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Thinking good thoughts for Lily, and calming thoughts for you.
Everyone seems calm this morning, and there appears to be manure in the stall that looks 'smaller' than another log.

Praying for a safe delivery, if that's what she's up to.
As you can see Lilys sides are gone completely today. The foal must be loaded in the birthing position now.
Here are some updated photos.

This is the order of photos


Sugar (If in foal has to be due before May 22)


Diamond (324 days)


Ellie (324 days)












I can't use the cams Lily, but here are hugs and prayers for you from NC. Safe foaling, little Lily. :-*

You're just too cute, you little donkey donk donk!!

(Heeheee....smartphone tried to change the above to "donkey don't drink"....just what HAVE you been putting in your trough to keep the water from freezing?)
All's quiet with the girls this morning. Praying for a smooth foaling of a healthy little one!
Since the udders have really started to change the stall assignments will be changing. Once I have everyone in tonight I will post a new picture with a break down of who's who on the cams. Ellie's udder has more than doubled in size since last night with smile coming in at a close second. We can't forget Lily though, she has that foal lined up and in position for a quick foaling.

Both Ellie and Diamond are nearing their due date of Mar 29th.
Here is the new cam setup. Ellie had huge jump in udder development so she is in the big stall until someone passes her with a bigger udder! Smile needed to come in because she also had a big jump in her udder today. Sugar was staying out with Mabes but went into a panic attack so she got to come in too! The big stall that Smile and Lily are sharing is 12x14 so even in half it is a large stall for a mini if they did foal without warning. The 2 smaller stalls are 8x8 and 8x9.

Top left is Sugar

Top right is Diamond

Bottom left is Smile and Lily

Bottom right is Ellie

cam shot.jpg
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It sounds as though several of your girls are getting close not just Lily. Sending prayers that all goes well for them.
Thank you for all the identifying. Looks like everyone is moving ahead quickly! Sending more prayers, as you know we are praying for an uneventful foaling season for you, with all happy healthy little ones safely on the ground!

Everyone standing quietly this morning.
All the girls are looking good right now!! I am praying
for all of them to foal safely and have beautiful healthy foals!!!! You are going to have a busy barn with all those sweet little babies to play and take care of!!!!!
Update on Diamond today. She is not her self today. She was terrible in the pasture with the other mares, chasing and biting them. Tonight in the stall she is off also. Not sure if something is up or not.

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