Very sad news...

  • Thread starter Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis
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Lisa, I am so sorry for Raven, PLEASE give her a big (((hug))) from me and tell her how proud all of us are in regards to her age and the very hard decision she had to make. Some horses just seem to come into our lives ...even if it is just a very short time, but make such a lasting impact on us, its hard to ever get over the emotional drain of losing them. Even at my age, when I lost my Patti, who I had 30 years, I was a wreck for weeks, and even tho that happened 6 years ago, every time I just think about her or look at a pic or look out where she is buried, I cry. All that shows is how much we truly do love our animals and how much we care to make the right decision for them. (((HUGS))) Lisa for raising such a great daughter you can really be proud of!
: Corinne
Lisa and Raven,

I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Foxy. Please know that we are thinking of you. Losing a freind is so hard and when you have watched them grow and accomplish so much, it makes the loss even more difficult.

The memories will stay with you forever and the special times together will keep him ever close to your heart.

You are a very special young lady, gifted with the love and compasion for animals.


I am SO sorry for you as a mom to watch your daughter have to go through this and for you too for losing a special horse that shares so much with your daughter, my heart breaks for you both. She will have special memories of him to hold onto and cherish her whole life. Prayers and many (((HUGS))) to you both...
Raven -

We are so very sad for you and your loss. You two were a great team. Think of all you accomplished with Foxy and all the good times you had. They will help you through this rough time. We will miss Foxy and seeing you two together at the shows - it was always a bright spot seeing you to together. Tou are a very special young lady to us. Bless you and remember the good times with Fosy.

Mark & Sharon Bullington
I know youall don't know me, but I have watched Raven at Nationals and followed her accomplisments here. Raven, you are a true, loving horsewoman! You did a very courages thing when you let Foxy go. I am so glad I am here alone right now, as I am sobbing my heart out! Believe me Raven, I am 62 years old and I am still crushed when I lose a beloved animal! Folks will tell you time heals, but with the 'special' ones, you will NEVER forget him and it will take a little longer. Stay strong. As has been already said, the good times will finally take over for you and you will remember with fondness the wonderful times you and Foxy had together. And, yes, he WILL be waiting for you!!

Lisa, please when the time is right take Bonnie up on her offer! I truly believe it will help Raven.

Davie, GREAT heart felt response!

Hugs to both of you,

Oh no, I am SO sorry. Poor Raven.
Foxy was so special to her, and she to him.

My condolences on this devastating loss....
Awwww...I am so sorry for your loss.

Warmest wishes being sent your way and big big hugs!!
[SIZE=10pt] Oh so very very sad. She loved him and he loved her, and it is just not fair. That is the worst part, the unfairness. She is a lucky little girl and he will always love her back. That doesn't stop. The worst part for you is seeing the pain in her. I know, we have gone through it. We can't always protect them. You guys did everything right.I am sorry[/SIZE]
I am so sorry for your loss! Poor little Raven. Please let her know that she gave Foxy a gift for all that he has given her. We have the ability to end the suffering of our beloved animals and it is a gift to do so. I know the pain Foxy had and I know the long road of suffering he would have endured had you decided to try and save him. Sometimes just because we can doesn't mean we should. Unfortunately, it doesn't end with surgery and there's always a 50/50 chance in recovery. It's unfortunate for me to say, but it seems I see more horses go to the Rainbow Bridge following surgery than I see go home.

Please rest assured that Raven made the right descision for Foxy and herself. She's a very mature little lady. There are adults that I know who couldn't make that descision (and I'm one of them!).
Ohhh I am so sorry to read this. It sounds like little Foxy was well loved and had a very good friend in his little girl. I hope Raven can remember the special times and moments spent with Foxy and her tears soon turn to warm smiles for his memory.
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This is so sad to read, I am so sorry to hear of such a tremendous loss. {{{HUGS}}}

I am so sorry for your loss. I know as a mom, the pain and grief your girl is going through has to be the hardest ever. I will always remember Raven and Foxy together in the photos I've seen, and I can't think of him as gone. I wish you peace in this difficult time.

Liz M.
Lisa and Raven, I am so sorry for your loss. Seeing one of your children so sad and hurt can just tear your heart to pieces. As a parent you always feel the need to protect them from hurt and sadness and when you can't it hurts oh so much.
Very sorry for your daughters loss of her buddy that is a blow to a youth my heart goes out to you both..
so very sorry for your loss :no:

Prayers for Lisa, Raven and Foxy

a very tough decission for an adult moreless a young girl (she is very brave and very wise)

what a wonderful loving relationship it sounds like they had, and one day they will be great memories

As a mom it must rip your heart out, such a helpless feeling not being able to fix the hurt.

Better to have loved and lost then never to have loved

Oh Lisa, I normally don't choke up on these threads, but yours went straight to my heart.... :no:

I am so, so sorry for you, and for Raven -- I can only imagine what she is going through right now.

May time heal her pain - please know I am keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers -

Big hugs,

Liz R.