Very sad news...

  • Thread starter Lisa-Ruff N Tuff Minis
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lisa and raven

my heart breaks for both of you. im so so sorry. wish i could give you both a hug and take away the pain

Lisa and Raven, I am so sorry to hear about Foxy. My Mom lost her horse to the same thing years ago, it was so very, very sad. I am so very sad, please know I am thinking of you guys.
Lisa and Raven.... I am so very sorry you have to go thru this especially at christmas time.... Raven I am so proud of you for loving Foxy so very much to let him go. He will always love you too!

Lyn and Esther
I am so sorry, it is devastating for any of us to lose a horse but so much harder for a child but as someone else said they also tend to bounce back quicker, she will get over the worst but it will be difficult for awhile.
Oh, I am so sorry to hear about Foxy and Raven!

It is horrible to lose a horse... especially a best buddy and even worse at this time of the year.

Lots of big hugs sent your way...when my Libby died I was inconsolable and I am an adult... and I can imagine what Raven is feeling right now as my sons Andy and Ben and I did when Libby died.



Silversong Farm
Lisa and Raven, I'm so sorry to hear about Foxy and I'm sure you both are heartbroken. Raven you are a true horsewoman and very strong person to make the best decision you could for your beloved horse. Bless you for being such a good horse mom to him with the time you had. Sending you both peace and comfort for your devasting loss.
Sorry I had not yet posted, have been trying since I first read it.

What was going through my head was the first time I saw them together, and the way Foxy looked at Raven. It has been the only time I have ever seen a horse look at a person, with visable love and admiration,,,,that wasn't my horse looking at me,,that I can see, because I know my horses.

You are both the best!!!! And wishing you all good thoughts from happy memories of an awesome little horse.
Oh, I am so sorry! I have tears for you and Raven. I don't know what I would do if I lost my gelding.. Raven is strong, she will get through this..

"Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to some-one here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water, and sunshine and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who have been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are

intent; his eager body begins to quiver. Suddenly, he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together..."
I am so very sorry for Raven's loss of her precious friend Foxy. I always looked so forward to the posts about them together. Raven is such a beautiful young lady and they made such a perfect pair. I wonder sometimes why we do this to our human selves..take these animals into our hearts and love them more than we love most humans..but what would life be without them? Godspeed Foxy and grace Raven with peace knowing how much Foxy knew that she loved him.
You both have my deepest sympathy. I am so very sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in recalling the special love and joy you shared with your beloved horse. And the day will come when you think of him with smiles instead of tears.
Oh god Lisa, I am SO SORRY!!! Hugs to you all and I am SO SAD for your horrible loss!!
When she is ready contact me to set up a time for me to speak to him for her and maybe that will help a teeny tiny bit.

But only when shes ready.

Hugs to her and you,

Oh, Lisa and especially Raven, I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of Foxy. I knew Silver Fox when he was just a foal and was being shown here in Oklahoma. He was a special little guy even back then and has done such great things with Raven.

Raven, I know the decision was hard and its devestating to you, but I know that you did the right thing in allowing Foxy to cross over the Rainbow Bridge. I know that you feel that no other horse will replace him and that is true--our first horses are always special and have a special place in our heart and mind.

Raven, please remember something--you and Foxy learned together and accomplished so much. Fox would not want you to give up your showing just because he is no longer your partner. He taught you, and you learned from him for a reason--he would want you to continue on. It will not be easy to replace Fox, but you will know when you find that special horse again because Fox will help you find him.

It will take time to heal young lady and we all understand your pain as we have all been there at one time or another. Give yourself time (an Lisa too) to grieve over the loss of this special mini, Raven talk to your Mom about all the fun times and special times you had with Fox, this will allow you both to heal--remembering the good time.

{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to both of you at this time, I know it is not easy to loose a special little friend and companion. Just remember you will see Fox again one day and until that time he will be there to guide you as you continue to learn and bloom into the great little horsewoman that you are going to be. Just close your eyes and be still and you will feel that warm breath against your neck that will say -- Hi Friend and Partner I'm right here beside you--you can do it!!
I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your wonderful Foxy. This will be tough for Raven. Sounds like he was one of the special ones we come across in our lives. This is probably Raven's first time with dealing with that type of loss.......and it isn't easy for those of us who have gone through it before! Young people are very "today" oriented.....they don't see into the future and realize they can get through it and things will improve. Hugs to Raven.
Lisa this is breaking my heart.

When Dan lost his pony Frosty and Michael his horse Classic Action, they were about Raven's age.... that was the end of horses for them forever. The pain these little kids feel for their animals is astronomical.

They could not bear to ever get that close to another animal again and quit horses. I tried to push a little bit, but that backfired on me. I know you are lost for words for Raven. Just hold her, let her cry, a lot......she is going to need a lot of time. One day, when you least expect it, you will find her in the barn and she will approach you about another horse maybe. I would step back on that and let her be the one to bring it up first. Just let her know that it will always be an option available for her when she is ready.

I want you to tell Raven for me that Foxy is with Michael in his stable now and is getting the best of care. Michael will brush Foxy, feed him up real good, and clip him, so he can look his best when Foxy comes to visit her in her dreams. He'll turn him out every day and he will jump across one cloud to another on his way to the most wonderful grassy pasture, where he will buck and kick up his heels and nicker, because he has just seen his old friend standing there......your beloved Thoroughbred.

Much Love,

So Sorry Lisa and Raven. Raven is very wise beyond her years and I know that was so hard for her to make that decision. I pray in time that Raven will come to understand that Foxy would want nothing less of her than to be out showing again and doing what she loves. As Raven would want Foxy to be happy same true for Foxy to want nothing less than Raven to be happy.
I am so sorry for your loss and for having to go through this. My daughter lost her stallion when she was a freshman in high school. We had taken him to a trainer (stupidly not a mini trainer, but an Olympic trainer who had a mini) - he showed beautifully over a weekend and we took him to her on Monday, on thursday she called screaming that she couldn't get my vet on the phone - I got there in twenty minutes and he was dead from a colic. It was devastating to my daughter. I did well not to burn down their barn!

We learned a great life lesson though, where ever there is a door closing, another door opens, we just have to carry our precious memories with us and move on. We learned after the stallion had died that he had gotten out with our maiden mare and she was pregnant. The problem was that she was really too small to have been bred to him and we would never have intentionally put them together. I was beside myself thinking that we could lose the mare and the foal from dystocia.

Scarlett's step-dad, my wonderful patient husband, and I decided that we needed a back up plan to help her get through this. We told Scarlett that because the mare was a maiden and the only mare on the property we needed to find a senior mare who was pregnant to have a foal around the same time to show the maiden mare how to be a good momma. We went to a local auction where a mare that Scarlett had researched was being auctioned as a three in one package. It turned out to be from Margie Wood of MarJac miniatures.

Margie was the gift of love we received from that opening door. She has become like a grandmother to Scarlett and we have been the dearest of friends ever since. As it turned out Tina and Tuffy Acton at Freedom Hill Farm foaled out both mares for us. Tina saved the lives of the maiden mare and foal for us. The mare went very long - was huge and the foal was huge. If that mare had been in anyone else's hands they would have died. The two did great and the filly has matured and has had her own foal. The mare from Margie foaled out like a champ and we seemed to have babies and joy everywhere! They did not replace the stallion or take away the trauma of his loss, but life went forward as it should. Hug each other for us. Be tender with each other during this time of pain. Watch for that opening door.

The cecum is the appendix - in people it is little but in horses it is huge. You both made the best decision for him as hard as it was to make. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sitting in a motel room -- just was popping onto internet to check mail, etc.... but I had to let you know how much I am feeling for YOU as a mom and for Raven for losing her best she will remember all her life.

My heart goes out to you.


I am so sorry. Many hugs to you and remember that others like your mom and I have loved and been loved by very special horses like you and Foxy loved each other. It is a very rare thing and something to really treasure and nothing can or will ever replace Foxy. But, know that the love and joy that you both shared meant the world to Foxy. He taught you everything he knew, but most importantly he taught you how to love and be compasionate. Again, Hugs to you my dear. Also, please understand that there are other horses that would love to have that special person in their life so that they can be loved as much as Foxy was. They may be right there in your barn, or they could be down the road somewhere, but they are there. Don't give up on your dreams, and remember that you have a huge heart and can love another just as much as you loved Foxy and that you would not be betraying Foxy to do so. Yes, it is very hard to love like that again. Yes, you will always remember and miss him. I know that all to well as I have had 2 horses that were to me as special as Foxy was to you. But also remember that Foxy will always be there with you. He is there in your heart and he will guide you the rest of your life.


I am so sorry for you as well. It is heartbreaking to watch a loved one grieve and not be able to help, and I know that you loved Foxy as well. But remember that you have shown her time and again how to deal with this type of loss. You have instilled a great foundation, and she will recover from this just as you have recovered from your losses as well. She will get strong again. It may take time, but don't give up on her. I know as I watched my sister go through this when her gelding broke his neck when we were still in school. It took a while, but my sister made it and Raven will too. Hugs to you also, and please call me if you need anything.