It past time for horse slaughter to end

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Ah yeah, an agenda--right. I wonder how many "takes" it took for that horse that got bolted at least four times to finally be put it out of its misery as it banged around inside the chute. Absolutely incredible :no:
Having read so many of these slaughter threds and looking into it Im kind of on the fence.

On one hand it is VERY terrible what these horses go threw and many many many of them could, should be saved. Just because one careless owner sends their horse to a auction and a meat buyer picks it up, does not make the horse un-wanted and shouldnt mean it needs to die. Some one here in Michigan looking for "that horse" would never find it in a small town Wisconsin auction. But had some one bought the horse, do some work if needed handing and care wise, and listed it on, the chances of that horse finding a nice home is very high. The person who bought from the auction could certinaly get their money back if not make a dime, and the next buyer of the horse would get a good deal and a horse is saved.

On the other hand there is NO WAY that every single horse could find a GOOD home unless a lot of people really worked together its hard to, even then, put a dent in the situation. I dont really like the fact that at a small acution 25 buyers and a few meat buyers come and the meat buyers get 80% of the horses that go threw the auction, most of the horses are reasonabley nice and healthy fully useable horses - so no one of those 25 people was looking for that horse but if offered to a bigger crowd the horse may be sold.

The way the horses are handled before slaughtered is by far the most inhumaine way of doing things and if anything that should be attacked before X-ing slaughter all together IMO. Less horses should be slaughted and the ones who do need to be, it should be done proper with good care of the animal before its slaughtered.
Slaughter wont be ending anytime soon :no:

National Geographic

While I HATE slaughter, it seems a necessary evil. If there truly were enough homes for all of the auction horses, as many anti-slaughter groups state, then the horses now wouldnt end up at slaughter. Think it should be a whole lot more humane.
There were so many horses at the feedlot that I would have been proud to own. One of them was a 16hand long -legged absolutely gorgeous blue roan hunter-type gelding.His neck had the most aristocratic arch and he had such a kind eye. He was able to trot only a short distance but oh my gosh,,he was too beautiful for words.He came over to the fence and nickered to me.He stayed at the fence looking at me as if to say " I am ready take me home now.' I saw a little donkey that had a huge red X spray painted on his shoulder... again he had the kindest eye.He would not stop braying to me. I think what bothered me the most was the pregnant mares. What kind of industry kills innocent,unborn, foals regularly?Huge,beautiful belgians,percherons and even shires. I called the feedlot and wanted to find out if I could somehow purchase a few of them but they said NO due Contracts & such. ! I have pulled up next to their tractor-trailor rigs at red-lights & I have seen the doomed ones in the trailors packed shoulder to shoulder the,whites of their eyes showing through the bars. I cannot and will not look the other way nor accept such evil as necessary. 9.5 million people feel the same as I and I know there folks here on this forum who have great goodness of heart.. For those of you who care and wish to stop this atrocity I THANK YOU with all of my heart.
: You are not alone. Ramona Foxworth
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What kind of industry kills innocent,unborn, foals regularly?

Every meat industry in the world.




Need I go on??

At the end of the day, as i keep saying, it is NOT the fact that they are killed that worries me about any animal- I have raised and killed my own meat- it is the method in which they are transported, the means by which they are killed.

The total lack of respect for another life.

I have no problem with horses being raised for meat and eaten (well, to be honest it does make me a bit uneasy but, as a meat eater, it should not)

I have every problem with the way they are allowed to be transported, the way they are allowed to be held and the way they (often fail) to be killed.

Why this should bother me more than, say, a Turkey going on alive on the conveyor belt to be scalded and plucked, I do not know, but it does.

Stopping slaughter will not stop suffering.

Only humane treatment across the board will do that.
Looks pretty disgustingly real to me in video linked to above, shmini... :smileypuke:
I didn't say it wasn't real I said that they filmed the ONE that went Bad and that is not the true picture of what happens on a daily basis at a Processing plant... With Vets having a even Worse % of horses that do not do well after given an injection to be put down Do YOU see that on a Video NO you don't but Vets can only give you a 90% rating..and a processing plants get a 95% accuracy record.. WHY then Dwell on the one or 2 that go wrong???. When the majority of the animals things go fine. When you do a job day in and day out on the Kill Line You get Very good at it.. No USDA Inspector would be letting this go through on a daily basis.. I have worked at a USDA Inspected food plant The Inspector IS There all day long looking at how the animals are handled looking to see how things are Processed, looking at thing that could go wrong and making them correct, For the safety of the workers AND Any animal like that thrashing around would be Way too dangerous for ANY Worker to continue the process..That just does not take place as a Business as usual setting...
No need to look at a video that was produced by any group with a "dog in the fight" . There are hundreds of videos on the net to look at mostly all produced by people or groups with agendas.

There was a mention of the PMU farms. I do not know about all of them but did go with a buyer two years ago buying foals from a number of these farms in western Canada. All the PMU farms I visited the animals were well cared for, well fed and received good vet and farrier care. They produce a product that has a market. As long as that market exists these farms will continue production. I went on the trip partly to see for myself what these farms were like. I would have no problem buying an animal from these farms (the ones I saw) and do not claim they are all as good but know for a fact there are many good ones around. As long as women need birth control and hormones there will be a good market.

By the way over a hundred and seventy five foals were purchased and trucked into Ontario on this trip. Most all of them will end up working as draft animals doing just what their breed was meant to do. I do know that at least five of them were purchased by a "rescue" group from Florida who resold the animals as rescues from the PMU farms for $1900 to $2,500. Those particular animals were no more in need of rescue than my minis.
My thought too Geese.

These types of video are what people like PETA put out. To scare folks into doing what they want. If all slaughter houses where the way you say they are,, they would be out of business.

This is for the two that are so against slaughter.

I used to raise sheep. I took them to the Slaughter house,, I saw were they were housed,, very clean with fresh water for them.. I saw the whole plant. It was a very clean place. They killed by halal.

SO NOT all slaughter houses use a bolt. But you would not know that would you. Halal is very humane and easy to do even on large animals.

Another point... as you are spinning your self righteous wheels.

You still haven't answered my Questions.

If you have this law a passed.


Do you have a workable realistic contingency plan for all those horses that will need homes?

Have you thought through where they are going to be housed? Cared for? In a proper and humane manner?

Yes, it is all Nobel to save the world.....then pass the buck to everyone else for your endeavor. That is not a responsible thing to do.

Education, getting the USDA to do their job would be a start.
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Why this should bother me more than, say, a Turkey going on alive on the conveyor belt to be scalded and plucked, I do not know, but it does.

Probably because like most of us...we have and do have a relationship with a horse.(actually you can with a sheep too from my experience) but people dont think of the "meat" animals as "real" ones with feelings etc. makes it easier for them to eat them. In France, Belgium and Italy, horses as companions etc are rare compared to our countries so maybe that makes it easier for them to eat them?? I personally do not have a problem with an animal being put down if there is absolutely no other choice..but agree with other posters that its the WAY they are kept and killed and treated in general that is the atrocity.

And regarding the Premarin industry.....The World SPCA has LOADS of proof of these poor animals and the way they are kept.......its hideous!!! AND there IS a manmade version that works just as well!!!!! why use your purse to encourage this.......the purse is the most powerful tool against cruelty.......use it wisely and with a conscience.
. What kind of industry kills innocent,unborn, foals regularly?Huge,beautiful belgians,percherons and even shires. I called the feedlot and wanted to find out if I could somehow purchase a few of them but they said NO due Contracts & such. Ramona Foxworth

I agree with your feelings here and how horrible it is however.. the blame DOESNT lie with the slaughter houses it lies with the breeder - EVERYONE OF THEM from those that have one foal to those that have hundreds. Bottom line is there isnt a home for every horse now- and the best of homes can change, horses change hands alot and they end up there HORRIBLE yes...

reality yes, until we ALL take responsibility.
. What kind of industry kills innocent,unborn, foals regularly?Huge,beautiful belgians,percherons and even shires. I called the feedlot and wanted to find out if I could somehow purchase a few of them but they said NO due Contracts & such. Ramona Foxworth

I agree with your feelings here and how horrible it is however.. the blame DOESNT lie with the slaughter houses it lies with the breeder - EVERYONE OF THEM from those that have one foal to those that have hundreds. Bottom line is there isnt a home for every horse now- and the best of homes can change, horses change hands alot and they end up there HORRIBLE yes...

reality yes, until we ALL take responsibility.
Lisa thank you for your input.! All 3 of the horse slaughter plants are foreign owned. I feel that the owners and their over-paid lobbyist boldly and coldly thumb their up-turned noses at AMERICAN culture and values. The poor Kaufman ,Texas folks who live around dallas crown slaughter plant are terrorized by agonizing sounds,horrible odors and pitiful sights of tortured horses.. The blood from it often cloggs and overloads the city drainage systems. It might be a living to some but that don;t make it right. I know this is just my opinion....some share it and others don't. Ramona
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On the subject of PMU mares- I had not got half way into my "I shan't use the stuff get me the other even if it is more expensive " spiel when my poor Doctor said "don't start om ME my wife is a woman I get this at home all the time, have the stuff!!"

So...women of the world unite, you do NOT have to have back your fertility nor even your hot flushes in order to put PMU establishments out of action, all you have to do is stand your ground with your Doctor- and of course your insurance supplier. However good the conditions ANYTHING (and lets include "nurse Mare" farms in this shall we) that produces unwanted un-needed foals as a by product needs stamping out, pronto.

I agree some PMU farms are OK but a lot aren't so, since there is an easy alternative we should be using it.

NO "nurse mare" Farms should be allowed- what the heck are we doing here??????
The best way I see currently to reduce the inhumane treatment and a huge aid in shutting down bad farms feedlots to join in the push for the NAIS ....if we could get the nation ID system in full force it would help the USDA and other officials in being able to track down chronic offenders....people who consistently produce sickly neglected stock of all types......if the system is then also carried all the way to pet animals such as dogs and cats it will help eliminate illegal puppymills and catteries.....

How about getting your 9.5 million supporters and having each of them buy 1 horse out of this system? that would take care of all the horses going to slaughter for the next 5-6 years if there are no horses to buy for slaughter then there is no need for slaughter plants now is there
The best way I see currently to reduce the inhumane treatment and a huge aid in shutting down bad farms feedlots to join in the push for the NAIS ....if we could get the nation ID system in full force it would help the USDA and other officials in being able to track down chronic offenders....people who consistently produce sickly neglected stock of all types......if the system is then also carried all the way to pet animals such as dogs and cats it will help eliminate illegal puppymills and catteries.....

How about getting your 9.5 million supporters and having each of them buy 1 horse out of this system? that would take care of all the horses going to slaughter for the next 5-6 years if there are no horses to buy for slaughter then there is no need for slaughter plants now is there
Runamuck I understand from my auction buddies that many times killer buyers are given first choice at the at the horses even before an auction starts. They get first go at well trained quarterhorses and great riding horses..! There will always be a strong market for a great riding horses . Did you know that Canadian horses are transported here so that the killers can meet their quotas?This industry is not about unwanted horses. There is a horse farm here in Texas that breeds horses JUST for slaughter. The same man takes hundreds of horses to the plants seach year. There is a man who advertises nationally that he will come and get your horse ...good or bad. he is a killer buyer. These people are the ones that are fighting to spread the unwanted horse myth. If you have a car for sale there will be a waiting period before it is sold,but it will sell !!!It is not unwanted is just for sale. The same may be said for a horse you have for sale. Those horses in the feedlot were NOT unwanted. They were unlucky and in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'll bet most of the owners were not even aware a killer had purchased them. Killers do not have to identify themselves. Thank you for your comments and your thoughts. Ramona
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Gypsyheart.....that is such a good point........and I can verify that here too in Ireland, horses are bred for the table......not just unwanteds.......they are often from these awful nurse mare farms.....the orphaned foals that dont get sold at a few days old because mammy is off to nurse a more important baby that might run fast one day!! makes me sick to my stomach!!! These poor things (and yes I have actually seen them) are skin and bone......left to get on with it in big slatted sheds with no bedding and no room, very little feed thru the winter, then fattened up on spring/summer grass and off they go to Belgium!!!! Its true, the horse meat market is growing rapidly.......horses even get stolen here to provide the market!!! Its too sad.
The best way I see currently to reduce the inhumane treatment and a huge aid in shutting down bad farms feedlots to join in the push for the NAIS ....if we could get the nation ID system in full force it would help the USDA and other officials in being able to track down chronic offenders....people who consistently produce sickly neglected stock of all types......if the system is then also carried all the way to pet animals such as dogs and cats it will help eliminate illegal puppymills and catteries.....

How about getting your 9.5 million supporters and having each of them buy 1 horse out of this system? that would take care of all the horses going to slaughter for the next 5-6 years if there are no horses to buy for slaughter then there is no need for slaughter plants now is there
Runamuck I understand from my auction buddies that many times killer buyers are given first choice at the at the horses even before an auction starts. They get first go at well trained quarterhorses and great riding horses..! There will always be a strong market for a great riding horse Also did you know that Canadian horses are transported here so that the killers can meet their quotas?This industry is not about unwanted horses. There is a horse farm here in Texas that breeds horses JUST for slaughter. The same man takes hundreds of horses to the plants seach year. There is a man who advertises nationally that he will come and get your horse ...good or bad. he is a killer buyer. These people are the ones that are fighting to spread the unwanted horse myth. If you have a car for sale there will be a waiting period before it is sold,but it will sell !!!It is not unwanted is just for sale. The same may be said for a horse you have for sale. Those horses in the feedlot were NOT unwanted. They were unlucky and in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'll bet most of the owners were not even aware a killer had purchased them. Killers do not have to identify themselves. Thank you for your comments and your thoughts. Ramona
Did you know the numbers you are being given are outright lies? Big loads of hooey.....usda and other agencies track all meat sales and slaughter in this country and the numbers of horses these proponents of stop slaughter keep proclaiming have not been anywhere close to the actual numbers since say the 60's when horsemeat was still available at the meat counter in almost every grocer in america? In fact one month ago there were zero sales of horsemeat for a two week period this included donkeys and mules and the only actual export was for live breeding stock to mexico and to of maybe 20 horses.............

99% of horses sold to slaughter are CULLS from breeding takes alot of tries to get that one champion and in this country horses are riding a fine line between pet and see breeding sheep, cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits, is easy as it is acceptable to eat the culls but horses have gained this "pet" stigma in this country slowly over the last 30 years so suddenly it isn't ok to eat them although other countries still rely on horsemeat as a substantial part of the diet or as a specialty cuisine..........even when I was a kid it was common to see horsemeat in the meat dept or at the butchers ...yep people ate grandparents lived up the hill above the feedlot/slaughterhouse in pendleton oregon.....never once did I hear all the screaming and carrying on that you claim happens at the slaughterhouse......I also lived in stanwood washington that until about 15 yr's ago had a slaughter facility where horses were slaughtered and again I never found this facility to be the house of horrors you describe.....

Post all the propaganda you want I still prefer to find the facts which keep getting harder and harder to find as the propaganda machine continues to take over......and the facts I have have found show the numbers of equines slaughtered in this country are minimal....

Again I say look to the NAIS as this program will in and of its intentions slowly weed out the slimy animal breeders who do not take responsibility for their animals ..................

I knew a guy who raised thoroughbreds for meat ....finally he was killed by one of his bulls in a pen.....poetic justice if you ask me..............
Looking back on my posts i think it came off the wrong way.

Its not that im agianst slaughter and think it should stop, im agianst the murder of innocent horses that end up in bad places (Auction, Slaughter Houses, Feedlots ext).

I do beleive that some of the horses i've seen go through slaughter, do need it. But i've seen so many go through and practically jump on the back of the truck that i wouldnt mind walking into a show ring with.

My Joey was one of those ....should see him today!

You'd me amazed.

So no, its not that im agianst slaughter ..i think its some people's responsibility to care, if no one cared then horses would have it 10x worse. But it isnt hard to own and care for a perectly healthy/sain horse you can find at a auction that is about to get picked up by a kill buyer. I dont think people should go out and buy a 36yr old horse with two broken legs ext from a kill buyer ...but you'd be suprised these horses that go to slaughter. Show Quality animals sometime!!!!

How about getting your 9.5 million supporters and having each of them buy 1 horse out of this system? that would take care of all the horses going to slaughter for the next 5-6 years if there are no horses to buy for slaughter then there is no need for slaughter plants now is there
AMEN SISTER! Thats what i wish people would do, and its not a hard task. Been trying to say this the whole time
AMEN SISTER! Thats what i wish people would do, and its not a hard task. Been trying to say this the whole time

Well for one thing, there is not enough people to adopt the few Mustangs each year,, How in the world can enough people be found to adopt out 80,000 or more each and every year that are going to slaughter 30,000 of which are PMU Babies~! Hmmmmm.. There are just so many people that can adopt horses, And with this many coming unto the scene, there are Not enough that can or will adopt that many.. Unless those 9.5 million people DO adopt a horse... But Like I said before those that want slaughter to stop Built at the minimum 10 Extra stalls and go after each and every one of them. Then with No supply the Processing houses having No Product to use will close ALL by themselves.. Ya right That won't happen in a blue moon... People talk but 98% do NO action to take in unwanted horses..Those that do MY Hat is off to you..But it takes more then a few to handle this problem that the Horse industry has brought on themselves Each and Every Breed~! Minis included~!
name='shminifancier' date='Feb 18 2006, 07:36 PM' post='566650']AMEN SISTER! Thats what i wish people would do, and its not a hard task. Been trying to say this the whole time

Well for one thing, there is not enough people to adopt the few Mustangs each year,, How in the world can enough people be found to adopt out 80,000 or more each and every year that are going to slaughter 30,000 of which are PMU Babies~! Hmmmmm.. There are just so many people that can adopt horses, And with this many coming unto the scene, there are Not enough that can or will adopt that many.. Unless those 9.5 million people DO adopt a horse... But Like I said before those that want slaughter to stop Built at the minimum 10 Extra stalls and go after each and every one of them. Then with No supply the Processing houses having No Product to use will close ALL by themselves.. Ya right That won't happen in a blue moon... People talk but 98% do NO action to take in unwanted horses..Those that do MY Hat is off to you..But it takes more then a few to handle this problem that the Horse industry has brought on themselves Each and Every Breed~! Minis included~!
let me help you with this.......the actual number of slaughter horses is more like 25,000 per if 9.5 million were to actually act...hang on doing the calculator here.........that would be according to my calculator 316 yrs.....assuming the numbers remained the same...since horse slaughter numbers have been decreasing ....wellll you see where this if every one of those activists (in name only) bought/adopted a horse destined for slaughter for the next 316 yr's ther would be no horse problem solved
: sadly the truth is most these people do not want to actually DO something they just want some podium to bitch at
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