Your Dogs' Vocabulary

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
I was wondering, what words or phrases do your all's dogs know?

Ours know this much English:

Breakfast (which is any meal... as in Winston loves to eat his breakfast in the morning and in the night)


Mommy / Daddy


Wanna go in the car?

Let's go night-night

Get on your pillow

Get in your room

Come get some love

Time to get a bath

Daddy's Home / Mommy's Home

Look at the doggie (as in on the tv or out the window)

Names of their favorite toys (monkey, cow, laughing stock...)

Each other's names

Shut Up (I know, we are rude to them)

Kelsey and Maggie know sit and shake (Winston says he knows how to sit too, but he just doesn't need anyone to tell him to do it, he does it on his own.)

Drop It

Get off the porch

Get off the bed

Get on the bed

Give me a kiss

That's all I can think of right now!

Willy knows.........sit, down, aggghtt, leave it, come, here, crate, biscy, brekkies, shake(when he wants to), dam mit, ropey(his favorite toy), scoot

the other dogs know nothing they are rude ignorant imbeciles :bgrin :bgrin :bgrin
they know too much for their own good :bgrin My blind dog also knows easy, left, right, up, down, watch out, tack room ( as in go there) , pen ( as in go there too LOL) , out: of anywhere incl kitchen LOL They know the horses all by name

But the most impressive thing, Belle, heeler, knows what 21:00 means. TREAT TIME!!!!! There is a microwave over my shoulder where I sit, Belle picked up that she only gets treats after 9p. She will lay down in front of me about 10 minutes before, then when 21:00 comes up, she'll sit up and stare me down LOL Rotten little dog
My corgi Gracie, knows shake, sit, get off the bed, get out of my chair (my husbands lazyboy chair), they both know cookie, wanna eat, lets go outside, wanna go for a walk, and nap time. Thats all I can think of now. Kathy
Jill - I am impressed with your dog's vocabulary!!! Kayle (my dog) knows just a few words:


Good Girl

Go (I love that one - it means "your on my nerves, please go anywhere else!!")

Walk (that's her favorite!)

Come Inside

Go Outside

Anna or Wolfie (her best friends)


Quit It (Generalized to mean anything she's doing - just please stop!)

Liz R.
Well, my dogs know a lot of words because they say if you think I "talk" a lot here, you should hear me at home. I never shut up. I'm always talking to them and making up songs for them. I'm a total goober for the dogs.
Pebbles, the pug, knows

Wanna go fishin

No way



Dixie the S'Bernard knows

lay down


watch Kayla

where's Kayla (she will find her)




no dammit

No Dixie I'm fixin to slap you nekkid and hide your clothes!


Coco, the neurotic poodle/pom that belonged to my Mamaw before she passed over

Growls at everything, only knows go outside!
Well, my dogs know a lot of words because they say if you think I "talk" a lot here, you should hear me at home. I never shut up. I'm always talking to them and making up songs for them. I'm a total goober for the dogs.

LOL Me too!! Too funny Everyone has numerous names, and they all come to them LOL I swear you can talk around hubbys Heeler, Belle, and she can follow the entire conversation.

We have to talk in code about some things, else she will for certain pick up on them. She knows when he is fixin to go to the bike shop whether she goes or stays home, just by me stating 'I will come get her'. Cant even say 'going alone?' She is tooo much.

Farrier was out the other day and I was loving on my mare, whispered that she was my girl and I loved her, she sighed bigtime. Farrier just about bust a gut laughing, had to stop untill he could stop LOL Didnt notice till then, but she sighs everytime I tell her that LOL Surely its just the tone of my voice that reassures her, but its still funny as heck
Ok, I'll play...

Both dogs know "Treat" [husband's heeler, knows a few herding commands, but no household manners]

Bridgette, my 10 year old Aussie Knows:



down (as in lie down)

Wait (instead of stay)


Load Up (get in the vehicle)

Out (as it out of the room, usually dining room or kitchen - works out in the horse pens, too)


Dog bed (means get on her bed)

Go-fer (as in wanna go-fer a ride)

shut-up (although she doesn't listen)

mean kitty (when I first back to MT, I lived with my mom and she had a big mean b/w cat - so we'd tell her the big mean kitty is coming and she'd go hide)

Heel (sort of)

Grandma - means were are going to go visit my mom

get the bucket - she helps me gather the horse's feed pans that they've spread all over their pen

get the ball

drop it - usually works to get her to drop her ball or toy

- I know there are a few more, but I'm at a loss as to what they are.
Well here are some of the things we say to them, doesn't mean they know them...

Papa's home-causes a frenzy of jumping around and barking

Mommy's home-same as Papa's home

sit-makes Laney sit, makes Teddy stare at you

lay down-Laney lays down Teddy stares at you

come on up-Laney steps on to the couch carefully, Teddy takes a running leap and almost knocks the couch over

get down-Laney will get down, Teddy gets down if shoved while you're yelling get down

shut up!-both of the know this one, Teddy may need to hear it more than once

do you need to go outside?-both have got this one down, Teddy will go out just to stand there and look around

go get it-both know this, Laney can't see well so can't always find it

bring it back-both know this one and do it

get back here-both do this well

get in the front seat-for Ted

get in the back-for Lane

wait-wait for what?? huh..stampede!!! hmm...why is mommy laying on the stairs??

let's go to the farm-yee haww!! We are going to eat at Turd Heaven!! horse crap my favorite!

where's grampa?they run around the farm to look

Where's the noodle lady?woo hoo we are going to get fed by Sandy!!!

Laney answers to Laney, Elaine, Lane, Girly and also knows that "ahem" means lay down and quit begging.

Teddy answers to Teddy, Tedster, Teddykins, Whaler, and Fatboy. He also knows, get off the cat,leave the cat alone.
Well my dogs are herding farm dogs so they know some extra non-typical vocaulary and i have 1 service dog and a service dog in training sot hey know some extra stuff.








come by

away to me


get' em

get around

get out

get back

look back







get it



dropped it

look at me

bring it here

leave it




squeeker toy

where is it

Load up (car)

go for a ride

get in the back

get over

get out

lets go out

lets go in




thank you (i use that interchangable with good)

get in your crate



stop barking

go lay down

don't lick

no kisses

don't jump/down

of course they each know their own names and they know the names of each other dog







and then the young pups kaboodle and richocette i never stopped to think how many words my dogs know..i know the list goes on much bigger than this..
Yeah I got a real know it all to here. My one dog, Bear is my best friend and closest companion, is not the brightest cross, Chow/Golden. Hence, he does not have the brightest vocab, however, what he lacks in brains, he makes up for in heart! He knows,

Go Bye bye's,

Outside, ( I love this one, he spins around and does a little dance :lol: .)

Out (again away from where ever I am, normally in the ring or a paddock.)



Go get them, (to find us)

Daddy's home/

Mommy's home. (He waits at the door and get's all worried/excited. He's such a good boy!)
Right this minute all three that are in the house are selectively deaf including Esther!

My Toy Poodle knows:

Phillipe (his name)







Back up.

Hup up!

Okay. (used as a release)


Uh uh. (also means No)


Let's go!

Play ball?

Play tug?

Get the ball.

Get the toy.

Bring it.

Drop it.

Leave it.

Get it.


What's that?

Who's that?

Where's that kitty?

Where's that ball? (toy, tug, etc.)

Find it!

Get that horsey! (kitty, puppy, etc. to encourage "herding" or play)

Good boy.

Bad boy. (used rarely)

Gimme a kiss!


Gimme love! (hugs)


Get in the back... (of the car)

No lick.

Cookies! (doggie cookies, of course)

Treats! (another word for cookies)

YIP YAPS! (These are specific treats that Phillipe just LOVES.)

I know I'm missing something... I'll also often give a commands in a sentence so Phillipe has to focus on me and what I'm saying in order to figure out what I want. The more you talk to your dog, the more they'll understand!
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My dog has become somewhat stupid in her old age but still manages to understand us when she wants to LOL. She knows her name (Brandy), sit, "Gotta go outside?", "want to go for a walk!?", here, bad dog!, "Brandy, did you do this?", and can hear food being eaten from a mile away!
[SIZE=10pt]Such a fun thread Jill!! :aktion033: [/SIZE]

Sammie ( our cocker spaniel - house dog ) knows:

Come here

Want a treat? Want a treat from Mr. Cow? ( Mr. Cow is the dog treat cookie jar )

All gone ( No more treats )

Gotta go poddy?

I want a kissy

Wanna go for a ride?

Bring it here ( ball, bone, sock - knows them all )

Sit, stay, lay, crawl here, sit pretty, over ( jumps over our leg or what ever ), talk to mamma ( barks on command ), shake, high five.

Take it nice



Night night

Salem - mix breed - out side dog knows:

Sit, shake

You git!

Find em - ( will find any thing, animal or other wise )

Come here

Wanna go for a ride?

Hunter - black lab mix - outside dog knows:

Sit, stay, lay down, come here, night night.

Think thats about it! Lori
[SIZE=14pt]Right now I'm having a hard time thinking of words they DON"T know :lol: [/SIZE]

After all we do have POMS and everyones knows THEY are the smartest dogs

OK I am going to go hide now

Ok you guys know I am only kidding about POMS being the smartest
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Tracey does sentences. She learned a lot of this when I was laid up in bed from a bad accident and she helped me out a lot.

Get me a pillow

Find the remote control

Answer the phone (she'll bring it)

Do you want to go for a ride?

Do you want to go to work?

Let's get ready for work (she gets her bandana and tee shirt)

Get me the hammer

Get me the tool box

Don't eat those people

Don't eat the horses

Let's feed the horses

Go to the barn

Get the bucket

Get daddy (she'll go to him)

Get the boys (she will go to them and bark so they know I want them)

Where's Michael? (she'll find him)

Where's Daniel? (she'll find him)

Leave Devin alone

Do you want a bath? (she'll go jump in the tub and wait for me to follow)

Get me my purse

Where's my slippers? (she'll get them)

Get me my shoes

Are you hungry?

Talk to mommy (she'll bark)

Say hello to the person on the phone (she'll bark hello)

Don't let them in (she won't let anyone come in the door)

Back off

Let them in, be nice be nice (you can come in now)

Tear 'em up (ok so we did practice on a couple of dummies just in case)

Do you want to eat?

Do you want cookies?

There's a lot of "get me this and get me that" and I just have to point to what I want

Tracey, get off the bed

Tracey, get off the bed

Forrest, my Lab, is pretty smart- he knows all the "doggie" words: sit, stay, come, etc, but he also knows SENTENCES!

"Would you pick that up, please" means pick up something I dropped: a glove, piece of paper, hat, car keys- whatever. I'm lazy and don't want to bend over.... :lol:

"Go get your______ " toy, ball, "Tookie"....

"Would you go get that, please?" He's gone and picked up something not close by- today it was a halter I dropped out in the field when we played halter-break foals today. If he understands and can see what I want, he'll get it! Once he even went out into the pasture and picked up a piece of bubble wrap that had blown in there. It was over 100 feet away. And he's really good about getting my hat when it blows off into the neighbor's field. That way I don't have to crawl through the fence. He can do it much easier!

"Go lay down, please" (I say "please" alot....) He does, almost immediately. Normally used when I'm eating and don't wanna share. :lol:

"Are you ready to go feed?" Self- explanatory.

He got his Canine Good Citizen certificate when he was only two. So he gets to write his name as Forrest CGC. Gotta love those doggie initials!

See, that's what happens when you're single and live alone with your dog....

Oh gosh so many to mention!! :lol: I'm always communicating with my girls and aside from verbals, I give them sign language. It's awesome that they can tell what time it is without even looking at a clock.....they know on weekends, when they normally go out about 5:15 during the week...well weekends are no different. Everyday at 3:00 no matter where I am they'll let me know it's time for them to does Larry!
: (cat).

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