what I came home to tonight

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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My ex-husband was abusive more emotionally and on occation physically. My boyfriend of three years is the total oppisite still opens doors for me holds my hand all the time, supports me in whatever I want to do and treats my five year old daughter like his own. He's always doing the sweetest things. He writes notes in the bathroom mirrior so I see it after taking a shower and all sorts of other little things that mean so much. We've been working different shifts the last couple of weeks and tonight I came home to this. What does your other half do to let you know how much they care about you?

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: Awwww, that is SOOOOO sweet! My husband is a real sweetheart of a man, but he doesn't think to do mushy things like that. He leaves me little notes saying he loves me sometimes, but that's about all.
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: :aktion033:
: :aktion033:
: that's so sweet!!!

my husband after 8 years of telling me he doesn't dance is taking dance lessons with me!!! we always hold hands when we are walking and a lot when we are driving together in the, unless traffic is bad and then i just put my hand on his leg. he also calls me several times a day just to say "i love you"

like you my former husband was abusive so i REALLY appreciate having a GOOD guy now.
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My hubby isn't a romantic, but on cold mornings he tells me to stay inside where it's warm and he'll feed for me (we usually feed together). :aktion033:

We've been married forever....somewhere around 42 or 43 years, but I wouldn't trade him for anything! :538:

Now that is really sweet!

My hubby will do the same as Pam's if its cold he will feed if he's home. I never have to worry about getting out in bad weather everything is sanded and salted and the place is plowed bigger and better than the interstate is.the neighbors all tease me that we could park 100 cars instead of just 2!

But would never think of doing anything like that.

He definitely as the others said is a keeper!


I must say, I too think it is the little things that count so much! Thoughtfullness goes a long way in a relationship.
: After 48 years of marriage [to the same guy] I so treasure the little things that hubby does for me. Took him a long time to get to this point but the wait was worth it.
: Mary

My hubby is a mush too... A few summers ago, I came home from shopping , and he had mowed BP + KP on the hill in our yard. Everyone who drove by could see it...LOL...

my hubbys brilliant too, he is the one that built me my stables, bought my horses, and is building me MORE stables,i have been with my long suffering hubby for 18 years, and if i could i wouldnt change a thing about him
: he has fullfilled all my dreams for me, and if it wasnt for him i wouldnt be here as id be just dreaming of owning horses and it would be a faded memory lol
My hubby phones me at lunch everday and says he loves me. Also if I want to buy a new mini, he allows me no questions asked, and does my chores for me on weekends as I work. He takes me to all my shows, and a lot more. He is a keeper, that is why I married him. :bgrin
My husband is a sweet man, not much on alot of mushy stuff but helps me is so many ways. Helps make many of my dreams come true and I cherish his love and is truly my best friend that I can tell anything to.
[SIZE=12pt]That is so cute I :bgrin laughed out loud!! He's a Keeper!![/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]My sweetie Bill and I have been together for almost 5 years. He's not the real mushy kind either but when he put the back gate in I came home and found BC (heart) JI in the concrete
: he also feeds when it's yuky, and shovels a path out to the horses. He loves to seek across the floor on his hands and knees when I've fallen asleep in the recliner or am in the kitchen not paying attention :eek: . he's playful and brings out the best in me. He always hold my hand and opens the car door and building doors. Pulls out my chair at resturants and helps me with my coat. He always wakes in the morning and kisses me on the forehead and just does thoughtful things like make dinner when I've had to work. Always helps with the house work so it's a team effort. I never thought men like him exisited, he has made my dreams come true and has made my life a happy place. Some of us are sooo blessed
: [/SIZE]
Glad to see I'm not the only one with a sweet guy. After my ex I didn't think I would trust or love anyone again but Bryan is truely the most wonderful, Sweet and considerate guy and definately a keeper!!! I still have quite a bit of baggage that came with me from being in an abusive relationship for 15 years but he know's when I just need a hug or when I'm having a hard day and helps me try to get through it. He is wonderful, supportive and loves me, my daughter and all my animals he had no animals when we met and we now have my 2 Boxers, 3 horses, 3 Goats, And a mink I rescued that comes and goes as he pleases, plus what ever critter I bring home that needs help. He truely is a gift and I love the fact that he always tells me "thank you for just being you" Even when I don't yet understand sometimes who " I " really am. Still trying to revive the person I was before my ex and it's not always fun and I'm so thankful he understands that as I just shut down sometimes and he can always bring me back and put a smile on my face.