I know how you are feeling. Mixed emotions and all. It was a wirlwind of a time for us too, when hubby was hired all the way up in Maine. My whole world then, as I knew, was here in Florida.
But, our time in Maine was 2 of the most pivotal years of a lifetime for us. Trauma and all....in the end...has been worth every moment of it all.
Moving to a whole new world can be so scary, intimidating...yet can also be so exciting and the thrill of a lifetime. All at the same time.
Hoping all the best for you and your hubby too, with his coming new endeavor.
Hugs & prayers,
Tanya (PS...if you ever need to just chat, I'll lend an ear. Only one of 'em works at the moment... but you can bend it ya need.
. We made some mistakes with our move transition too, plus dealt with parting with most of all our most cherished horses to make the move, not to mention a whole menagerie of pets we had at the time too...that was so very hard. But most importantly...we also left our entire FAMILY...that was THE HARDEST of it all...so, if any part of your new transition ever seems a bit overwhelming...I'll gladly share of our experiences, and some of the things we wish we'd done differently, looking back on it all. Hopefully, it could help prevent a whole lot of heartache for your if you think we might can help.) {{{HUGS}}}