Gday from Sydney Australia!

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Apaché and family
Nov 27, 2021
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Neigh friends. Have been reading along and so much enjoying all the advice and all the support you give each other. I had horses as a teenager and worked at some ranches and at riding for the disabled but have had a big break from horses until I finally bought a mini last year. He’s 9hh so he’s on the bigger side of mini I guess... and if someone called him a shetland I wouldn’t be offended, but he is a bit too fine boned to be all shetland... I shan’t split hairs! We just love him. He is a 3yo piebald gelding. When we first got him he was agisted 1 1/2 hours away in a 25 acre paddock with seven other horses in a really perfect herd. I was reluctant as he was so happy where he was but obviously it was too far so I actually brought him home to live in our large suburban backyard for about a month, but despite all our efforts he absolutely HATED it!! he became quite vicious towards to kids and even me at times... We put a mirror in the yard and he was glued to it!! Thankfully I found him a big paddock not too far away so we moved him and he is much happier. It’s not ideal... He shares with two gigantic mares and I worry... his desire to be part of their herd is strong and they are so hot and cold with him... I worry about him getting hurt... I don’t want to move him again in a hurry as he has had a few big changes and despite my worry it’s obvious that he is much happier with other horses in a big field where he can fart and run around!! He’s pretty much gone back to his old sweet self as far as the kids are involved! His name is Apaché... he looooves scratches and kisses and when I take him for a walk we are so attuned... I feel like very little communication is needed once we get going... He is really confident and doesn’t shy easily! I definitely feel like he trusts me and looks to me as a leader...

He has been backed and is great for taking my 5 and 2 year old out for walks down the road on a lead and exploring his new local area and saying hi to some of the other horses in other paddocks as we go. We passed a primate sanctuary the other day... All these things I wouldn’t even know about if I didn’t have this lovely new friend in my life.

I dream of maybe training him up a bit more... to pull something or so my kids might ride off lead one day...

He’s still young so plenty of time... though my five year old continues to grow... and may need a welsh mountain or something like that in a year or so if not sooner (husband not horsey and completely unsupportive:(... especially after he got bit and kicked by our tiny adorable friend... )

Anyway... Thanks for letting me join in and for sharing all your knowledge and stories with me. I hope we can share something too!!


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thanks for welcome! I have lusted over your ponies, barn, van, craft and upcoming canyon trip!! Your husband is amazing and I have occasionally sent my husband screen grabs of your husband’s handywork in the hope that it may inspire him! He is not handy at all, has no free time and mostly just tolerates this all!! I do love him though!

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