Well-Known Member
Well, we added some more work time yesterday (Friday, 30 Aug). Last Saturday we were finally able to have our 2nd bonfire (for our youngest daughters' 20th Bday). While I had two friends that got 3" of rain the week before, we got only a couple of sprinkles. The bonfire was still very difficult to get burning... but a good time was had by all. I think we had pizza and soda consumed by more than 20 people - only we 3 older adults (hubby, me and one of our friends). The grand daughters were there.
Then on Thursday we started cleaning up more of the areas that the trees had come down in. Got the areas cleared enough to safely get in with ponies. This time, I harnessed KoKo in a mini sized work harness with a 13" collar. The headstall fit well as did the collar and hames and front part of the harness. However, her nice "apple butt" was a bit bigger than intended for mini breeching! Used it anyway rather than trying to adjust down a larger harness for her. I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've worked her in a blind bridle and I KNOW that she hadn't been worked at all since February...
Here she is after I'd ground driven her for a while - making sure she was ok with the "noisy" harness, the blinders and working for the first time. Made sure the "whoa" still there (it wasn't at first, LOL).
moving a small log -
Then we moved a BIG one... Now, she's not in a regular work program. She does run a lot in the pasture - daily... I figured we'd try pulling it as far as she could, then I'd try to finish it with her and Cupid working as a pair. Here is a pic of the big one. I wanted to move it past the burn pile, thru the barn pasture gates, thru the round pen gates and to the far side of my 50' round pen - to use as a log obstacle for the ponies to jump, to straddle and sidepass along, to back into etc...
Thu the 1st set of gates and headed towards the next pasture. We got thru the gates and the sand got deeper while going up the hill (U don't realize how much of a grade it is until you go up it umpteen times!). She "petered out" rght about where the cremello mare is standing. I unhooked the log there and took her to the barn to rest while I groomed and harnessed Cupid.
Then I pulled Cupid out and started working with him. The last couple of times he's worked, he's worn blinders and been broncy through out the work time... So I adjusted an open bridle for him. Then ground drove his "hoppy self". Ground drove him over the ditch until he finally realized that forward movement was better! Drove him around and thru those big logs in the very 1st pic of KoKo. I stopped him in front of that big one. He didn't want to stand so I just waited to see what he'd do. He crawled over it (thought he was going to high center himself and be stuck!) - and I turned him around and purposely drove him back over it, than turned him around again and asked him to "Whoa". He finally stood - though he fidgeted. I'd grabbed a headstall with a 4" bit (might be 3 3/4"), and it's slightly too wide. His mouth never quit working and chewing on it for the next hour or so... We worked until he realized I was serious about both - go (forward only) and whoa.
Then hitched him to his first log. We didn't go righto the burn pile - he needed some more work, so we pulled it around the whole pile - 2 x, LOL!
More pics in a minute...
Then on Thursday we started cleaning up more of the areas that the trees had come down in. Got the areas cleared enough to safely get in with ponies. This time, I harnessed KoKo in a mini sized work harness with a 13" collar. The headstall fit well as did the collar and hames and front part of the harness. However, her nice "apple butt" was a bit bigger than intended for mini breeching! Used it anyway rather than trying to adjust down a larger harness for her. I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've worked her in a blind bridle and I KNOW that she hadn't been worked at all since February...
Here she is after I'd ground driven her for a while - making sure she was ok with the "noisy" harness, the blinders and working for the first time. Made sure the "whoa" still there (it wasn't at first, LOL).

moving a small log -

Then we moved a BIG one... Now, she's not in a regular work program. She does run a lot in the pasture - daily... I figured we'd try pulling it as far as she could, then I'd try to finish it with her and Cupid working as a pair. Here is a pic of the big one. I wanted to move it past the burn pile, thru the barn pasture gates, thru the round pen gates and to the far side of my 50' round pen - to use as a log obstacle for the ponies to jump, to straddle and sidepass along, to back into etc...

Thu the 1st set of gates and headed towards the next pasture. We got thru the gates and the sand got deeper while going up the hill (U don't realize how much of a grade it is until you go up it umpteen times!). She "petered out" rght about where the cremello mare is standing. I unhooked the log there and took her to the barn to rest while I groomed and harnessed Cupid.

Then I pulled Cupid out and started working with him. The last couple of times he's worked, he's worn blinders and been broncy through out the work time... So I adjusted an open bridle for him. Then ground drove his "hoppy self". Ground drove him over the ditch until he finally realized that forward movement was better! Drove him around and thru those big logs in the very 1st pic of KoKo. I stopped him in front of that big one. He didn't want to stand so I just waited to see what he'd do. He crawled over it (thought he was going to high center himself and be stuck!) - and I turned him around and purposely drove him back over it, than turned him around again and asked him to "Whoa". He finally stood - though he fidgeted. I'd grabbed a headstall with a 4" bit (might be 3 3/4"), and it's slightly too wide. His mouth never quit working and chewing on it for the next hour or so... We worked until he realized I was serious about both - go (forward only) and whoa.
Then hitched him to his first log. We didn't go righto the burn pile - he needed some more work, so we pulled it around the whole pile - 2 x, LOL!

More pics in a minute...