Crazy lady came to visit...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Catlett, Virginia
We occasionally get calls from somebody wanting

to come visit and see the minis. I always say YES,

and am happy to show them off....

Usually, it's FUN and it's neat to meet new people.

Well, this lady showed up, and immediately started

telling me how to do this and that better....

then, my son shows up in camo clothes. He's getting

ready to go hunting. She just FLIPPED out...

raised her voice, demanding to know if he eats

the meat of the poor animals he murders.... *Gulp*

My son, bless his heart, started giggling, and politely

asked her to leave.

We just stood there, watching her drive away, wondering

what just happened??....

I would love to hear about your strange visitors!

She sounds like a nut case

Nobody to strange has come over to visit, we normally get quite a few visitors locally over as i have a few adds around town, tsc ext advertising miniature horses and ponies for sale (just incase i at any time have anything for sale) and generally the people claim to come over to look at sale horses but i think they just want to see all the minis lol. Not that i mind at all

I've only had one somewhat nut case visit, well to drop off a horse, and i dont think she will be stopping back to visit. She was nice, but she was in looney land
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We have a local couple that stops in fairly regularly. They really are very nice but some of the things he says just makes me giggle.

Last year right after our tiny guy (16" tall) was born they were by and the husband looks down in the stall and insists he's been by a farm where all of the minis were way smaller than him and they were full grown.

All he could tell me was that it was somewhere out west.
People who seem to be off a bubble live everywhere. I had a mini donkey for sale once. A lady called all day wanting me to "hold" it until she could get here. she lived about 1 1/2 hours away. Okay..... Then she and her husband showed up. I brought out the donkey. She looked at it for MAYbe 5 seconds. Then spotted some exotic sheep we had. She wanted those instead. (They weren't for sale). Then she spotted the minis and wanted one of THOSE. (Also Not for sale).

Then about 5 minutes after being here, she turned to me and stated that she was actually looking for a pet llama........(Didn't have one of THOSE). Her husband stayed quiet and looked sort of mortified.

How could you mistake an ad for a mini donkey for a llama??? And she CALLED all day about her, asking all sorts of questions. I told her it was dark and I needed to make dinner and she left (thankfully).

Takes all sorts to make the world go round. My husband hugged me and thanked his lucky stars he was not the Other Guy.....LOL!
LOL, Jim and Mary Frazier had a crazy lady show up at their barn several years ago and now they can't get rid of me .... er..... I mean her
This is par for the course if you own animals.

Just be sure and put a call in to your local ASPCA division to warn them- do you have her name??

IME these people normally call in to report you for something if they do not get their own way.

I was reported for not having field shelters by someone I refused to sell her a Shetland mare I had for sale- it just was not a good home.

Straight to the RSPCA to report me- they had to follow up so we had a cup of tea and wandered round- the Inspector flagged it as a nuisance call but next time I shall call them first so they are fore warned!!
Yes, when I had people come over to the old farm.... enough nut cases that I desided that they could only come over to buy or see animlas for sale.... when hubby was home.

Even had one get mad at me about, how well I cared for my animals on this side of my property but got mad when she looked over at the neighbors...because my neighbor did not take care of her animals well.. mini's feet where ski's and so on. Kept telling her if she did not like what the animals looked like over their then go "talk to their owner". She called animal control... who came over and I explained... then my neighbor got nasty with me because she wouldn't listen I did not call animal control on her... that was fun.... NOT!

Of course the same neighbor that blamed me for anything that went wrong with her animals.

Or the lady that came out to see Theia who was NFS... who wanted to buy one of the mares I had for sale... after Theia bit her hard twice.. and I warned the lady.. she wanted to buy Theia ..then wanted to trade her for one of her "nice" mares who just happen to have a very bad case of Stifle.

Told her no.... which she was not at all happy about. Guess she thought I did not know anything or something..... boy was she wrong.

Or when I was selling the Fjord.. lady called up and said she wanted a driving Fjord... ok.. told her all about my fjord.. then she wanted one to ride and Drive.. said no problem.. then she wanted to pony her shetland with her 5 year old riding the shetland off the Fjord and I told her that was not a good idea.

Then she said she would pay with cash.. then 2 payments.. 4,, 6.. you get the idea.

She wanted to see her but she did not want to drive for 1 1/2 hours... could I bring her.. I said no. Then she said she did not want to get wet and did I have an indoor arena.. I said no....

Then she wanted me to take the Fjord to an indoor arena... I said I have no horse trailer. Then she said.. oh.. I will take her and try her out at an indoor arena.. I said No.. horse is not leaving until paid in full... she also did not want me coming with her.... then she said.. how about taking her 3 hours from here where I bought the mare from and she could try her there. What a fruit cake... the Nerve of some people.

Later I got a call from some other Fjord breeders and found out the Fruit cake was trying to weedle out a free horse from other folks.
Did not work any better on them, than it did me.

Have had some right Fruit cakes WITH nuts over the years... to the point I rather not talk to joe public any more.
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I have one. A lady called because I have a mini filly for sale. Made arrangement for her to come and see the filly. She gets there with a child (about 8 years old) and I bring the filly up and she ask to see all of my horses (I only had 6). So I let everyone out and lo and behold the child starts to chase them.

I told her this filly is the only one I had for sale and she than informs me that they can't buy a horse because they live in town. She just wanted the little girl to come and see the horses.


I don't mind people coming to look at my minis but I will not allow them to be chased. After I told the child to stop they left.

I don't breed and haven't sold a horse in years and years but last summer I had a woman stop by out of the blue and tell me my colt was far too thin, and if she didn't see him gaining weight like the other mini in my pasture before the month was out she would be reporting me. I politely told her that the mare was 100 pounds over weight and on a diet, and the colt was fine. She said she has neighbors with miniature horses, and she knows how they should look, and my colt was far too skinny.


Just for reference, this picture was taken two days before she showed up and lit into me about him being so skinny:


As you can see, he was just a rack of bones, and had absolutely nothing to eat at all.
Oh yes. But not at the farm, just a crazy lady in general.

The lady who called me out of the blue about a stallion she knew that was for sale by an old polish couple. Told me he was 29", calm, good breeder, could turn him out with anyone. Sounded normal enough on the phone.

Went to see said stallion, my friend and I picked her up along the way.

Was standing in the field of the owner's place looking at a fat, bay 33" stallion. He was calm enough. He was alone. Told her if he was rank when I got him home I would not be happy. Mentioned he had no mares around him so his temperament atm was obviously going to be fine. She had a fit and started mocking me; "Oh yes, he is terrible, he is just the scariest horse ever, he is so small what is going to hurt!" Blah blah.

Due to his conformation and price tag (and not her crazy jargon) I spoke privately with seller with her out of the way, and made a deal.

Got home and friend told me this woman had an open bottle of liquor in the back of the truck the whole time. (I did not see that-but wondered why friend did not kick her out of the truck then and there)

Got stallion home; he was striking the trailering guy, rearing, acting like a Put him in with my mare who was not in heat. Was fine for one day and then proceeded to try to breed my mare and you know what happens when a stallion pursues a mare that's not in heat. When I called her to ask her to come get this stud she said was so calm, she laughed an evil laugh. I cancelled any communication with her right there. She calls me back days later, asking where he went and I told her she wasn't concerned four days ago, so it was none of her business. Long story short, called everyone in town to get stud off my farm, stud is gone; still paying for him.

Come to find out that everyone in my town knows this lady and she has had warnings to stay away from people. She has broken into farms, etc. So I should have just said no in the first place, but hard lesson learned.
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don't mind people coming to look at my minis but I will not allow them to be chased. After I told the child to stop they left.
Carlene---you should have told them that dogs are shot for chasing horses!
Warpony, you should be arrested for starving that poor mini! I would be happy to "rescue" him from you. When can I come get him?

(P.S.-He's adorable!

I don't breed or sell horses but years ago I did handle adoptions for a rescue. Had some real nutty people through that. Most times I was able to scare them off by reviewing "typical" costs of keeping a horse and didn't have tg waste my time.
Warpony, you should be arrested for starving that poor mini! I would be happy to "rescue" him from you. When can I come get him?

(P.S.-He's adorable!
Hehe, thanks. I think I will hold on to him and keep abusing him though.
Tis the season for fruit cakes

Better you than me because Dan would not have been as polite as your son not by a long shot

and I probably would have had my claws out as well
I think the biggest looney tune I've ever had here was the woman that called about breeding her two mares to our stallions. She was going to come by to see my boys and bring pictures/pedigrees of her mares. She shows up in a van and proceeds to get out, open the side door and out jumps 2 mares and a gelding!
She brought the mares with her!!! And she brought the gelding so he wouldn't be lonely without his mares!!!

It's a long story and some of you may remember, but it was REALLY hard to get those mares off my property once they were here! :DOH!
We have had a couple of "those types" at our place over the years.

A woman and her husband came during the spring to look at a miniature mare we had for sale years ago. Once they arrived it was obvious this lady had no clue to farm life or horse ownership whatsoever. They looked at the mare carefully after I walked the mare to and from them, showed them her bite which was correct, etc. and she says, "I don't want the mare, she has a stupid name". I have NEVER heard anyone make the decision to not buy a horse because the name did not appeal to them. LOL This mare had just won two Top Tens at AMHR Nationals the previous fall. Her name was Kinney's Dream Dancer. Her barn name was Annie.

In the meantime while I was "entertaining" these people, I noticed one of our stock cows was trying to have her calf in the next field. I was watching the cow out of the corner of my eye as I was talking to these folks. It seemed she was having some difficulty. My husband came home and I sent him down to the cow to check on her, he hollered for me to call the vet, he said we will have to pull the calf. These people are witnessing all of this and THEN to top off the day this woman turns to me and says "what does pull it mean?" Oh Geez !! Right then and there I decided this woman was not owning any of our horses. After I explained to her what "pull it" meant, they abrubtly left as she wanted no part of watching what was about to happen. LOL

By the way, the cow and calf were fine.

Another time we had the son of a farm neighbor bring his "city" girlfriend and her 3 kids ask to come over to see the horses. That was fine. They were feeding the horses grass (from outside of the fenced area) and enjoying their visit. They left and I thought that was the end of it.........wrong !! A few weeks later we were gone two Sundays in a row to shows. My husbands co-worked happened to drive by both days and said there was a white car in the driveway each time we were gone. We thought that was a little odd. The co-worker knew when we were not home both times and he did not recognize the vehicle.

After we did some investigating we figured out it was this "city" girlfriend's car. Apparently the son, his girlfriend and kids would visit his parents on the farm every Sunday, which is a mile away from us. While the son was working on his dad's farm the girlfriend would get bored and just take it upon herself to bring her kids over to our place to see the horses.......whether we were home or not. Number one we are not a "zoo" open to the public to visit whenever they please, let alone while no one is home, but she thought since she was here once that was an invitation to come over when she felt the need to.

I had to call the son and let him know we did not appreciate the "self-visits" plus where they had picked grass several weeks before and feeding it to the horses......we had since sprayed the area with Round-Up to kill off the grass in that area. The visits stopped immediately, thank goodness.

Those kind of visitors I can do without !

hmmmmmm....I have definitely had my share, if not at our farm, on the phone, Ohhh yeah. :DOH! Corinne
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Oh gosh. I actually worry more about the crazy people that come by when we're not here (some of you might remember the morning I came out and found a scrunchy in one of the mare's manes--and Marty hasn't fessed up to it yet). Our farm is at the intersection of two roads leading to two subdivisions, so every year we get more and more visitors. I am constantly asked if our minis can be ridden (by adults mind you), have a couple times even had adults ask if they could sit on one of the minis and have their picture taken. Whenever I put a group out on pasture, someone pulls over to watch, and this year one mother with a van full of kids actually had the nerve to ask me to chase them for the entertainment of their family. I think the funniest/most frustrating thing I've heard though was when a woman pulled over and told me she had seen one of the stallions breeding a mare earlier that week, and that it was indecent. I wonder who she complains to about birds and squirrels?

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