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I just can't thank all of you enough, words don't express how much I appreciate all of your prayers, good thoughts, and emails.

Blake is doing great, so well he will get to go home today or tomorrow. His body made wonderful adjustments so his heart doesn't know its not hooked up correctly. His surgeries were to be in 3 stages to do the repairs, because he is doing so well, the goal now is to try and wait up to 4 weeks and combine stage 1 and 2 during the same surgery, having him go through one less surgey. Julie seems to be ok with it, already giving her medical classes and they have assured her that if any problem comes up she will know, they will have more than enough time to get him to a hospital. They would never consider sending him home if he couldn't make it back.

Instead of spending that time in the hospital they thought it would be better for Blake to be at home, bond with the family and start life off more normal. I agree, and I'm sure it will happen to some degree, but it will be difficult with the family going back and forth to the hospital for Riley.

They are getting Riley ready for surgery, which now may be tomorrow instead of Weds. She did not have a very good day again and am so hoping this surgery will give her some positive steps forward.
So glad to hear the good news about Blake! I can not even imagine the worries your daughter is going thru right now. Bless her. I will keep Riley in my thoughts and prayers today for a speedy recovery so she can join her brother at home with the rest of the family.
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I can't even BEGIN to tell you how amazing my daughter is. Never has she said one negative thing about having 2 babies, has never fretted about how she would do it with 2 ill babies, didn't hesitate when she gave birth to one and then had to do it again 85 minutes later. As of now, one has surgery in a day or two with a 2 week long hospital stay, the other at home,,,in 4 weeks the other goes back for surgery and a 2 week hospital stay,,,ALL with one newborn at home AND a 19 month old!! She doesn't complain, or whine about it, or whoa is me, she just does it, and after this pregnancy, she just does it all very well! I am beyond proud of her! I'd say she is a strong, wonderful women, but that sounds weird as she is still my little girl. Don't ever tell her I said that.
Frankie she is strong just like her mother, so glad to hear she is thinking positive..

and again more
for all involved....
Of COURSE prayers everyday for both of them! But EXTRA hard prayers for Riley now! Come on little girl!
How is it possible to have so many emotions, so totally opposite??? Wow, never expected this out of myself. Maybe that's why it's hard.

Blake is in his way home with mom and dad and big brother Aidan. He will have several doctor visits but they are going to try for the 2 week mark to cut his surgeries from 3 to 2. I am so over joyed for all of them!

But they left Riley at the hospital, she's by herself. I can't stand that. I have done so good, until I found out they were all going home and she can't. I should be there sitting, rocking with her. Its no ones fault, logically there is no way it can be helped, there are no other options. This is the best for Blake. They will be back at the hospital first thing tomorrow,,,but what about through the night? I just better shut up for now.

We are so excited for Blake!! So thankful for the time he'll be at home before he has to go back. So thankful.

Maybe I'll write Riley a letter.
How about a book of notes and thoughts for each little one that they will treasure when they grow up? A project for you, and a treasure for them.
Your daughter is beyond amazing! Of course we never know what we can do until we're tested....but I don't think I could go through what she has. Let's hope all that strength and courage passed on to those babies!
Jody, what a great idea! Maybe I can make some kind of a book and hand make the cover, or come up with a decorative box to put them all in. I have a feeling with all that will be going on and all the waiting and me not always going to be there, I better come up with something to do besides stew! Thanks
Tons of prayers still coming from me. It sure sounds like the Drs are the best and have a total handle on the twins. May Reilys upcoming surgery go smooth and she heal quickly. One step at a time!
Thats great news that Blake is doing so well. Sending lots of hugs and kisses and prayers for Riley. Before you know it, Riley will be going home too.

My oldest daughter was born 6 weeks early only weighing 4 1/2 pounds. She had to stay at the NICU in Baltimore (which is 2 hours or more away from where we live) for 2 weeks until she weighed 5 pounds to go home. We went there everyday to see her. We took pictures everyday that we were there. I started a Keepsake box for all the pictures of her in the incubater. I put little things in there from her stay there. Like the splint that was on her arm for the IV. The little sunglasses that she had to wear when she was under the UV light for mild jaundice, and little things like that. To remind us what she went though. I still look at the box and go wow!

I cant wait to see the pictures of your new grandbabies. And your daughter is a very special woman!
Prayers for the babies. I remember last year when you posted about them.

A lot has been done for Riley today, some has helped, some not so much. She may still have surgery tomorrow or it may be pushed to Thursday morning, it depends on how she does tonight and how she responds to todays treatments, procedures.

Blake continues to improve.

Thank you for your continued prayers and good thoughts for our little girl.
Hoping to hear of an update on how Riley is doing today. I hope Blake had a good first night out of the hospital. They both remain in our prayers!

Hoping Blake is doing well at home. Also praying that Riley is having a good day today. Riley, you have lots of people praying for you so come on, hang in there and get better. You need to be at home with your little brother.



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