Question on foals feet

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Sep 24, 2010
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I have a 4 1/2 month old weanling filly. I have noticed that when she walks her back feet are clicking. She puts her hoof down when walking and then the pastern clicks into place. Sometimes I can hear it clicking when she trots. She has no pain or swelling. She runs around and plays. I am hoping this is just a little thing that happens while they are growing and she will grow out of it. I would apreciate any advice anyone can give me. I am new to mini's and this is my first baby. I just love them!

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You'll get several different answers...but I'll give a reply. I only had six foals here, and a few of them had that clicking sound--it was not stifles as so many insisted, it was different. I had the farrier and the vet check the first time. Both said it was not stifles. As you observed, it causes no discomfort whatsoever to the foal. The vet said it's from growing fast and suggested I feed a grain with less protein to keep that from happening. I did and it stopped.
I also had this in my stallion. He also outgrew it and is a lovely cart horse with nice movement. Every horse is different but as long as she shows no signs of distress I'd say you are alright. BTW, I feed all my non-pregnant horses 14% protein, never heard of that causing clicking. As I say it went away on it's own. I always keep the babies on 16% until they are at least 6 months old (mare and foal feed).
Thank you for your replies. Do you think it will hurt her to go on short walks? I have not been doing this with her because I didn't want to make it worse. She loves to go with me and I would really like to take her. Any other advice from anyone? Thanks
Just a thought here but perhaps she needs a trim. I know of several horses (granted older than your filly) who will click when they need a trim. Our farrier believes it is related to toe length and has seen it in a number of his client horses. so if she has not yet been trimmed or its been a month or more that might be the trouble
I would guess she needs a trim, or perhaps better angles (less toe). Foals often need to be trimmed every three weeks.

Thank you! She doesn't look like she needs a trim, but I will call my farrier
I walked my guy regularly and it seemed to improve after the walks, so I dont think it can hurt her to walk with you. Also if you are walking on hard ground or pavement it will help to trim her feet at the same time.

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