Voter ID Laws -- Your Thoughts? (POLL & DISCUSSION)

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Do You Think US Voters Should Be Required To Present Valid ID In Order To Vote?

  • YES

    Votes: 46 95.8%
  • NO

    Votes: 2 4.2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Ok, so I don't think there's any reason to ask for ID at voting time, because it doesn't fix or prevent ANY issues.

The only thing presenting an ID does is confirms your name to the name in the voter rolls - but there's no comparative picture to show that it's you, so it doesn't discourage someone getting a false ID (they're everywhere by the way) and going in to vote as another person. It doesn't discourage someone who is not a citizen from voting, because they can also get ID's, whether by legal or illegal means. To tell the truth, the only ones it actually hurts are transgender citizens, who are generally denied ability to vote because their appearance doesn't match their ID's (I won't go on from there, I'm sure it's a touchy subject for some).

Now, to address the REAL issues. . . I think most Americans agree that you must be a citizen to vote. That said, the real solution is to ensure voter registration is correct, and that only citizens register, and to periodically require re-registration (similar to driver's licenses). . . In other words, fix the whole system, not just a symptom or perceived specific incident. If you had to show proof of citizenship when you register to vote (and maybe you do, I registered a long time ago and truly don't remember) AND had to periodically re-register, AND the registration had to be periodically reviewed for accuracy and dead / non-current registrations removed, THEN we would actually have a chance of maintaining the principals that we all seem to agree to. . . HOWEVER, comprehensive and holistic answers are more difficult and expensive than shot-in-the-dark at what looks like it could be a problem solutions, and are a harder "sell" to the populace, so I really don't look to see any changes in the near future. If the whole system were chnaged however, then I would have no objection to VERIFIED electronic voting - but I think that it would be almost impossible to do over the entire country. I work for a highly regulated industry, and I know what kind of hoops we have to go through to ensure verified, validated electronic signatures, and would expect that voting would be no less secure than our systems - and I don't think you could institute an e-compliance, 21 CFR PArt 11 compliance computerized system for e-signatures across the entire country (we have done it for a company of 100,000 people globally, and it is a nightmare to implement and maintain).
I think the harder you make it to do something wrong (ie voting if you are not eligible to do so), the less often it will happen. Hard for me to spot a downside when it comes to requiring valid ID to vote.
Slightly off topic, but it saddens me to think of all the people I know that don't take advantage of their right to vote! I'm a senior citizen and know many that have never voted in their life, also I've worked with many. Some young people simply don't care who runs this country.
I hear you!!! I was actually thinking almost the same thing earlier today regarding some of my in-laws... I don't miss a chance to vote, not since 1992. Local, State, National -- I don't miss it!

Earlier I was also thinking about those "man on the street" interviews after an election. Where people do not know who the VP is, or don't understand real basic facts about how our government functions. It's the kind of thing that makes me laugh at first, and then just sort of stew over later. These same people who might think Margaret Thatcher is our VP could probably name all the finalists on American Idol or something else equally "important".
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You know Jill, you and I will probably never agree on everything, but do agree on somethings, and we both love our equines. I'm not the smartest cookie in the box, but so enjoy reading the back porch and learning everyone else opinions on important matters. We do agree on this, it's such a shame that people born in this country could care less. I don't know if it is lack of education or simply that they only care about their day to day lives. I havn't figured it out. I know people with a college education, something I don't have, that havn't even registered! I just don't understand. I'm Cherokee, somthing I never told anyone about when I was younger, because of prejudice, my people didn't always have the right to vote. It is not only an American right it is a great previlege that should not be taken so lightly by so many.
I agree with you 100% on this, Terry! ... and we probably have more in common than not when you get down to things that matter most
I voted yes about having I.D. to vote. I've been voting by absentee ballot and I have to have my ballot signature notarized and obviously present i.d. when I sign my ballot for the notary. It's no big deal because it's a privilege to vote. I was listening to liberal talk radio the other day on Sirrius and they were discussing this issue of requiring id to vote and the gist of the conversation was that having to have i.d. is prejudicial because people move frequently and in places like Florida with high foreclosure rates, people just didn't have valid addresses on their i.d. and then when the address doesn't match to the polling place, they are prohibited from voting and that's prejudicial. Don't shoot the messenger, just repeating what they were saying.
It might be an inconvenience for the workers and it might take a little extra time, but it is WELL worth it. All of it, IMO. I will gladly present my photo ID!
With the barcode system you don't even have to show it to someone. Just scan it. Fake IDs don't validate when the barcode is scanned. If that's racist then I guess the census is racist too...

Then again, so many people don't vote already. This would just be another excuse not to. However, I still say Yes to ID.
Race has nothing to do with showing ID to vote! The govt got angry because dead people are 'voting' and when states were going to clean up their voters list, they were told NOT to!
Some of the political issues today just boggle my mind. I swear, it feels like some key people do not really play for the home team

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