On your For Sale page you have a misspelling: "he halter and paster breeds". I didn't check out all your pages, but you might want to run a spell check on each one.
If the purpose of your website is to promote your horses and sell some of them, then I will offer a little advice. I don't know you, but your website suggests to me that you are a youth. Is that the impression you want to give?
Calling your horses 'guys' and 'gals' and other animals 'critters' is cute, but not businesslike. I also wouldn't advertise when your horses don't place at a show.
Now, if your website is just to have fun and show off your horses, then you did a great job; but if you want someone to buy a horse from you, then you might want to make it read as professional as it looks.
I am not trying to hurt your feelings, just give you the feedback you asked for.