Mare ready to foal?

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yeah I agree, that is why I haven't tried again... most definatly she will be getting used to the clippers LOL

what do you think of my attemps at the poems hehe about to go feed the ponies and put them to bed
night all its time for some sleeping for me

had to chase the neighbours cows back in tonight
at least it wasn't at 5am this morning, had to rearrange all their horses and cows so the cows hopefully don't get out again (fingers crossed)

I'm exhausted to I will call it a day and go to sleep I have the barn alarm on in case Suzie decides to do anything.

night all thanks for the night watch for me
good Morning cassie, gosh I had a lot of reading to catch up on have been a busy girl!! I love your poem..your very creative with words!! Sorry you were on the cow round up yesterday...wish i could have seen you...glad everyone is safe and sound now. Looking at little Suzi's pictures I have to think she really has some time to go when I compare them to Peanut..but heck what do I know...I thought Peanuts bag looked/was full 2 weeks ago but now when I see what full REALLY looks like...honest to goodness it is getting huge!! but still no baby!

diane Im sorry to hear about the troubles you have been having with your mare...its so hard when you are not right there and over seeing things on your own.

cassie, thanks for keeping an eye on Peanut on your nightly watches..its appreciated!
looks like the cows are behaving tonight cos Suzie is sleeping like a baby
6.15am and Suzie is looking in her bowl to see if the food fairy has been whilst she was asleep-

I am off to bed now, Have a good day Cassie
8:05 AM / Your time Cassie....

While Suzie is waiting for her breakfast - she has her tail up and is 'winking' a mile a minute.
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hi everyone, sorry I haven't posted earlier I'm babysitting our friends kids today... they go home at 3pm

Heidi, I'm glad you have finally posted
I was getting worried!! I am sure the Peanut will foal before Suzie! Suzie isn't quite ready yet but she is getting closer every day.

Night Renee, thanks for the watch!! have good night sleep

YAY Diane comes home tomorrow!!! it would be really cool if both girls foaled tomorrow night!! don't think Suzie will but it would be very exciting!!

well I'm off to take care of the kids again, see you all later... Suzie will prob be going to bed at 4:30 tonight as we are going to a party!! thats if I don't fall asleep these kids wear me out
thanks Heidi they are gone now... gotta get a shower feed the ponies and put them to bed n then get ready for a party this arvo... no stopping for me LOL

Sorry Hi Heidi!! been watching Peanut on and off but she has been super quiet every time :*(
Morning all - good afternoon Cassie.

Hope your party went with a swing Cassie - whose party was is? You sure do lead a busy life!

Renee, how is sunny Italy today - judging from what I have seen recently on the World weather maps, it looks as though you have been having some pretty hot weather? I know it was a while ago, but I keep meaning to ask you how your son enjoyed his week at camp. Did he arrive home safely - no cuts or bruises?

Heidi, all seems quiet with Peanut so far tonight (your night!) but I do think she has again changed shape and looks a lot closer than she did. You also have an extra light on (or is it my imagination - the cam/whole stable is really clear) which is great, no shadowy patches to peer at wondering if there is something else lying hidden there. LOL!!

Safe travelling Diane, bet you cant wait to get home to see your girls and boys (horsey ones), but I do think your other boys (human ones) have done a pretty good job while you have been away, especially considering their opinions regarding the horses! So with you home safe and sound, I suppose we had all better be glued to our screens tonight as we are sure to be seeing a new foal or two, as you promised? When does your mare foal - you said somewhere that you were hoping that she would wait until you got back?

All quiet this end - no call from daughter to say that Mummy mare has had a little addition during the night. But she is bound to have it tonight or tomorrow coz we have some terible weather here at the moment (nasty rain and wind) which is supposed to stay around for the next few days, so any little person getting itself born will not be able to get out for a run round the field for the first few days of its life, hense I'm sure Mummy will foal just to be awkward!

Off to check on the girls again. Have a good day everyone.

Morning Cassie, Heidi and Anna
Sounds like you are working and playing hard Cassie,

Oh to be 21 again
I think we need a green with envy icon. lol

Anna my son came home happy and dirty but all in one piece, I think he has a new girlfriend heheeee has seems to be sending msg all day long. All I know is her name is Silvia.

You do realise that if these mares foal on Saturday night Diane will never let us forget it.
Never mind, as long as she hurries back safe and sound we can live with Super Diane.

Have a good day all

naw you guys are cute

party went great!! LOL and just to make you wish you were 21 again even more LOL I got a kiss on the cheek from the guy I secretly like but shhhh don't tell him LOL

well Suzie is lying down but not looking all that comfy...

how cute Renee, can I ask how old your son is??

Well I personally wouldn't mind AT ALL if Suzie foaled... when Diane got home, which technically would be tomorrow night for me.... as it is already saturday night here LOL

OH Suzie how I would love for you to have that little foal... I am so SICK of the teasing I am getting from everyone because I got the dates so wrong. (bit hard when I have no idea of the dates at all) sigh

starts to get real depressing when you see people and the first thing they say is how is Suzie and I say... still pregnant...

just wait till she FINALLY has this beautiful litle foal though I CAN"T WAIT!!

well I'm off to bed, talking about a busy life Anna... tomorrow I have to go to a bridal expo with a friend of mine in the city which is 1 1/2 hrs from me sigh again, not the way I want to spend my sunday but it can't be helped... al I can say is I better be bridesmaid LOL (actually maybe I don't want to be bridesmaid... she is a very high maintance friend LOL)

how I get myself into these things I DO NOT KNOW LOL

well I'm off to bed... sorry I haven't been able to chat much tonight ladies!!

thanks for the night watch.

Love you all so much

Suzie sends her hugs and kisses...

and her mummy says think filly wishes!!!

(another little silly something LOL) they are addictive!!
A secret kiss, how wonderful, I am sure you will have sweet dreams tonight

oh but you would look so pretty all dressed up as a bridesmaid
I will have Suzie up as much as possible but the weekends are hard with hubby around. (he doesn't know about my addiction

My son is 12 Cassie and he is growing up really fast. sighhhhhhhhhhh

chat soon

hugs Renee
LOL no worries
I am home at night and that is the time she needs watching the most

LOL yeah...
I'm sure I shall LOL don't look at me I'm blushing hehe

naw and thankyou it would be cool... I would love the oppurtunity oh well will find out tomorrow LOL

LOL you must do a good job of hiding it then LOL my mum and Dad knew straight away LOL

naw, he would be! my youngest bro is 14 now... sigh I remember when he was a baby!!


p.s I apolagise (sp??? thats bad LOL) for the amount of poops in her stable!! it was clean when she went in!! she is obviously a little poop machine tonight!! fun cleaning up in the morning!!
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I was going to ask about the amount of poops in her stable - I dont think we have ever seen so many Cassie! Suzie's stable always looks so clean (does she normally hide any nightime poos in amongst her straw?), so I was thinking that either Cassie is away somewhere or Suzie is doing lots of extra piles due to...............a baby snuggle-bug?

Will try to keep the old peepers trained on her as much as I can! (of course to night IS Saturday night for you isn't it!)

Hope you have a good day tomorrow Cassie!

Are you home yet Diane? WELCOME BACK if you are!

(and if you are not, then welome back when you do get here!)

Anyone watching Suzie? She has been a bit restless in the last hour or so (guess she's waiting for her breakfast at the moment and wants out!). She has been her normal snoozing self during the night, but lately she keeps going over to sniff at her droppings. Now I often find mares do this pretty near to foaling - it is almost if they think they have 'dropped' a foal instead of a pile of droppings! Sounds stupid I know, but it is something I have seen a lot of mares doing as they got very close to foaling, almost as if what their system is throwing out in the dropping 'smells' different??? I cant really explain it, I just know it is something I have observed. Anyone else noticed this happening among their mares?

Ah Ha! I see breakfast has arrived and Cassie is giving her a quick brushover while she's eating. Don't forget to check the colour inside her vulva Cassie, ignore her bag as she may be one to gain milk after foaling, the vulva colour will tell you more about how close she is.

She is such a good girl Cassie to let you brush and fiddle with her while she is eating, my girls certainly wouldn't allow it! They are, however, quite happy to have all the fuss and fiddle at any other time of the day, it's just food time that is a no-no. LOL!!

Ooooo the door is open and Suzie has gone hot foot out into her paddock to visit her friends! See you later Suzie.

Morning Anna
thankyou so Much!!!
they were the wods I really needed to hear this morning. no change in her udder at all.though the bit in front of her udder is getting HUGE! not much change elsewhere either except that I COULDN"T feel the foal move this morning!! I can always feel or see the foal move at breakfast... now I'm starting to get worried... I just want a healthy happy foal n a healthy happy Suzie!!!

Suzie always has to check everything outside her stable then she comes back in to finish her breakfast, funny little thing she is...

I have been noticing that she has been smelling her poops the last few days, I'm so hoping that she has this foal soon... I'm going to go crazy if not

well I'm off to the bridal expo Mum n dad are home today watching Suzie for me... see ya all later
I've been watching off and on. all day....she does seem to get very restless at breakfast time.

I agree about the bag/don't put a lot of store by it's development or lack of.

....what I noticed yesterday was her quick winking with her tail lifted.

I felt if the video was in color it would have been quite red.

Zoe does this closing in on foaling..

How is her vulva color?

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