Odette *colt*, Britt *colt*.

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I am wondering now about your book, too, and wondering if it's THAT book that they are talking about

on all the TV talk shows.

I am an avid reader and this one kind of intrigues me, if it should be that one your'e reading, because of all the

discussion but I usually stick to mysteries.

Did you get to see the the Olympic Torch pass thru? That would be so cool - almost one of those moments that

give you chills.

Enjoy the open top bus.....we have one on the waterfront here for the tourists.
I did see the torch and I even took a quick video too

Yes Nancy, it is the book that everyone is raving about
not my usual choice of book but I must say it has kept me distracted from my problems
quite shocking for a country girl like me even though I dabble in the occasional pony porn
Did you get chills when the torch went by ..... That's quite a memorable moment.

About THAT book.......are you going to give us a run down??? Just asking for us bashful types LOL

Maybe you could pass the book around and dog ear the pages you liked best and the next person could do the same LOL
I'm glad you and the boys managed to get a view of the torch Renee - I think a lot of folks more or less 'missed' it due to all the 'attendants' running alongside it!! Hope the weather held for you and the boys enjoyed their open top bus ride - are you near enough to the beach down there for some possible trips if this weather holds?
Ah, THAT book.

A friend was reading it and kept sending me excerpts that she had added words to
We aren't easily shocked but easily amused!
It does seem to be their 'special' time doesn't it Renee - I now know what time of day to 'tune in' to catch some of their playtime.
they are all so gorgeous Renee, I love being able to watch them all the time
even when they are sleeping, but definitley to catch them playing is a big bonus

when are you back home?
Cant see anyone now but was able to watch a bit the other day....what characters!!

How are all the pups doing these days? Did you decide to keep a couple? And how about your little yorkie "auntie" is she still doing well. I think of her often as our little Daiquiri is getting way up there in age too.

I was reading Cams old thread last night and came across a picture of your old riding horse....your pretty Hafflinger....do you still have him? Im not sure why but lately Ive been wanting to do a little riding...just cant seem to find any good riding elephants around to lug my big ars along a dusty hot Florida trail!!

it seems strange looking at Cams little picture now when I post...Ive been on LB since 05 and have always been just a gray silouette face!!
I love the pic of Cam
Lordy Heidi you will make it snow with all theis photo posting
I sold my riding horse when I got into minis cos I had Alby too to look after and I just didn't have time to ride. She was such a great horse that I thought it was a shame just to leave her out in the field. I regret now not riding cos my body has gone to pot, I have a saggy ars

Bicky is doing fine thanks and is staying with my girlfriend, her kids love her and walk her daily, she even had a bath and a haircut
who knows what she looks like.
I gave my girlfriend a bag of Matteo's old clothes for her son who is 2 years younger and she put them downstairs in her garage, well Bicky found them one night and pulled them all out and one by one took them up to the lawn where she finally slept on top on the pile she had made
I guess she misses us.

I sold all the pups before I came here which is why I didn't come here as soon as the kids broke up from school, I had to wait to get rid of all the pups. They have all gone to good loving homes and they have all invited me to go visit.

I have some pics of the boys and me that I will post later. Have a great day all
Glad to hear little Bicky is still doing well, shes such a cutie. great story about taking the boys clothes for her blanket....I can just picture it. Did I miss something....did you move?
Heidi, Renee and the boys are holidaying in the UK with Renee's parents at the moment.
Thanks Anna, I knew she was doing a bit of traveling/vacation/holiday but I thought she had returned.....hence I was a bit confused when she said she let little Bicky stay at her friends. I thought it was strange b/c my dogs would never just go somewhere different for just a "sleep over".....now I understand ..her friend is watching her dogs while she is away!!......just a longer doggie slumber party!!! Boy am I easy to confuse!!
oh Renee, how lovely that you found homes for all the puppies
I'm sure they will love their new homes and how nice that you can go and visit them!
so how much longer are you in the UK for? hope your haveing an absoloutly wonderful time :)when do your boys go back to school? I keep forgetting that this is your school year end, and the new school year starts soon lol we are just in the middle of our school year LOL
I hope you are having a wonderful time, Renee! I am sure your fur babies miss you and we do too
just popped your cam up to check on your babyfur kids Renee and all I can see is cobwebs

miss you, hope your having a fantastic trip
how long are you away for?

hope the weather is being good for you over there
Thanks Cassie, I have removed the cobwebs
6 weeks is a long time for those little monsters to set up house

I have a lot to do this morning but later I will update you all on my trip and post pics too. Boy did I miss you all

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