of my fields and the yard were sprayed with 2,4D for weeds. As I cut those areas, I rarely see many of the grasshoppers and flying type small insects. In the fields where I did NOT spray, they abound. I mean, as I mow I am dive-bombed. Going from one to the other brought it to mind a couple of weeks ago.
OK, sounds peculiar but, it is a fact. Now, I also graze the horses on both and no ill effects from the spray. But, it sure seems to have made the area less than desireable for the bugs.
At the beginning of the summer I had little ant hills EVERYWHERE in the aughter & I even commented on it. After the spray, I have only a few.
LOTS of people on this forum use the product. Anyone else noticed this? Well, think about it and look around. I never gave it a thought until mowing.
I don't know if your place would allow you to have poultry or not...but could you maybe try using that Dawn dish detergent and water spray? Them grasshoppers are nasty beggers, and sure do eat leaves and plants quickly.