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:aktion033: Very well done... I have always seen in the past about the whole complaints that people have made. I have to say that this is my first year with the AMHA and was very pleased with the way they handled my paperwork. When I got my mare the papers were delayed due to me joining the Army and what not. Also there was a signature on my paperwork that was needed and that I had no way of contacting. Thank goodness the ever so kind people at the office were able to help me. Sadly I was discharged just 90 days after enlistment but thanks to the people at AMHA I was able to get the ball rolling. They helped me contact my seller and we were able to send her a copy of the papers that needed to be signed and everything. I was so grateful. Turns out if they wouldnt have helped me I would have never gotten the signature of the co-owner that owned my mare before I did. Now she is all mine and I am proud to say I now own a wonderful grey and white pinto whose double registered and I look forward to all the shows and everything. I mainly showed AMHR in the past but now I'm very excited about showing with AMHA as well as AMHR. AMHA definitly has my vote for being one of the best. Once again THANKS AMHA for being there when we needed you.
AMHA is the best. The studbook is a plethora of correct information. The Miniature Horse World is absolutely a FIRST CLASS publication. The office staff have always been courteous and returned papers in a timely manner.

I totally respect the AMHA and their standards. Keep up the good work AMHA!!!!!!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:
I love AMHA!

The complaints:

- measuring and voting.

- the shows in our area are expensive compared to an AMHR show - even at the same facility (I show R for that reason) I know it's not AMHA the HQ's problem, but it's still an AMHA issue.

- the qualifying for Regionals/Nationals needs to be re-examed. The year they threw out the qualifying for Regionals more horse showed!

The compliments:

- the office staff are fabulous! Kind and friendly and have always gone out of their way to help with questions, solving problems, etc. I do feel for them with the turmoil they've had to exist with over the past few years with managment or mis-management as it may be - they've done an excellent job making sure correct paperwork was sent out. (Not to hammer AMHR, but some of the people there can be a bit snippy on the phone and the office manager isn't great about returning phone calls!)

- the required DNA and photos on registration paperwork, and that PQ is becoming mandatory (we do that anyway).

- the studbook. I've used both before, but will not be without AMHA's because of the correct information. I've argued points with my own horses with AMHR about pedigrees, but unless I pay an additional fee for the corrections - forget it! The new program that AMHA is planning to use looks great if it's going to be affordable - my only concern with that.

- the magazine is great - I do like more useful information (the World under Barbara Ashby with lots of informative articles), but do think the World is really high quality. It's a nice glossy magazine to show prospective buyers, etc.

- I like Alison's monthly emails and reminders of what is going on. I wish ALL the directors and EC of both groups would embrace the available technology.

- I appreciate all the time and effort the Directors, Committee Members and EC give to run this organization (and AMHR's).

Overall both registries have good and bad points - one really good registry would be nice but as that isn't going to happen, I'll keep supporting both.
I always try to point out that I am extremely happy with AMHA for the most part. There is rarely anything like it in the world that doesn't need some refining and growing, but that is the name of being alive and dynamic, like our registries are.

IF I had to choose one registry, AMHA would be it.

I have had very minor gripes in my 11 years of membership, and I know they try very hard.

Where's my cheerleader outfit (not that any of you want to see me in it *LMAO*)

I stand behind them and maintain my membership proudly. (I also like AMHR. ;)

Liz M.
I will second many of your posts and say that our dealings with the office have always been first rate. Everyone I've dealt with in the office has been courteous and helpful, no real paperwork delays or errors.

The studbook online is a wonderful asset, although I look forward to seeing improvements in it. Having had access to AQHA studbook kind of spoils you lol.

MHW is a first class publication, "drool worthy" every month.

I enjoy AMHA shows - despite the very real problems of the last few years - and intend to keep on showing. We did more AMHR shows this past year, for the first time in a number of years, and we had a great time there too - okay, as long as it's a horse show I like it :bgrin - but I have a special fondness for AMHA.

I have been an AMHA member since 1992 and have seen a great many positive changes in that time. As other have pointed out, the staff is wonderful and we've made great strides to ensure the integrity of our studbook (closing the studbook and DNA requirements most notably).

Is there room for improvement - sure.

What I see people having the most vocale complaints about (besides measuring and voting!!!) is being held to the rules when they themselves make mistakes. Leaving a mare off a stallion report, sending bad photos for registration, listing wrong parentage on applications...the list goes on. Some throw up their hands and vow never to deal with AMHA again, or gripe loudly that they are being severely penalized for a simple, honest mistake. All AMHA is doing is its job -- enforcing the rules we as members agree to adhere to. If they allowed a bending of the rules, we'd have worthless registration papers.

So the next time any of us makes an honest mistake, instead of going off the deep end complaining, why not say THANK YOU to those in the office who are doing their best to make sure all of us adhere to to the rules to ensure that the integrity of our studbook is not in jeopardy!
Well, I must also put in my 2 cents worth.....

I have never had any errors come back on paperwork either, and though I did have some take a long time one year, I am thrilled to say I just got mine back in 3 weeks!!!!

They have always been very helpful to me on the phone, and polite, and have never hesitated to call when they had a question about paperwork or something else.

I think the magazine is wonderful and well done.

And last but not least, it has not been easy for them the last few years with different issues, but they have continued to be polite and provide good service, regardless of all else going on and have not 'thrown in the towel'.

Every registry has it's ups and downs, and trust me, there are a lot worse out there. I applaud AMHA for all they have done so far. Continue to make improvements and keep up the good work!
The office staff is a really good one that does the tuff job of getting the volume of paper work that they deal with out quickly in our personal experience.

Allison is a bright, intelligent young lady that does a great job of working with what she has been given by the association to promote the Miniature horse.

I love the magazine and advertize in it regularly.

The regional and national shows are a lot of fun and enjoyable to go too.

The awards system for high point etc. on the national level is a lot of fun for everyone.

All in all a good experience with the registry.

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