I did not really know how to feed our little Belle when we first got her as a weanling. She was a little thin for what I thought she should be going into winter. So I wormed her good first and I have been feeding her like I would a mini to beef her up a little. In the morning she gets 2 cups of Omalene 300 (fixing to change that to 200 now that she is at a desired weight) and in the evening she gets 2 heaping cups fo Omalene, 1/2 cup dry shredded beet pulp, and a small handful of alfalfa pellets, and just to make it all go down better she gets a small handful of cut up carrots as a top dressing. She also gets all the bermuda hay she wants. She really looks good right now, and not in the least overweight. Forgot to mention we have no grazing grass at all to speak of. That does make a difference on your feeding amounts.