The Colorado Kid

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
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Spotsy., VA (USA)
I just recently finished reading a "newish" Stephen King book, The Colorado Kid. It was published only in paper back ("Hard Case Crime") as far as I know.

For anyone thinking of reading it, just FYI, nothing is really wrapped up at the end and you do not have a resolution to what happened in the central "crime".

It was a fairly quick read, and I am a HUGE SK fan, but I'd like to have a refund of the time I invested in this particular book.

I'm just now finally starting Cell.
I LOVE Stephen King. I can not begin to tell you how many books of his I have, I lost count somewhere back in the 30s.

I've had a copy of this book for some time and have not been able to find the time to read it yet.

I shouldn't have finished reading your I'll have to wait until I forget what you said about the book before I can read it. lol Should only be a day or two with my mind.
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Oh I hear you

My memory is GOOD but SHORT.

You may like the book, though (doubt it!). It is a fast read and not the "typical" SK book. He is my all time favorite author and has been for 20+ years. I have ALL his books, but a few of the recent ones I have not read yet. I have all of his Dark Tower books, and audio books, but haven't finished listening to the 5th one or the final ones yet. I think in a way, I am "hording it" since I know as long as I save it, I have something I will enjoy "reading" (listening to).
I've been reading Stephen King for probably as long as you. I got to thinking about how many books I have of his and I know 30 somthing was back in the late 1990s. HOLY COW

I went to Wally World a while back and was looking to buy one of his books and ended up picking up a novel I already had. I use to know which ones I already read. lol

I'll probably like the book as I can't recall one that I don't. I like the diversity he is capable of.

I also have the Dark Tower series and had started book 5 right after the spring semister was over and was hoping to have it finished before the summer semister started, but that didn't happen. Hopfully I'll have it finished before the fall semister starts.
I agree with you, Lois, on Dean Koontz earlier stuff. I was happy I "gave him another chance" with some more recent stuff because he's got some great books now. But, as you say, the first ones were the same story over and over and I'd love to read one of his books where he does not refer to palm fronds (pet peeve).

With SK, he did have a couple other books I didn't flip over like the one The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (something like that) and also Gerald's Game. Just found both kind of boring. But out of 30+++ of his books, those were the only ones (and this last Colorado Kid one) where I felt kind of "ehhh".
Im a huge SK fan. Read the first Dark Tower book in high school and it's still my fave to this day. I have to read the last two though.

The only book I hated was "Dreamcatcher". I HATED that book with a passion. I liked Tom Gordon and Bag of Bones. REad those two back to back. It is still one of my faves along with the unabridged "The Stand".
I am an avid King reader and collector of 1st printings. So far I haven't read the "Colorado Kid" But I do yhink that King's latest books have become dull...well written but dull.

Ahhh well...King has to run out of ideas sooner or later!!
I too read everything he has written and of all of them The Stand is my favorite. I had thought of getting Colorado Kid but hadnt yet now not sure if I will or not.
I hadn't even heard of the "Colorado Kid" book, Jill-but will take your 'review' into consideration if I see it for sale somewhere--LOL! I am another who LOVES Stephen King, and I have at least NEARLY all of the fiction he has written. I agree wholeheartedly that 'The Stand' is one of, if not THE, best of his works! There have been a few I didn't care for("Pet Semetary" comes to mind), but most of them, I have enjoyed to some degree, mostly a LOT! Guess every 'batter' has a miss instead of a 'hit' every now and then! Almost NOBODY writes a scary tale like Stephen King, though-and I DO love a good scary tale!!


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