There was a "B" sized Mini mare who foaled live, absolutely adorable pinto twins in Canada a few years back. Someone on here posted pictures of them again, not too long ago. I didn't save the hopefully someone will post them again for you here.
Twinning in full sized horses is rare....but even more rare (almost unheard of) in Minis. There just isn't enough room in a mini mares body to carry two. They DO conceive twins...but their body usually aborts one or both early on in the pregnancy.
The only other twins I've heard of born to a Mini mare was in California to a mare owned by a friend of mine. This mare was an "A" sized mare & foaled SIAMESE twins.....and they were born naturally (not cescarian), with a vet's help getting them out!. OUCH!
These foals were full term foals, but they were born dead. They were still alive up until about two days before they were born tho. I have very graphic photos if anyone is interested in seeing them.