Okay sorry I should have been more accurate in my asking
Here come the general questions with more to follow after the responses...
-He was born June 6, 2011 so he won't be two until June, but I show him as a 2 year old right??
-He is a stallion that I think is either 36 inches or a little more. I have tried to measure him, but there will be official people there to do it right? Also, we can only show in "over" classes correct??
-So if I show him as a two year old, the only classes I can do with him would be halter classes, halter obstacle, and liberty right? I am not going to do showmanship even if it is an option. I am not good enough for that yet.
-What obstacles are usually present for halter obstacle?
-I have never shown in AMHR shows. What is different for them as far as what I (Owner/exhibitor) need to do? Same as big horse shows?? I went to the show last year to see what everyone was wearing. I usually dress western. Is this going to be okay for all the halter classes or does it have to be a western halter class??
-I have heardabout people dying their horse's mane and tail because they have been lightened naturally by the sun. Since my little buckskin naturally has black mane and tail hair is this required? I know by the rules it is not, but I am asking if it is something everyone does.
-How far do you take the grooming? I rented some dvd's on show grooming where the lady shaved all of his face, over his eyes, greased his face, painted his hooves, trimmed off his eyelashes, etc. Am I bound to lose if I don't do all this?? My avatar is that way I normally clip him for shows.
-Music fpr liberty class...how do you provide that? Cd? Thumbdrive?
-Is the costume class an adult thing or is that more for the kids that show? I don't want to be the only adult out there dressed up like a goober ;-)
I feel silly asking this stuff but I am brand new at this. THANKS in advance!