Still waiting for first foal

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Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2005
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How many are still waiting for their foaling season to start? And where are you located? I am in northern canada and STILL haven't had my first foal. I must have been way off on my dates. Who else is feeling my pain? lol
Oh please, i'm still waiting for my first foal of the season but, I have to wait for NEXT SUMMER! You're lucky you get one this summer LOL!
I had one mare confirmed in foal for late May-early June. She hasn't shown heat, and neither has another mare that came up negative last year, but neither are giving me the usual signs. Nada! Not even a bag! If they don't give me a sign one way or another within the next week or so I'm making an appointment with our reproductive vet. They're driving me CRAZY!!!
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I am still waiting for all 4 of my mares to foal. One is starting to make a small bag, others nothing. Luckily I do have a foal here to keep me busy for a few more weeks, the he leaves once weaned. I'll miss the little stinker. :bgrin I bought the mare with colt but colt is sold.
I'm waiting on my last foal. We already have 3 foals on the ground. This last mare is driving me nuts. Squishy bag --> hard bag --> medium bag ---> hard bag ---> squishy bag ---> medium bag !! It changes everyday....multiple times a day. Could be hard in the morning, squishy at night or vice versa!! I am unable to express any milk whether the bag is squishy, medium or hard. Just can't get any!! She's 331 days today and looks like a beach ball with legs!! So....hopefully she will foal very soon!!
I'm waiting on 2 more mares to foal. 6 on the ground so far. Of the two remaining mares, one is a 28" maiden. I'm really anxious about that one!
We're waiting on our last foal of the season but out FIRST foal out of our new stallion... and the wait is killing me!!!!

I'm waiting on my last foal. We already have 3 foals on the ground. This last mare is driving me nuts. Squishy bag --> hard bag --> medium bag ---> hard bag ---> squishy bag ---> medium bag !! It changes everyday....multiple times a day
Ooooooooh do I feel your pain! LOL Our girl looked closer to foaling three weeks ago than she does now.. There for a while she had a pretty tight udder and skim milk, now it's just swollen at the bottom and the glands right in front and the liquid inside is very very light yellow.. One day she looks very relaxed in the back, the next hour/day it looks wrinkley and puckered again.. *sigh* She spends her nights kicking her belly or the wall (the other night she kicked the wall HARD, both back feet and ears pinned and NO other horse on the other side to bug her!) pacing/circling the stall, and there's times where she will lay down and nicker to her belly like they do when they're foaling, only to get up and start munching away again lol She's 353 days today off her first breeding (hand bred), and then she showed signs of heat again on July 25th and only stood that one day for the stud (hand bred) so off that date she'd be 325 days.. Last year she carried her stud colt for 345 days...

Here was last night:




and then about a week or so ago:


And here's the proud daddy (don't mind my clipper marks! lol):

We are still waiting also, Day 347, we only have one mare this year to foal, so this foal much awaited!!!!
Waiting here too - for our first mini foal EVER, not just this year. She is at 316 days and has been bagged up for a couple of weeks. I was testing the milk until yesterday when she decided to kick. Her bag feels pretty hard now anyway but milk hasn't gotten sticky yet. Two weeks ago we saw activity that seemed to inidcate the foal getting into position for foaling. Can you tell we are getting excited?
Phew! I am glad I am not the only one feeling the pain!! lol. I have 2 girls I am waiting on. One is maiden. Both babies are the first from my little stud. I can't wait to see these babies!! Pinto moms and pinto dad so a good chance of color. I think my experienced mare is close but no bag to speak off. Just full in front. I maiden is starting to get a bigger gland and her nipples are starting to show. I leave on holidays in 2 weeks! I have someone to watch them but would rather not have them foal out when I am gone. Oh well, can't control the date they choose so I will just keep watching. :lol: :lol: :lol: *sigh*
I also am waiting for our first foal and only foal for this year and I am in Ontario (Canada), near Ottawa. I don't mind the wait :lol: but expect it could be tonight or this weekend. I am SOOOOOOOOOO excited to see what is produced with this cross, I am on pins and needles. Hey Dana :aktion033: :aktion033: in Oregon. If it's a filly she is travelling to Dana to be a buddy for her Twoie. If it's a stud colt I have the PEFECT name for him :bgrin . As a matter of fact I am going to be on the radio Monday morning here in Ottawa, on BOB FM talking to the hosts about miniature horses and the possibility of the name I may use IF it's a stud colt, it has to do with "extending the hockey playoffs" . You see I am an Ottawa Senators fan and we lost the Stanley Cup to the Anaheim Ducks .... but if it's a little guy, well ... you will have to stay tuned you hockey fans for the announcement of this foal should it be a boy
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Not waiting for the 1st as we have 9 lovely foals one the ground but we have a little break of maybe a month. I just now see that several mares, mostly appys DO look in foal for this year, sometime! Still have a couple Im just not sure of yet, rounder looking but not hugely pregnant yet. I expect some late year foals as we may have the 1st foals ever from our young snowcap appy stud Chief. We could have aug and sept foals from him. So its pretty much mare stare till the end of the year here as I dont want to miss any of these mares that try to sneak an unnoticed pregnancy past me!!
I definately feel your pain I had 6 mare confirmed in foal last year and I waited thru all the whole gestation and my mares then showed heat after 5 mos of no good sleep. Finally on June 6th my only mare that stayed pregnant had a palomino filly she was well worth the wait. My mare was at 363 days. We bought a pregnant jennet so the foal will have a playmate. If anyone can help me post a picture of her please email me and I will post a picture.


April :aktion033:
Yes! Starting three years ago I bought my first "imaginary-pregnant" mare. I was told she was due any day, and to me, she looked it. However, just fat! The following year, I bought another imaginary-pregnant mare. This one was to stay with its owner until the mare foaled. And of course, it never foaled. She fooled everyone. She stayed with her original owners, and I bought two mares and bred them to my stallion. One of them, I HOPE, is pregnant. She hasn't gone back into heat, and I tested her with an equine urine test, which came back positive. And of course, she looks pregnant. She has a small bag and relaxed in the back...Her due date was June 13 according to my handbreeding calculations. And I mean handbreeding! I never thought I'd have a hand in something like that (no pun intended). So, with all this, where is my baby?
Add us to the waiting list in Washington State.......

We thought Zoe was due in Sept and the vet came to

give her her pneumobort shot and said "No way will she

go that long." He thought she could come at any time

and we're still waiting......

We're all tuned up thinking any time but she'll probably go

to September even though she looks big enough for twins.

If she goes to September she'll get the last laugh as she is

on her 30 days before foaling feeding program....and loving it.
I"m still waiting for my first. She's due anytime now, I'm not quite sure on her due date but she's getting closer. I live in Northern Idaho. I can't wait for this first foal. I'm so excited. Can't wait to see what I get. Mom is a chestnut pinto and dad is a silver dapple. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling the pain......Anna

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