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Wow....this thread has turned into a total mess...sorry Ruffian.....that being said...we all love animals and want to see them rescued, that is not the issue...who's to blame for the rescue not going well...that's not the issue...EVERYONE HERE IS VERY UPSET...and that is totally normal..I think we are all feeling the stress of the devestation and that just shows that we all care for the PEOPLE AND THE go do something about it...go donate if you can, go say a prayer, no one is right, no one is wrong, and no one is to blame. And no one can say what they would or wouldn't do if they are not in the stop judging people and help in a way you feel is constructive...whatever that may be.....

sorry...I've had a bad day...
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What I find interesting and well ironic is.. in a odd way it is almost easy to see how and why people start looting and such I am not talking about those who are criminals to begin with but those who are normally law abiding folk.

Look how watching and feeling helpless and such has easily turned this thread into somewhat of a heated argument/debate.... now imagine living it not just watching it and it is easy to see how you can get very caught up in the moment of expressing your beliefs again I realize this isnt a great comparison - debate- looting but I can see how if we might all be having this discussion in person it could get some very wound up.

Not really a point to any of what I just wrote just a interesting observation is all
susanne said:
Shirley, you know I love you, but I gotta say...thank goodness you're there to defend our government and its agencies, because they ALL need it -- from top to bottom.
Do not try to silence those who care.



If not for the government and it's bleeding heart programs that promote irresponsibility to control the masses, liberalism and all it entails would have died out a long time ago. But since most good old regular folks are NOT stepping up to the plate as they used to before they made it the government's business, I guess we just have to take what we get. I wish the govt would completley bow out of it all and let's see what you'd have to complain about then. Yourselves? Whether you agree with it or we all are the enemy you rail against, including yourself. We are the government, deciding as a whole how this country works with our votes and our actions. Each in our own way contributing to the mess or the glory but a part of it all in the grand scheme of things nonetheless.

And sorry to say but I don't think complaining about the unjustice of it all in any way automatically implies one cares. And yes I am one who believes if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem and to me those who are part of the problem probably should be silenced.

See now all I'm doing is just losing my temper and that's not a worthwhile way for anyone to waste even one moment of life on.
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I do believe that this is just an expression of different feelings for different folks. But we sit frustrated at what is going on ot not going on there, well imagine what those who didn't have a way out, before the hurricane, must feel like

now. My family has always taken care of ouselves but on the other hand if a disaster struck that was way beyond our control we would expect the government to step in for our safety because we pay dearly through our taxes for safety. I too think it does little good to judge and we can only help in the way we know is right for us. Mary

Fordney Farms said:
Wow....this thread has turned into a total mess...sorry Ruffian.....that being said...we all love animals and want to see them rescued, that is not the issue...who's to blame for the rescue not going well...that's not the issue...EVERYONE HERE IS VERY UPSET...and that is totally normal..I think we are all feeling the stress of the devestation and that just shows that we all care for the PEOPLE AND THE go do something about it...go donate if you can, go say a prayer, no one is right, no one is wrong, and no one is to blame.  And no one can say what they would or wouldn't do if they are not in the stop judging people and help in a way you feel is constructive...whatever that may be.....

sorry...I've had a bad day...


I agree that there is no point getting worked up about it if you are powerless, so Shirley, keep giving your point of view PLEASE as the world is made up of every sort and any opinion is valid, BUT please do not get upset or angry by the response. I do disagree that any part of society or any opinion should be silenced- we allow ANYONE to say whatever they wish- at the moment!! It is not only in America that you can speak your mind. At the moment. This is a precious commodity and you need to keep it- hang on to it with both hands. Our Government is plotting as we speak to take it away from us and you cannot allow that to happen to you.

My own take on this mess?? Why was it allowed to happen?? Why were not all the buses and the aid and the food IN PLACE , before this happened?? They knew there were thousands of people, for whatever reason, still in the area- why did they not truck in all the help before the devastation and have it all waiting in the stadiums and other places of refuge??

I have my own cynical conclusions but I shall not post them here, they are inappropriate. As I said before, we need, at the moment , to stop trying to find someone to blame and just do whatever we can to help. Afterwards the Politicians can all play pass the parcel with the responsibility and, eventually, a scapegoat will be found and blamed.
Enough energy expended on this one? Time to spend some of that emotion and effort on doing something. We'll all feel better. Back to the idea of helping the people, the animals, the nation. This didn't just happen to the area that was hit by the hurricane. It happened to all of us. It will impact all of our lives. And as far as blaming the government. Yep, blame away. Guilt belongs to it from top to bottom and since we put them there, it belongs to us too. LA has asked for many years for the money to improve the levy system. The money was never put in the final budget. And yes, when you hear criticism on Fox News, you should listen. That is a very rare thing to see and hear.

Final thought. Liberal isn't a bad word, no more than conservative is. The only thing that matters is where you put your heart and efforts.

Hugs to you all. Go out and hug your horses. I'm going to go do that right now. Oh, and yes, I'm late feeding today and I do feel guilty! I can't imagine standing by and having nothing to give them.

The only thing that matters is where you put your heart and efforts.
Hugs to you all. Go out and hug your horses. I'm going to go do that right now. Oh, and yes, I'm late feeding today and I do feel guilty! I can't imagine standing by and having nothing to give them.
Well said Cheryl! I'm going out right now to hug my horses. They're my stress relief and I love them all......
I feel this tragedy was a reality check....... It usually takes that first horrible devestating tragedy to make Americans realize that they are not properly prepared. Because this is America & disasters on this scale do not happen here mentality.......... I am betting that if & when another wide spread disaster happens (and it will) that our emergency response people WILL be better prepared................. I hope the blame game does not dominate the real issues - use that energy to study why, how & what went wrong & correct it before the next disaster........................ I just heard on the news that two policemen committed suicide & others have quit their jobs. So sad!
rabbitsfizz said:
I do disagree that any part of society or any opinion should be silenced- we allow ANYONE to say whatever they wish- at the moment!! It is not only in America that you can speak your mind.  At the moment. This is a precious commodity and you need to keep it- hang on to it with both hands.  Our Government is plotting as we speak to take it away from us and you cannot allow that to happen to you.

You're right Fizz, as I said I just lost my temper and do apologise. I didn't feel it's right to go back and erase it as I'm responsible for what I say, right or wrong.

However, I don't feel it's necessary to be so paranoid about the big bad government. I don't give over my personal power to silly perceptions like that but do believe that those who do really may have something to worry about--and it isn't the government.
I just saw a Husband and his wife rescued They STILL did not want to Leave~! But they put what they could in 2 plastic bags and got into the Helicopter... They locked the front door of the house and left their 3 Dogs behind...They just can't take the animals will them~!.. this is a fact of life when you are in a situation as this and the army is going in with their copter... NO Pets Are allowed face the cruel facts. Nobody likes this but in a military state of this type no pets are taken, Period
The only way to get through life is to look at everything that happens...good & bad as a learning experience, I figured out this a long time ago, otherwise you either start blaming the bad in life on everyone else or carry such a burden that depression becomes a way of life. This was one way that I got through raising & losing miniature horses, my cancer & other things in my life. This hurricane is going to be a learning experience for everyone, even those not individually effected by it. We have to learn to be more prepared for the unexpected, both the goverment & individually. We have to look inward to ask what more we can do to help our fellow man & beasts when a situtation like this occurs. We are living in a different world that our forfathers. Life was simple back them & solutions were simple, now it is based too much on politics, laws & sometimes waiting for someone else to help. Living in America gives us the ability to question & complain without worrying about being killed for our voice, but it also sometimes makes us armchair experts without having any idea the magnitude or scope of the whole picture of the situation involved. Do I think this was handled of course not, living in Texas & meeting some of the survivors face to face & listening to their tales of horror showed me this. Do I have an answer for the problems that is intails, sure I have my thoughts of course of what could happen, making them happen on a huge scale like this would be a nightmare, one I am sure is facing those in charge. This brought out the best & worst in people, & the ones that were doing the looting just took away help from those truely in need. The best thing we can do at this point is to help our fellow man & beasts, in this case with monatery donations to those organizations that will do the most with the funds. Lets spend all our energy on getting through this & although we should let our voices be heard, the people in power to get it done can work a lot better if they are spending their time & energy on the task at hand instead of spending it in defence of their actions. Be glad that we live in America, & I encourage all of you to make a donation to the Red Cross & the animal rescue organizations & make a real difference.
Whitestar I for one
you. Great post and very well said
VERY well said Debbie!

Whitestar said:
The only way to get through life is to look at everything that happens...good & bad as a learning experience, I figured out this a long time ago, otherwise you either start blaming the bad in life on everyone else or carry such a burden that depression becomes a way of life. This was one way that I got through raising & losing miniature horses, my cancer & other things in my life.  This hurricane is going to be a learning experience for everyone, even those not individually effected by it.  We have to learn to be more prepared for the unexpected, both the goverment & individually. We have to look inward to ask what more we can do to help our fellow man & beasts when a situtation like this occurs. We are living in a different world that our forfathers. Life was simple back them & solutions were simple, now it is based too much on politics, laws & sometimes waiting for someone else to help. Living in America gives us the ability to  question & complain without worrying about being killed for our voice, but it also sometimes makes us armchair experts without having any idea the magnitude or scope of the whole picture of the situation involved. Do I think this was handled of course not, living in Texas & meeting some of the survivors face to face & listening to their tales of horror showed me this. Do I have an answer for the problems that is intails, sure I have my thoughts of course of what could happen, making them happen on a huge scale like this would be a nightmare, one I am sure is facing those in charge.  This brought out the best & worst in people, & the ones that were doing the looting just took away help from those truely in need. The best thing we can do at this point is to help our fellow man & beasts, in this case with monatery donations to those organizations that will do the most with the funds.  Lets spend all our energy on getting through this & although we should let our voices be heard, the people in power to get it done can work a lot better if they are spending their time & energy on the task at hand instead of spending it in defence of their actions.  Be glad that we live in America, & I encourage all of you to make a donation to the Red Cross & the animal rescue organizations & make a real difference.

wish the govt would completley bow out of it all and let's see what you'd have to complain about then. Yourselves?
Well, now that wouldn't be very sporting of them would it, since we pay their salaries, and also pay to have emergency management in place? Or where is that 40% + of my salary going? Income tax, sales tax, gasoline tax...

I am sending out prayers for all. What a turn this nation took at the dawn of the new century. Boy I can remember the "high times" of the 90s, I am a dot commer, so I remember the feelings so well! Reality, harsh reality has set in. I pray the rest of the people and animals have their suffering as minimized as possible.
ClickMini said:
wish the govt would completley bow out of it all and let's see what you'd have to complain about then. Yourselves?
Well, now that wouldn't be very sporting of them would it, since we pay their salaries, and also pay to have emergency management in place? Or where is that 40% + of my salary going? Income tax, sales tax, gasoline tax...


Well gee if you are paying for it what do why would we even need the government
Like I said whether anyone gets it or not in the grand scheme of things the government is actually US.
This is Unprecedented on our soil a evacuation like this never before in the history of the US has this type of action ever took place.. I just hope now that this has happened then if God Forbid we have another attack on us by terrorists they The US government The Locals Government and ALL Other agencies will be better prepared.. But getting over 10,000 people air lifted out by helicopter and a few busses is a Monumental task, never before under taken... And still the City is under 20 feet of water in places as the water has not gone down at all... man that is huge task...We Can/t even imagine how terrible it is....This is very big and cannot be handled in just a day or 2 like all of us would like it.. Just Can't...And now people may never be able to get home again...85% of the city is destroyed and most all buildings will have to be torn down... And that is After the water is out of which they say now may not be for Months~!!! And Lord Help us and them if there is another one that even comes close to the Southern Gulf States.... And we are still not at the Peak Of the hurricane season yet that won't happen for another week or so...then still have months to go for hurricanes to hit.....Whoozers
Well said shminifancier! We saw people on their roof today tell rescuers that all who "wanted" to be rescued had already left. They are begging people, telling them there will be no power, water, food for months. Lt. Gen Honore in charge of the Guard put it pretty straight. A week ago today, Katrina's eye was expected to pass directly through New Orleans. It veered east and obliterated the rest of the Gulf Coast and inland killing people with tornados even in Georgia. NO was not a total catastrophe until after the levees began leaking and flooding the city. Those emergency personnel from those other states waiting to respond to NO could not respond and roads were destroyed. He also said if they had brought in the emergency personnel and supplies ahead, it was likely they would have been destroyed as well.

We've had disasters before. But nothing in the scope of this area of devestation - if I heard right it was like 90,000 square miles! They announced today Texas has received about 250,000 evacuees. That is mind- boggling.
Forgot to add ---

Get involved. There is training this week locally for assisting at any shelters that may be set up here - Paris is a town of about 25,000. Hospital is on alert here - received one patient so far transferred from another site. EMS personnel have gone to help triage, firefighters who had gone were pulled out because of the danger of being shot but they're going back to man a fire station so those firefighters can go rescue. Our son in OK is a paramedic on alert to be sent to a relief center. Our daughter is on alert here as a counselor.

Do what you can do - answer phones, input info into computers, cook meals, clean, take supplies, or just be a hand to hold onto!!!
I choose to keep my babies with me knowing that I could provide the very best care. Others due to proir storms choose to leave their animals because there was no where to keep them I know this for I tried calling several places just to see what they would tell me. Also they were stranded on the hwy for 6 hours are more before getting out of harms way just 45 miles out of the city. They were put in a very difficult situation to decide.

Unfortunately I just read in today's paper here that they have been shooting dogs
. They also mentioned that they found one woman who refused to leave without her cats, she had 15 of them. They told her that the shelter would not accept them so she told them she wasn't leaving them. They boxed up the cats and they did take her and the cats to the shelter. Then they mentioned a gentleman who was crying, saying he had to kill his 16 year old chihuaha mix because he knew the poor thing wouldn't be able to survive as they were both on a tree

I know that if it would have been me they is no way hin he** I would have left my animals, they are part of my family. Of course I would have ensure that my human family was rescued but I would have stayed with my animals NO MATTER WHAT!

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