The person that reported it to me works a lot and I just asked her an update. Last I heard she was going to contact someone in the area to come look and help her assess the situation and she is also slipping him some hay on the sly out of pity. She is also grooming him, so he is getting a bit more extra attention and feed at this point. I am hoping the owner can be nudged into doing the right thing, but if not, it appears the extra food and attention given to him to make him feel better as soon as possible might work against his ultimate well being...? As in the humane society probably won't see a problem and he will continue to be in the care of someone who hasn't got a clue.
Oh, well, at least he is probably feeling better w/more feed. She sent me some updated pics and he already looks a little better esp. for being clean, but is filling in a bit.
Thank you for asking!
I will let everyone know what else I hear. I have another email in to her now.