Rita Jenkins

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May 24, 2011
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Has anyone heard from Rita Jenkins of Weeokie Farm in Oklahoma. I am worried that the weather this afternoon might have hit near her! if anyone hears from her please post! Thanks!
When I saw this topic I was hoping for info on Rita. My husband and I were just talking about her earlier and wondering if she was ok. Keeping her in thoughts and prayers.
Just got word that Rita and Hugh were hit by the tornado this evening. They are fine but I am told they sustained damage to their house, barns and fences. Dont know anymore. Please send them lots of prayers for them and their beloved horses.
Sending prayers for Rita. She's such a sweet lady.

Also worried about Robin and Jules. Hope they come on soon with an update.
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear about Rita & Hugh!

I was worried about them.

I did Parm, on another thread. I'd heard one go by today. It was on it's way North. Karrel flew home to see if I was ok!

I hope we hear from others & that they're ok!
I posted a new thread on the main Forum. All details are there. We need to find pasture space and stall space for 75 horses. She has mare's with foals at side and places to put stallions. Please go to the main forum or contact me if you can help with the horses until they can get the barn and fences back up.

Pat Elder, Leesa Conley, and myself (here in Norman) are all fine. I had some golf ball size hail but thank heavens was not a large down pour and lasted for less than 5 minutes. Friend of ours that has a young granddaughter showing lived in Goldsby and they lost their barn and the horses were missing for some time, but they have been found and are back safe at home. Their parents live a couple of doors down and they lost 2 barns but both homes were not damaged.

Donna Terry and Wilma Bouska have both been heard from and they are OK as well.

Everyone in OK please check in so that we know you are all right.
This is just crazy with all these tornadoes!! I sure hope every one is ok and best wishes to all in the areas this is going on! I just heard another one hit Joplin! Yikes! My thoughts and prayers with everyone!

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