Klassy is on Equusite TODAY! (Friday)

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Aspiring Cowgirl
Nov 30, 2002
Reaction score
Spotsy., VA (USA)
Oh my gosh! I totally forgot until just now that Klassy (Little Wee Klassic Showgirl) is on Equusite today! Klassy is my loud bay leopard B division mare and she could use some votes!!! If you have time, please vote for her


Phew... I messed up her registered name a little on their form (used Klassy vs. Klassic) and it says she's coming 2yo but she is coming 3yo. What an airhead of a horsemom little miss Klassy has!
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I gave you double tens before I saw your post here and spread the word to friends.

Good luck.
Just went and voted for your girl: Two tens from me.

That's a no brainer...............from one leopard lover
: to another..........count me and my little "Spoteroo" in for two dimes!!! :lol:
She got my 10s!! What a beauty :)

Susan O.
Got 2 ten's from me here! She was in the lead too!
She got my two 10s, she's ahead and I think she will win!
you know she got my 10's!

WOW! :new_shocked: you're waaaay out in the lead! 9.42 right now.

: what a great picture
I met this girl when she was just a very young baby at Karen's and almost bought her so of course she got my tens! And she's still winning!! Go Klassy! :aktion033:
Double tens from me - she certainly is a beauty! I too have one of Karen's horses and I just love him - a sorrel and white stallion-wildly marked blue eyed medicine hat /overo Little Wee Shameless=his full brother is Little Wee Lord of the Ring a National Champion
Thank you everyone!!!

I was thinking...

... maybe Klassy won because she got one vote for each one of her spots?

Anyway, of course, I love her very much. She is just honestly the sweetest horse we have. She even tried to "protect" me one time when some of my horses from another lot got into her lot. I did not need protection (if ever there were a boss mare, it's ME), but Klassy stood between me and the other horses the whole time I was in there fixing the fence. Also, she a lot of times will walk right behind me with her forehead pressed to my butt! She doesn't push me, but just wants to touch me or something. I'm not sure why she does that but I find it pretty endearing.

She's got a page of pictures and pedigree here: Klassy's Web Page

Thank you all for the votes!!!

YAY!!!! She won! She won! But you know what??? I didn't get to vote because I didn't read this post until just now -- Saturday at 3:15 p.m. --- But you didn't need me anyway.........and yeah, my girl would have gotten my vote! She was such a joy when she was here. I'm so glad she's still sweet for you, Jill, and still beautiful too. (can't help it....I'm prejudiced!) -karen


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