What do these symptoms mean?

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midnight star stables

Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score
Pefferlaw, Ontario
Magic my 7-8 year old Jack Russell is not well. She is an unsprayed female.

This morning she was whining when I woke up, so I took her out side, but she wouldn't pee, she just wined to be let back in. I let her in and she pants, gives the odd shiver/shake and walks around. She will sit and lie down but only for a few moments, she wants to move. She follows my mom and I around.

She's wagging her tail non-stop which is rare for this dog to even wag it.

She did have a small drink and a bite to eat. She eats hard Nutria kibble.

I'm very worried... Help!

What do these symptoms mean?
Panting and anxiety is a definate sign of pain. It could be anything, just know she is in pain.

You say she didn't go pee...did she try and nothing come out? If so, it could be kidney stones or bladder infection. But it could be anything.

Is there any afterhour vet places near you that are open of Sundays?

edited to add: shaking is also a sign of pain and she is following you and your parents around wagging her tail because she thinks that you can make the pain stop..she is looking for comfort.
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me again. Press all over her body...her belly, back, legs and see if you can get a reaction from anywhere you touch..a wimper or if she pulls away you can try and get an idea where the pain is coming from.

I'm adding things as I think of it....can you take her temp? Normal temp is between 100-102.5
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Thank you for the reply.

She did not try, she just sit at the door.

I'm looking now for an open vets..

I'll keep you updated.. She's showing less anxiety now but still not right. I can push on her belly but she shows no pain.

No vomiting or diharrea. May be constapated, but not acting like it.
Vet is the best thing. It will probably be expensive. They will probably do a CBC and possibly some xrays/sonogram if they can't locate where the pain is coming from.

Good luck, I'll be thinking about her. Keep us updated, I wish I could be of more help.
If she does happen to pee, try and get a sample for the vet (this is tough, especially with a female)..when she squats try shoving a piece of aluminum foil under her that is cuped a little bit so it doesn't just run off. Poop sample too if she goes.

Animals always pick the most inconvient times to get sick...weekends and late at night!
Temp is 99.5-99.7 F

Her anxiety, panting, shaking have all stopped or decreased emensly. She has gone back under the covers and is resting now, which is normal for, she gets up to pee then sleeps till noon. Now and then she comes out, but then returns to bed...
Her temp is good. Sounds like she is feeling better.

Some ideas - bit or stung by something, overdoing it outside (my dog did this yesterday since the weather was so nice). Ate something to give her a belly ache, but she's not throwing up. She's not that old, but onset of arthritis. Could be so many things.

It sounds like she is getting back to normal. I don't want to say wait on the vet until tomorrow, it'll have to be your call, but I'd definately get her in there and have a check-up asap.

Give her kisses for me - I love Jack Russells - my mix has some in him, they have such personalities!
I hope it will be something simple. I have seen dogs act about as you are describing from something as non-threatening as gas! I hope it's just something along those lines.

One of my dogs (my baby, Winston) had bladder stones a couple years ago and he did need surgery, however, I'm not sure if females get if if they always need surgery like males? We noticed that Winston was having trouble trying to pee. However, he was playing, eating and drinking as normal. It was about $3,500 so "expensive", but he had to have it in his case. He has been on a prescription diet ever since.
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Temp is 99.5-99.7 F

Her anxiety, panting, shaking have all stopped or decreased emensly. She has gone back under the covers and is resting now, which is normal for, she gets up to pee then sleeps till noon. Now and then she comes out, but then returns to bed...
99.5 F is a low temp for a dog. The normal temperature for a dog is around 101.5 F.
But a low temp is a sign of imminent whelping...

This also sounds a bit like a dog who may... I repeat - MAY ... have had some kind of a seizure... and is slowly getting over it.

She definitely needs to get checked out...
99.5 F is a low temp for a dog. The normal temperature for a dog is around 101.5 F.
according to my UCDavis dog medical book 100-102.5 is normal, but I am not a vet.

have had some kind of a seizure... and is slowly getting over it.
I think she said it was more like a shiver/shake and not a violent uncontrollable shake. Dogs will do this from pain, could of been a petite mal seizure, but I doubt it. I've seen even the tiniest petite mal (my lab use to have them) and I wouldn't call it shivering/shaking, but that doesn't mean it's not possible.

Is she prego?

Could be so many different things, from something simple as gas as Jill mentioned or something more serious.

How is she this morning?
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How is your doggy doing? I hope she's feeling better.

My first instinct would be that she is in pain, but if you checked her and she didn't cringe, I'm not sure.

It could be that she has stones of some sort or a kidney infection that she doesn't want to pee cause it hurts.

Did you get her checked out by the vet?
If I didn't know better with a temp dropped to that level and the other signs I'd say she was in labor and about to deliver. Is there any chance she could have been bred?

Temp is 99.5-99.7 F

Her anxiety, panting, shaking have all stopped or decreased emensly. She has gone back under the covers and is resting now, which is normal for, she gets up to pee then sleeps till noon. Now and then she comes out, but then returns to bed...
Any chance she could be pregnant about to whelp??
That was one of the first things that came to my mind as well- especially with her wagging her tail and following you around everywhere and that being unusual for her
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pregnancy was also what came to my mind..sounds just like my bitches when they are whelping. she also said she's "unspayed".... wonder if there wasn't an opsie breeding somewhere along the line a couple of months ago. Mine will shake, whine, ect for several hours i've had some 15 hours or more before labor...

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