Update on Melody

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I hope she is at home marching around her own paddock later today
Oh that's wonderful news! Brandi, what a week you've had!
Your baby's coming home now!!!!
Can't wait to see pictures of miss Melody back at home with her family.

That's wonderful!!! I'm never so glad to see mayhem and bad behavior as when my horse has been sick. You just want to kiss them for feeling well enough to be naughty.

As far as the bleach, just pour some into a bucket of water according to the directions on the bottle. Scrub the items in question then rinse them well in clear water and set them aside to dry. I think the bleach pretty well evaporates given enough time but I usually dilute it strongly just to make that eau de bleach a little less overwhelming. Oh, and I wouldn't leave bleach water sitting in a colored plastic bucket as it will leach the color out at the water line.
Been there, done that! Nice little white line. :DOH!

I work in a lab, and we use 10% bleach solution to disinfect and clean things. So 1 fl oz combined with 9 fl oz of water would make a 10% solution for example (or 1 gal bleach combined with 9 gal water, change the numbers and units as needed).
Thanks for the info on the bleach.

Well they got the trachea wash results in and unfortunately it didn't show anything
So Melody has just spent a week and 2 days in the hospital and I don't even know why
The vet said she is going to keep her one more night (not sure why) and then try to send her home tomorrow. She said that last night and I'm not sure why she can't come home today. I guess they haven't switched her over to oral antibiotics yet. She said Melody has been doing really well all day today so that's good news. Her temp hasn't spiked in almost 24 hrs. I am relieved that she is doing better but I still have a knot in my stomach because I don't know what just happened!!!!!!!!!!
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I have been doing some reading about giardia in horses.

Recently had this show up in a puppy that a friend owned and wondered if horses were ever involved. 

Possibly there might be something like that going on with Melody. 

It's something that can be picked up in water that is contaminated with things like bird droppings.

It is an intestinal issue but the vet would likely have checked for that.

Because she has had a couple of episodes and nothing has been pin pointed it may be something insidious that one might never check for.
I had that when I was little. Luckily I don't remember it
But I think with Giardia comes lots of poop problems right? Melody hasn't had diarrhea since I have owned her. And I would think it would effect her all the time until she was cured of it.

I did ask the vet today about Strangles just in case she had it but it wasn't showing outward symptoms. The vet said that the blood work would have shown strangles for sure. So for now it's just called the "mystery illness".
I can understand your concerns with the mystery illness

Very happy to hear that she is on the mend. As much as the money issue stinks, it's probably best she's there a little longer since it hasn't been all that long since she had a fever. Stress (even "good" stress) could be a lot for her system right now.

She's such a doll! I really hope that she remains healthy for you now!
Did you ask the vet about her teeth coming in? I am glad she is better! i can't wait to see pics of her at home again!

Shelia B.
That must be so frustrating, not having any answers.

I'm so happy that she will be coming home to you though.

xox Leonie xox
Haven't been on in a while but hugs for you and Melody!
We hope she continues to improve for you and that the insurance covers everything for you.

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