Fox News -- Fair & Balanced

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LowriseMinis Posted Today, 02:02 PM QUOTE (Sonya @ Oct 7 2008, 07:05 AM)

I think it's disgusting how out of context people take things.


I thought the same thing when I read your response yesterday to my comment on the topic of, "lets bring some balance to the table" started by Danielle - but I decided to let it go.

Lowrise - Yesterday, 10:27 PM Post #21

Cathy-I hope you're not going to pull out the old "Obama is the Anti-Christ" thing
And my answer to you ..............

Actually & TRUTHFULLY that had NOT crossed my mind......./
ML - I'm not attacking - just helping her hold up the mirror.
Mary disrespect to you, but I took Lowrises comments compairing her father, a vietnam vet, to a terrorist, extremely personal to me as well. I do not know her father, but I am the daughter of a vet (2 tours in nam), with a purple heart, and still shrapnell in his back. The niece of a man who has no legs after a short tour in nam. I do not take lightly to disrespecting our troops (and my family), so yes I did take it personal and responded accordingly...I will not apologize for that.

I did not feel I took her words out of context, I can post them here, but that wouldn't be necessary since bassett did it for me. Thanks Bassett.

as far as the rolly eye thing...I am on dial up, all I see is a smiley face, no animation. If lowrise meant to be sarcastic, why would she later say "the comparison still stands". She did try to soften the subject by adding in a nutshut something to the effect that because her father killed people (during war), doesn't mean that she supports what the war was about or is a murderer....I guess trying to point out that because Obama associates with terrorists doesn't make him one. Either way, doesn't really matter, I took offense to the way she described murderers...I took it personal.

God Bless Our Troops...and all who have served! I for one am very appreciative to our service members, and other Country's troops who stand beside ours. I certainly would not refer to them as murderers, to me it is disrespectful.
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Mary Lou -- Well, I heard about it on Fox News, so it must be true

(unfortunately, that is!)
I love how the comparison I made went from an example to "Lowrise thinks soldiers are terrorists!"

I know sarcasm doesn't carry well over the internet, though I do try. Still, no one's really responded to the comparison, so let me say this again:

Does my relationship with my father mean that I automatically support the actions of our troops or our involvement in the Vietnam war, yes or no?

Don't like that comparison? Here's a few more (and not all of them are true):

Does my voluntary choice to work in education mean I agree with and support the No Child Left Behind Act?

Does my friendship with a person who protested for equal rights for blacks in the 1960's mean I agree with their position?

Does the fact I work with a person who is a pro-life Christian mean I automatically agree with their religion and position?

I can go on and on, but here's the point. Just because I, you, Obama, or anyone know a person, or work with that person, does not mean you automatically agree with and CERTAINLY does not mean you are involved in the same things they are.
I love how the comparison I made went from an example to "Lowrise thinks soldiers are terrorists!"

I know sarcasm doesn't carry well over the internet, though I do try. Still, no one's really responded to the comparison, so let me say this again:

Does my relationship with my father mean that I automatically support the actions of our troops or our involvement in the Vietnam war, yes or no?

Don't like that comparison? Here's a few more (and not all of them are true):

Does my voluntary choice to work in education mean I agree with and support the No Child Left Behind Act?

Does my friendship with a person who protested for equal rights for blacks in the 1960's mean I agree with their position?

Does the fact I work with a person who is a pro-life Christian mean I automatically agree with their religion and position?

I can go on and on, but here's the point. Just because I, you, Obama, or anyone know a person, or work with that person, does not mean you automatically agree with and CERTAINLY does not mean you are involved in the same things they are.

I think you are skirting the statement you made. We are not talking about what you are saying here. Only One statement you made and are now saying you didn't say it. You did say Yes that is exactly what I am saying when asked if you thought soldiers were terrorists. Did you or did you not?
Basset-do you genuinely not understand sarcasm? Really? You're telling me you've never said a single thing you didn't mean with a sarcastic tone?

You honestly don't understand what
that particular emoticon means?
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Actually, more often than not when I see "
" used, I think it's usually because the poster is implying "you really don't know what you're talking about", "give me a break" or "this will be lost on you." I have a sarcastic sense of humor and I enjoy sarcasm, but that's not usually what I think is meant by the use of "
" .
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Lowrise, the problem with your comparisons you just listed, are not valid....because you are not running for President.

Your decisions do not effect millions of Americans on a daily basis, like a president can be held accountable for. That is why associations do matter when it comes to being the President...

I hold a fairly high security clearance for my job, federal govt. They do investigate your backround, and you would be amazed at what could keep me from getting a security clearance...associations are one of them.
Basset-do you genuinely not understand sarcasm? Really? You're telling me you've never said a single thing you didn't mean with a sarcastic tone?
You honestly don't understand what
that particular emoticon means?
I say lots of things like that BUT I for one DO NOT turn around and say I DIDN'T say them, being sarcastic or not. If I say something I take responsibility FOR my remark. Come on now admit you said it.
And yet despite his 'associations', Obama is still allowed to be in the Senate and apparently allowed to be the President.

For me and for a lot of voters, associations just don't do it. And as I've stated before if you want to play that 'game', we have to look at McCain's associations, too. I've pointed out some dubious ones in the past, yet a great deal of our Republican board members didn't seem to care about them.

You know, John "Keating Five" McCain? His ties to a Russian mobster? Family money coming from organized crime? How about the Gramm-Leech-Bliley Act, which repealed banking regulations set up during the Great Depression to help keep another depression from happening? You might remember who Gramm is. Gramm is McCain's chief financial adviser. The guy who called us a 'nation of whiners'.

A lot of folks here don't care about any of that, and IMO that's just fine. I, personally, feel that some of the things and people McCain's been involved with are more of a threat to the future of the country than Obama's flimsy ties, but that's just me.
Bassett-I'm flattered that you're so concerned with what I say! Makes me feel like I'm the one running for office!

Okay, since what I've said is so important to you, I'll say it. I did, in fact, make a sarcastic remark about soldiers being the same as terrorists. Everyone have a chuckle at Lowrise. You're also invited to chuckle at the folks who don't know sarcasm when they see it.

Now, can we get back to the real issues?
Lowrise, I think a lot of people do care about all of that but we just aren't as outspoken as some people. I do want to thank you for all the information you have put out for us to consider. You really conduct yourself and expressing your thoughts so wonderfully. I think you have shown real stamina and poise for all that has been dished out to you. I really enjoy hearing a young person speaking about their concerns for our country and giving their opinions. Keep up the good work.

You know, John "Keating Five" McCain? His ties to a Russian mobster? Family money coming from organized crime? How about the Gramm-Leech-Bliley Act, which repealed banking regulations set up during the Great Depression to help keep another depression from happening? You might remember who Gramm is. Gramm is McCain's chief financial adviser. The guy who called us a 'nation of whiners'.
A lot of folks here don't care about any of that, and IMO that's just fine. I, personally, feel that some of the things and people McCain's been involved with are more of a threat to the future of the country than Obama's flimsy ties, but that's just me.
Now, can we get back to the real issues?
Sure enough. Now if we can only get Obama to admit a few things

Bassett, what facts and or evidence do you have that you want him to admit to? Or are you wanting him to admit to something that you have just heard or read that others are griping about?
Bassett, what facts and or evidence do you have that you want him to admit to? Or are you wanting him to admit to something that you have just heard or read that others are griping about?
Let's watch the debates and I think if he answers the ???s asked you'll know. I sure hope they make both candidates answer what is asked. They all go off subject when asked a question, but O is a master at it. I don't think either of them will be able to stray tonight. Maybe we will find out a few things. Then you will know. ok?
Fox is one thing...

...but after reading the email, I am truly afraid for our country.

It is downright terrifying that anybody could take such vile, assinine trash seriously. Talk about pornography!

I thought last night's debate was a breath of fresh air amidst this week's gutter sniping and a dramatic contrast to the grotesque fear-mongering I've witnessed here.

You all do your candidate a grave disservice.
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You all do your candidate a grave disservice.
Now really
So much for a breath of fresh air and dislike for mudslinging.

I think we all are trying hard and doing what we feel is best. I know I'd never do something I thought was a disservice to McCain / Palin or the party I proudly support.

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