Life Changes

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NO! I like you in VA
How far away are you moving?
don't recall how many horses you have --- can you keep a couple and board them with some other mini breeder?

Sorry to hear this is happening... glad for him he got the promotion though.

In 1993 I was forced to relocate due to the job that was supporting my equine habit -- long story and not very interesting --- I had a small warmblood breeding farm in Georgia -- had just had my first foal crop -- and had to sell EVERYTHING --- all the dogs had to go (had 6) and all but 3 of the cats (had 22 barn and house cats) found new homes -- 6 of the 7 horses were sold at rock bottom prices (really practically given away) to people that I knew would take care of them --- ducks stayed with the farm -- all to move UP NORTH to New York State -- where I boarded the one horse I kept (riding horse) -- was pretty devastating at the time --- in 2000 I chose to relocate to North Central KY and now have a small MINI farm here -- so eventually I was able to return to my dream -- but it took a while-- and I have dogs and cats and horses again (no ducks as we don't have a pond).

So --- maybe it will all turn out ok in the end -- but take several years to get back to "your center" ---

I made many wonderful friends in New York State -- and miss them now that I live in KY..

I wish for you the best

Wow Lois,

It sounds like a major change in life style! Are YOU the one giving up everything???

Is there some compromise that could be done here???

Wow Lois! I hope you're better at accepting change than I am. I'm likely looking at a few changes around here as well, but hopefully nothing that drastic. Honestly, I don't know wether to offer my congratulations or condolences. So, I guess I will offer both. Congratulations of the promotion for your hubby, and I'm so sorry to hear you have to give up your animals. I don't know if I could do that. Maybe you won't have to work and can keep at least some of the horses and your dogs? Best of luck to you and I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hi there- I was just getting caught up on all the posts I missed this week while on vacation. I am pretty sure my cousin lives in Cherokee County( Canton, GA.) They have been trying to sell their place and move back to VA. I am so sorry that you are having to sell your horses and maybe your dogs. I know on the way home I started worrying about all of the responsibilites that we have here with our animals and how nice it was not to have to worry about feeding, taking care of them,etc. at least for one week. It was a nice break. I'm not ready to change anything, but I know that I need to stop bringing more in. I've got one foal coming and that's enough.

Take care and I wish you much luck in your future endeavors.

OMG, I am soo sorry to hear this! I have no idea what I would do if this happened to me! I hope it all goes smooth, and again, I am soo sorry to hear that you have to say good bye to your animals!



I know how you are feeling. Mixed emotions and all. It was a wirlwind of a time for us too, when hubby was hired all the way up in Maine. My whole world then, as I knew, was here in Florida.

But, our time in Maine was 2 of the most pivotal years of a lifetime for us. Trauma and the end...has been worth every moment of it all.

Moving to a whole new world can be so scary, intimidating...yet can also be so exciting and the thrill of a lifetime. All at the same time.

Hoping all the best for you and your hubby too, with his coming new endeavor.

Hugs & prayers,

Tanya (PS...if you ever need to just chat, I'll lend an ear. Only one of 'em works at the moment... but you can bend it ya need.
. We made some mistakes with our move transition too, plus dealt with parting with most of all our most cherished horses to make the move, not to mention a whole menagerie of pets we had at the time too...that was so very hard. But most importantly...we also left our entire FAMILY...that was THE HARDEST of it, if any part of your new transition ever seems a bit overwhelming...I'll gladly share of our experiences, and some of the things we wish we'd done differently, looking back on it all. Hopefully, it could help prevent a whole lot of heartache for your if you think we might can help.) {{{HUGS}}}
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Lois you sound way too sad.

Do you really want to do this?

Is there any room for compromise at all?

Could you maybe look for a little farm with just a couple of acres so that you can still keep some of your animals?

Georga is a gorgeous state. You won't want to be inside, it's just too pretty! You will like it and the people are so friendly. Nothing better than Southern Hospitality. Now, just need a way to keep some of your pets.
Boy, don't feel selfish, it's not an easy decision your making and from the sounds of it you are far from being selfish. Maybe you can find a little farm in Georgia and bring some of your babies with you. Or possibly lease them out, and of course you can always drop some off in North Carolina (OK, now I'm being selfish:D
"bad Tracy") anyway, I'm sure we can all come up with something to help you out and let you give up your dream, I know it would be awfully hard for me to do that, if ya need an ear we're always here. Tracy

Im so sorry to hear you have to make this decision. I cant imagine how hard it is.

I want to thank you for everything you have done for CMHR. It wasnt always smooth sailing but I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


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