OFFICAL "weigh in" thread

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Lost 2 lbs this week, but I have been doing more exercise. Started free lungeing the horses, I have a chocolate lab in for training and she is overweight so I have been walking lots. I have another dog, a golden coming in on Thursday for training so that will keep me busy. I went to the blood pressure clinic on Friday and my blood pressure was normal so that is good.(120 over 79).Way to go Mona and Charlie, I know it is slow but that is the way to keep it off.

No weithg loss this week. Can I claim the same pound over and over again? I would have lost 50lbs this year alone.
Well....I was at a horse show from Thursday until yesterday, so it was hard to do any exercise (other than running from stalls to show arena which seemed like and eat gained 1/2 pound *sigh* I actually was happy with that considering.

Back home, back on track today....

Good job you guys...woohoo!
Can I join in here too?

You girls are doing a great job, I really believe that support is so important.

Let me start by saying that I have been on and off diets for a good part of my life. Even when I was a young teenager, 13 years old, staving myself and I clearly remember my neighbour and I wrapping ourselves in plastic wrap and spending hours at a time on the exercise bike sweating it out. Sad, but true. I remained thin until after I had kids. Common story I know. I continued on my yo-yo dieting for more years than I care to remember. I have tried almost every diet and fad out there, all with short term results. I come from a 'thin' family with a gorgeous slim sister who can pile away far more food than I ever could.

I hit my maximum weight recently. 92 kgs which I believe is 202lbs. I'm tall, but not tall enough to carry that much weight. I stopped anyone taking photos of me, and when I did see photos, I would cry on the inside at the disgust I had for myself. I'm not going to try to blame my weight gain on anything else other than the fact that I am a pig. I love my food.

I was recently looking through another horse type forum and came across a post that I believe has changed my life and the way I look at food. Ever heard of Paul McKenna and his book/techinique " I can make you thin"? He suggests 4 simple rules to live by. I'll share them with you.

1. Eat whenever you are hungry

2. Eat only what you want, never what you think you ‘should'

3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouthful

4. Stop when you even think your body is full

I am happy to elaborate on these steps, I just didn't want to clog the forum up.

These steps sound so simple, and trust me, they are. I've have been following these steps for around 3 weeks now and I no longer have a battle with food. I have lost 3 kgs, 6.6 lbs in that time frame. I finally feel as if I have found the answer I have been looking for.

Like I said, I can post more on this subject, just let me know if you guys are interested.

Like I said, I can post more on this subject, just let me know if you guys are interested.
maplegum I would love to learn more about it. I'm currently doing all of the 4 rules except #2. That one scares me.
The other 3 have really helped me.
Welcome Leonie in joining us in our attempt to lose weight. I know for myself, if not for the support of others here, there is no way I would have been able to continue on for this long. I am not/have never been one to worry about what I ate...if I wanted it, I ate it. If I felt like eating 6 of them, I would, and sadly, I have been paying the price for my way of thinking over the years. I too hate the looks of myself and absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE going to any public/social gatherings, especially ones that require you to dress up! I look like a fat slob, and would rather stay hidden at home where I don't have to face people. I don't mind going to town and things like that, but potlucks, dances, weddings etc., forget it!

I have found that with the group here, I am have been staying more true to my goals. Yes, I do eat still things I shouldn't, but if I didn't, I would be even more nuts, and want it all the more, knowing I can't. At least if I take a little of it when I really seem to need it (like a fix!), I get get it off my mind and think about something other than wanting FOOD!

So welcome aboard, and good luck with your weight loss!

CONGRATULATIONS to all that have stck with it thus far, and continued good luck to all!
Hi Everyone, I lost the two lbs I gained last week. yeah. hopefully now, this week, I can lose some more. Congratulations to everyone .

Hi everybody! I would love to join in this thread! I feel like having someone that I have to report to weekly will likely motivate me more!

I'm currently 188lbs (was at 198lbs) I should be anywhere around 140lbs-160lbs. For the longest time I was at 150lbs so my goal is to lose 40lbs and to make it to 150. Mostly I just want to be fit/healthy and eat better. I have knee problems and the extra weight is now causing hip problems. My knee surgeon got upset with me saying I need to lose the weight ASAP so that's what I'm doing.

I like to exercise (in some form or another) everyday otherwise I feel gross. Although I truly only work out at the gym every other day. When I am at the gym I'm there for 2 hours. One hour of cardio and then one hour of weight training, yoga/pilates and then stretches. Right after that I go and swim laps for half an hour. Then I float around in the pool for another half hour! hahaha. I can make that routine longer or shorter depending on how much time I have.

I've managed to somewhat brainwash myself into thinking that if I eat junk food I will get diabetes and die. So far it's working! haha. Diabetes is actually a real threat in my family, as is heart problems so in reality I'm not too far fetched. I was offered a chocolate cake (my FAVOURITE!) piece last night, which I accepted a very small piece (some people just don't take no as an answer)...but my boyfriend had to finish it because it just made me feel so ill. So I'm really pleased about that. Apart from having a sweet tooth I actually eat very well. The only thing I drink is water; I'm always eating fruits/veggies/nuts and proper sized portions. My problem is that I used to be so fit (I even had a small six pack!) but I fractured my ribs and lost all of it...then I just started eating sweets to make myself feel better. Now (with support) I don't need those sweets and I'm exercising again.

Like I said I was at 198lbs and now I am at 188lbs. I like to think that by the summertime I will have lost most if not all of my desired weight.
Welcome Maplegum and Tigeress! It is not easy to lose weight but with the support available here on the forum I know we can all do it
It is the thought of having to report here that makes me say no to extra portions, I don't deprive myself entirely, I have a bar of dark chocolate hidden in a drawer that I have a square of everyday LOL so don't think I am "wasting away" but I find that real food satisfies me and if you want a tip, drink a glass of lemon water first thing every morning before you have your breakfast. It seems to help me anyway.

Thank you for all the support and warm welcomes!


I'll elaborate on the '4 golden rules' from Paul McKenna for those that are interested.

1. When you are hungry, EAT.

Practice listening to your body, it's talking to you. You want to eat when you are fairly hungry, but before you become ravenous.

People often eat when they are not hungry because it is simply a habit. Many people are so desensitized to their body's messages that they've forgotten how to pay attention. Real physical hunger is different to emotional hunger. Physical hunger comes on gradually. Emotional hunger comes on suddenly, when you feel bored or upset. If you starve youself you will end up bingeing. That's how your body gets thrown off balance.

In future when you feel physical hunger, eat! When you starve yourself your body goes into ‘survival mode', it slows your metabolism and your body starts to store fat. When you eat when you are truly hungry you tell your body there will always be enough food and your metabolism is likely to speed up.

2. Eat what you want, not what you think you should.

As soon as you tell yourself to not eat certain foods, (usually because you've been told they're bad for you), you upset the natural balance of your relationship to them. Rather than wanting it less, that ‘forbidden food' instantly becomes more attractive to you.

The inner battle can be exhausting. As you begin to make peace with food and learn to listen to the wisdom of your body, you experience freedom from the tension and guilt that comes from NOT following your intuition.

Also, as you stop resisting and start to follow your natural intuitions about what to eat when, you may notice your tastes changing. You may even find yourself naturally attracted to the very foods you're ‘supposed' to be eating now.

So in future eat what types of foods you want and not what you think you should.

3. Eat conciously and enjoy every mouthful.

People that are overweight often shovel food in to their mouths as quickly as possible in order to get high from the happy chemicals we release in our brains when we eat. Unfortunately, because they are eating unconsciously, they never notice the signal from their stomach that lets them know that they are full. So they keep on stuffing their faces, expanding their stomachs and putting on weight.

The problem is that even though they feel temporarily high from cramming in lots of food, they feel fat and guilty afterwards. In fact, they feel so bad that they repeat the whole ritual of unconsciously stuffing themselves again in order to anaesthetize the bad feelings they just created!

Here is perhaps the single most important key to success with the system:

You can eat whatever you want, whenever you want. So long as you fully enjoy every single mouthful.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Put the knife and fork down whilst you are chewing your food and really enjoy it - savour the taste, and enjoy the wonderful textures and sensations as you thoroughly chew each mouthful of food at least 20 times!

If all you did for the next two weeks was to slow your eating speed down to about a quarter of what it used to be and chew each mouthful thoroughly, you will find it easy to leave food on your plate.

I actually find that even if you don't follow any of the other golden rules, follow this one. It will make a HUGE difference.

4. When you think you are full, stop eating.

The natural design of the human body is to eat when we're hungry and stop when we're satisfied, but many of us are conditioned to eat until we think we're full - or even worse, until whatever food we put on our plate is gone. When you've eaten enough, your stomach sends a signal - a sensation that says "I'm satisfied - that's enough." Most people experience this gentle, clear, satisfied sensation in their solar plexus (the area below your rib cage but above your stomach).

Of course, if you miss this warm feeling of satisfaction when it first occurs, you'll notice that each subsequent bite of food becomes a little less enjoyable than the one before. The more you pay attention to it, the more obvious it becomes. If you are not sure whether you are full or not, just guess. You will soon find it becomes easier to tell.

I find this step quite easy now, I can read my body and it tells me when enough is enough. I believe that I am now eating 1/4 of what I used to.


These simple steps have changed my relationship with food. It all makes sense!


Ask me any questions you may have regarding this program, I hope you guys give it a try.


xox Leonie xox
As of last night down to 195.8 lbs!!!

Thats staying under 200 no matter what time of the day so I have officially brook the 200 mark!

So thats 112 lbs down and 15 lbs to go!!!

Found a real nice drink recipe for if like me you get tired of water!!! lol

Lemonberry Smoothie

1 cup Non fat vanilla yogurt

1/4 cup Skim milk

3 tbsp Frozen concentrated lemonade

2 tsp sugar substitute (like sugar twin and I found it too sweet and cut amount in half)

6 frozen large whole strawberries

Place first four items in blender. Process on hight adding strawberries one at a time through lid until thick.

3/4 cup of smoothie equals:

110 Calories, 0.2 g Total Fats, 67 mg Sodium, 5 g Protein (you could add a scoop of protien powder to increase this), 23 g Carbohydrate, 1 g Dietary Fiber (you could add a scoop of fiber sure to increase this)
Another week of being "not so good" with my eating habits...The problem is that we haven't made time to get to the grocery store and buy things for home, so we eat away from home (not good on a daily basis!) Probably all my running around saved me from gaining this week....I lost 3.5 lbs (I don't know how, but I'll take it! LOL) I go in for my "official" weigh in at the weight loss center this afternoon, so we'll see if my scale is telling me the truth!

I really need to go grocery shopping and get some healthy foods back in the house. That helped so much to be able to open the fridge and pick out something from there I knew I could eat. Not being able to do that also caused me to quit my daily food diary, which was helping me keep track. Need to start back up with that as well.

With show season under way and with us going out to the barn almost daily to work the horses (we board btw), it is hard to fit almost anything else into our schedule...I even complained of not being able to go walking.

Excuses? Maybe...and I've got to get some sense of a routine that will work to do "everything"...

Edited to add: Well, by their scale I lost 2.5 lbs (still take and....I am OFF the BP meds....YAY!!!
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CONGRATULATIONS Debbie and Linda! I have been a bad girl this week, and found it very difficult to stay focused, and I indulged when I shouldn't have. Lost some of my self discipline so need to get back on track again. With that in mind, I am THANKFUL to report I stayed EVEN! A loss would have been much better than even, but I'll take "even" over a gain, any day!

As for walking, I only walked 6 of the 7 days, but one day I walked 4+ miles instead of the usual 2+, so I made up for missing the one day.

It was the eating that killed me. I bought a big bag of one of my favorite candies. I had the willpower to walk by the first time, but temptation gave in when I had to walk past it again to go pay. UGH! Please too many meals out this week too, like Linda. I know there are good choices to be made when eating out somewhere too, but is harder to maintain that self-discipline in those places!

Oh well, a new week begins, and I'll have to stay focused to keep on track!
well I stayed the same. better than gaining but I was hoping for a lb or 2 to be gone. maybe next week. congrats to everyone who lost or stayed the same.
I didn't do so good this week, ate out a couple of times, I only lost 1/2lb. I feel bloated somehow, I am drinking a glass of lemon water in the morning before I eat anything so maybe it is the toxins making their way out of my body
I went to the blood pressure clinic on Friday and the reading again was normal

Ok Linda, you are going to be my inspiration. Congrats on doing so well this week!

I have not done well in the last couple of weeks
, thats why I haven't posted.

I've been very discouraged. I didn't make the time to excercise and was not making the best choices with my foods. I wasn't awful by any means, but I could definitely do better.

It just seems no matter how well I eat or how much I excercise I can't get this weight to come off.

I've had a sluggish<to put it mildly> thyroid in the past, was on medication for several years, 2 yrs ago the doc took me off the thyroid meds<per my bloodwork>, now I'm wondering if I should be back on them again...

I know lots of people will have strong opinions on this subject, but wanted to ask anyway... anyone here ever use the diet pill Adipex? I know a few people who are being prescribed the diet pill Adipex lately and they seem to be having great results. The weight is just FALLING off of them.

I don't think I want to go that route, but I feel I need something to kick start my metabolism.

Thanks for listening everyone!
I am still dieting but no where near my scale, so I'm not sure if I lost any. I don't feel that I gained any at least. I'm hoping to take a pound or two off this week and will know on next Monday. I am continuing to walk, walk, and walk some more!

Congratulations to all who are sticking with it!!

As to diet pills, I don't have any experience. I guess my thoughts are that it would be easy to regain it if I went that route. The only way I can lose is to keep track of what I eat, make better choices on what I eat, cut back on the amount that I eat, and to exercise daily.

As to thyroid medicine, that is a doctor's call. Ask him to run the bloodtests again, and if he says it will benefit you and you are a candidate for it, go with it.
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I just did a search for that Adiplex and it is something I would definately want to keep away from! Sounds like pretty scary stuff, and seems you'd put yourself through a lot of unneccesary side effects when there are safer alternatives.
May I join in? Recently was diagnosed with high blood pressure and I'm at a point with diet and exercise can reverse it.

It's diet, lack of exercise, stress and weight. So reversible vs high bp due to genetics.

My main problem I believe I don't eat all day and then eat three meals worth between 4 pm and midnight. Not cool.

My goal is 70 lbs and tomorrow I'm starting a no eating after 5 pm. And 30 mins of walking a day.

Plan to go to Sears this week and buy a treadmill and really try hard to walk 20 mins after each meal but it's something I'll have to work up to. Reading the back posts you folks are amazing. keep up the good work.
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