please help mare at vet ready to foal and...

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Sep 9, 2003
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I am praying someone will have some knowledge on what I am experiencing. I have a maiden mare 4 years old. She is due anytime now to foal. Last Sunday she stopped eating. She picked a little alfalfa/orchard grass thru the night. I stayed up, thinking she was going to foal. Come Monday, no baby, no eating, and she didn't poop either.So I walked her and gave her some mineral oil. Tuesday morning still nothing so we did it again and we called the vet. He did blood work and we took her in to the clinic for iv fluids for dehydration. She is still at the vet, on and off iv fluids. All her bloodwork looks good, they have done it 3 times. liver is good, white count is 7800, cannot find anything wrong other than they think she just needs to have this baby. At first they thought she may have been impacted/colicky. My mare was in top shape pre preg. She is not huge/overweight now. She looks good. My thoughts are if she is having this much trouble now how in the world is going to have a foal??? Today when I went to see her she is bagged well and the milk is snow white. Muscles around tail are loose and she has some edema in front of her udder, not milk veins, but edema. Still won't eat but a couple bites of feed, picks at hay, not much water????? Anyone ever had a mini do anything like this?????? I am going nuts! Thanks so much!
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Oooh don't know how much help I'll be, but........

make sure they test her for Hyperlipemia and check her calcium levels as well.

Will keep my fingers crosses that she does ok
I had a mare that went off feed a couple times during her pregnancy for no medical reason we could find.

I had to give her literally a bucket with some of every kinda feed I had from pellets to sweet feed and 3 types of hay- what she would eat one week she wouldnt touch the next time she went thru her episode.

Vet just came to the conclusion that she was just miserable and uncomfortable (she was also a maiden. ) I have never really had another one do that but she was fine. Try not to worry she is in the best place
First of all, hugs and prayers to you and your mare.

We had a mare do this last year - she was bred when she was two and just wasn't able to handle the size of the foal, which was not big. The foal was somehow pushing on her stomach and caused a stomach impaction. She had the foal, had colic surgery which wasn't necessary, then had the coke lavage to get rid of the stomach impaction.

All is well! The mare will never be bred again and we have a beautiful yearling filly.

Your mare is at the right place - I'd want her with my vet if I were you. Hopefully she's under 24 hour watch as well.

God bless...keep us posted.
You've had good advice. And your mare is in the best place possible. All the possible problems have been evaluated and/or tested for at this point.

All you can do is watch and wait, IMO.........

It is good you have her at the vet. They have to eat tho., it is essential or that can cause other very serious problems. Is she losing weight? Or holding?

If mine are at home pregnant like that and won't eat, which does not happen often but will happen sometimes after they foal, I give them kayro and also gatorade. Something about either one of those seems to perk their appetite.

I hope she foals soon for you, good luck!

Vet called this morning and Grace did deliver a foal early this am. However about 30 days premature and unable to make it. He said she is a little depressed but hopefully we will be able to get her back on track now. I hate we lost the foal, but more than anything I want my mare okay. We have raised this little mare, and she is like my child. He said she had it fine, it was well developed, not too large??? I asked about rhino, he said there would have been a dip in white cell and she never showed any signs of rhino. This is the second baby we have had aborted just 30 days premature this year and i only have 3 mares!!! Here is praying that my last little mare will do just fine! and Grace will get better now! Thanks for posting. When you are going thru these things it helps to know someone else has been there, and also if someone else has had a similar situation maybe to figure something else out to treat them. Our vets here don't see alot of minis.

I am praying someone will have some knowledge on what I am experiencing. I have a maiden mare 4 years old. She is due anytime now to foal. Last Sunday she stopped eating. She picked a little alfalfa/orchard grass thru the night. I stayed up, thinking she was going to foal. Come Monday, no baby, no eating, and she didn't poop either.So I walked her and gave her some mineral oil. Tuesday morning still nothing so we did it again and we called the vet. He did blood work and we took her in to the clinic for iv fluids for dehydration. She is still at the vet, on and off iv fluids. All her bloodwork looks good, they have done it 3 times. liver is good, white count is 7800, cannot find anything wrong other than they think she just needs to have this baby. At first they thought she may have been impacted/colicky. My mare was in top shape pre preg. She is not huge/overweight now. She looks good. My thoughts are if she is having this much trouble now how in the world is going to have a foal??? Today when I went to see her she is bagged well and the milk is snow white. Muscles around tail are loose and she has some edema in front of her udder, not milk veins, but edema. Still won't eat but a couple bites of feed, picks at hay, not much water????? Anyone ever had a mini do anything like this?????? I am going nuts! Thanks so much!
I am also sorry that the foal did not make it. Bless you.
So sorry for your loss. I have heard of many foals arriving prematurely this year. We lost 4 beautiful fillies this year as they were just too early and several others that did make it were born with very short hair and unable to nurse at first. Hope your last foaling goes better.
We have had one maiden mare go at 285 days. We have had a mare lose a foal because the bag didn't break. Both times the mares were acting funny but not what you would call early signs of labor. Other than these two are foals have been very healthy and full of energy.

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