Prayers needed in Berryville

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:no: Oh gosh Ginny, you sure have had a terrible year so far. Sending healing thoughts and prayers that your mare will be OK, and her unborn foal too. (((((HUGS)))))
: It just isn't right that you've had such a heart breaking year... sending you hopes and prayers that Becky and her foal will come through this safe! Hope you can go home soon ... sitting on pins and needles is the worst.

Take care,

Keeping your little mare in my thoughts and prayers. Hope she is feeling better soon.
Ginny, prayers, hugs, white light and healing thoughts coming your way from Amy, Justice, and the rest of the Finch Meadow Gang. I feel the prayers of this group helped my little Esprit a couple of nights ago, it's time for your little mare to be lifted with the power of prayer!

Take care of yourself, too, I know what it is like to go through a bad patch and it sure ain't fun.

Izzy called about 9pm from the hospital. Not much to report. Beckys tempature is up to 102.5 and has the vet a little worried as it was 101.5 before I gave the Bannamine. They are awaiting blood results, but for now they say she is resting and they will watch her tonight. They could only hear small gut sounds on one side. Basically they don't know what is wrong with her. So I have to wait till morningi. Thank you all for your prayers, I'm hoping they do their usual magic.

Adding my prayers that Becky recovers fully and quickly. Hang in there Ginny, you've got lots of people praying for you and your mare.
Virginia - I'm so sorry you have another mini ill. You're definitely having a rough year. We'll keep you and Becky in our thoughts/prayers.

Please update as soon as you know anything.
Ginny - yes, special prayers that they are able to quickly diagnosis your wonderful mare and provide the appropriate treatment so that she makes a full recovery and delivers safely. Prayers for good news this morning.

Ginny.......I am so very sorry to hear of the losses you've suffered this year!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and Becky. Hope she improves quickly!!!
Sounds like you have had your share of heartaches already. We are keeping good thoughts and prayers that you hear good news soon. Keep positive!

Good Morning I hope for you, Any updates on Becky? I am still praying for her. Hope they find

the cause fast, and help her over it

Prayers and Hugs


The vet called me about 9am and said that they believe Becky has an impaction but she hadn't yet passed it. They were going to re oil her and start IV Fluids. I'm going to stop by there on my way to work and see how things are going. I'll update again after I get to work. I am really scared for her. She is due to foal in 2 months and I don't want colic surgery, but will if it's necessary to save her life. Please God I can't lose another one.

Was hoping for better news this morning. I'll be keeping Becky in my prayers today.
: Thinking good, healing thoughts.

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