WOW, ya'll have just blown me away!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! I will try my hardest to update you when I can, as long as I can work, I can sneak a post every once in a while. Hopefully we can get the internet at home soon, we just moved about a week before all this happened, on Oct 24, and by brain biopsy was on Haloween, imagine waking up to those decorations. They started our barn yesterday, got posts in the ground, so hopefully it will be usable by Christmas and my two boys can come home (I have boarded them for five years) and be my best therapy, as I haven't gotten to even see them the past three weeks. Treatment will last 42 days and adding Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to the calender, I should be done around Dec. 28 and then recover for another six weeks or so. What scares me more than anything is how bad I may or may not feel, as everyone is so different, I can't plan anything (like parties or shopping) for the holidays. I am as big of a fan of Christmas as Marty if that put's things in perspective. Plus insurance costs and medicine, this Christmas may be a little tight. We originally had a huge family (my parents and sisters and their kids too) vacation planned for Disney World that now has to be cancelled. Imagine telling seven kids they aren't going to Disney on Christmas, I am sure my favorite aunt status has been lost. I was also in the hospital recovering from surgery during a planned trip to Mass for Equine Affaire, that was a birthday gift from hubby. So I have already lost two planned trips on top of the holidays too. My doctors actually laughed at me when I asked if we could start treatments in January so I didn't have to miss Disney and the holidays too. How about them priorities!!
Thanks for all of the advice, I have been keeping a journal so that I can remember all of it. Between tea, herbs, and treatments in Canada and the Bahamas, there are plenty of alternative options out there. I think we are going to trust the typical treatments and doctors first and then go from there. Mine is rare, they aren't really quite sure how it will respond to radiation at all (the core Gleoma cells usually don't), but have high hopes of being treated (not sure on cured) as it just began being agressive and turned stage three. As far as brain tumors go, stage two is curable non cancer and stage four is borderline surviveable pending it's location. For those who are medically or researchingly inclined, mine is actually called an ANAPLASTIC OLIGOASTROCYTOMA III.
Say that three times fast. I still can't say it once, but hubby rolls it out as good any doctor. Ya'll really pray for him too, he is being so awesome and so brave. I would be a mess without him right now, he is really taking things well, considering. He doesn't get upset until I get upset, or at least that he allows me to see. I am trying to keep the faith and stay positive, I am not dead yet, so there's nothing to worry about. We have all our affairs in order and plans continue for the barn and farm, so I have something to look forward to. I am adjusting the best I can to the blow, but there are still so many more people in alot worse shape than I am, so that keeps me humble and strong.
Mistie Clements
Michael Clements