Nervous as Nightfall moves in...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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I heard on the scanner today the SAR (Search And Rescue) teams were deployed to search for some children missing in the forest not far from my house.

I kept listening, hoping they would find them before too long. I don't know the ages of the children nor how many, etc., but they are still searching and it's now full dark.

It's not super cold nor super hot, but I know I wouldn't want to be out there alone not knowing where I was.

Keep them in your thoughts that they are found safely, soon....

The last SAR operation in this area (a bit more West) was unsuccessful, an elderly Alzheimer's patient has been missing now for over a month (the search was called off long ago), so I am hoping the guys are rewarded for all their efforts and they find these just fine.

I feel so helpless but I wish there were something I could do to help other than keep hoping.

Going to watch the ten o'clock news as I heard the media was asking for interviews w/the coordinators.

Liz M.
Hope they are found soon. But considering typical Oregon weather... these are about the best possible conditions to spend a night in the forest! That is in their favor. :aktion033:

Heh, you listen to the scanner? I've got an old Bearcat that I turn on by the bed every once in a while. Got one in the glove box of the car also. The don't get Portland or Oregon State Police since they went to trunked 800 mhz but still do get the smaller city and county local cops. As a kid I used to fall asleep listening to one at my Grandparent's.
Yep, it is a way to know what's "really" going on for the most part, and you just never know when you'll hear something of interest or helpful (such as to avoid an area w/an accident or dangerous situation).

It's kind of cool tonight, but not cold again, as I said. The Coast Guard is going to fly over and do thermal imaging to see if they can find them (per what's going on on the scanner). I didn't see anything on the news (Portland).

Will LYK what I hear.

Well, I just found out they are a four year old boy and a six year old boy.

I had been hoping they were older children. I DO know the hills just East of here are crawling with Sheriff and SAR, etc. so they have been putting a lot of time into this already and are working even harder now that it's dark.

I guess the family was up there camping and they said they turned around and the boys were just gone.

The boys are dressed in t shirts and sandals/shorts. It's a bit on the cool side up here, but I can't imagine what those parents are going through.

Finding it a little hard to sleep.

I was walking out to the barn and carrying the scanner. I can hear the helicopter just over the ridge and also in the background of the radios. They are searching logging equipment that is parked near there. I am very glad my two little ones are tucked in their beds safe and warm. It's hard to believe so nearby that two similar boys are lost in this dark and thick of the woods. It IS pretty nice out as far as temp, so my hope is they are curled up sleeping somewhere and they will be found by morning.

Oh those poor little boys and their parents! Please update as soon as you here anything.
How terrible for all those involved! Praying the Boys are fine and found soon. Keep us updated please.
That is Horrible Liz. Maybe if they are in the area, will see your horses and come over to pet them. That way they will be found.

I hope they are found soon.
Still nothing that I can decipher. It is astonishing and terrifying for me to think on this. The property is a few miles off from my place as the crow flies, but is separated by a couple of fast-moving creeks, a highway, and lots of deep ravines and gullies. I know the territory a little bit as my horses got away in 1999, after the elk made a hole in the fence up in the treeline.

I hiked the hills back there for 3 days, covering 20 miles before I found them, though I stuck to logging roads b/c I knew the horses would want the grass that grew in the right-of-way. It is rough country and they are calling in crews from all around. I heard several counties and agencies offering use of equipment and crews of course they've had dogs there since yesterday, and mounted posse.

I know they said they have no reason to think of foul play, but it makes one wonder, too.

It is overcast and cool, today, again, decent weather, not hot or cold.

Liz M.
I saw the story on the late news last night..........

They said they were bringing in search dogs.

From what I could tell they had search dogs there since yesterday and there are mounted posses and Multnomah Co. SAR as well as Yamhill SAR and other professional searchers.

I am nervous about it all b/c I have fears about what may have happened (so many times people have done bad things and covered up w/false alarms about searches).

I know there's no reason to think that as far as I can tell, but it's been 24 hours now...

Wish I was closer.... as Freaky as Dyfra can be,, if they are alive out there... she would know where they were. Mare can freak out at moving things I can't even see, she never misses anything.

I hope they are able to find them soon,, their parents must be in a major panic.

I just heard guys on the scanner saying "status of the boys" and the answer "cold" so I am guessing they found them and are bringing them out, now!

Hurray, so relieved!!! Those POOR little men and their family, so glad they are reunited and nothing sinister was going on!

Thank God! I was just sick reading the posts from today on this and It just brought tears to my eyes...

...Fast forward to 2016 - "hey mom do you remember when we were lost in the woods?..." She will NEVER forget the horror...