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Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2006
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Suffield, CT
Or if you don't have pintos, you can learn why those of us who do like it so much!

Intro (for those not familiar with PtHA): You can get national points at local PtHA shows only if there are at least 3 horses in the class (3 in class you get 1 point for first per judge) up to a maximum of 6 points for first in a class of 8. More horses than that and no extra points, but 2nd-6th all get points -5, 4, 3, 2, 1, per judge. For a Register of Merit (ROM), you need 35 points, for a Register of Excellence you need 175 points and for a Pinto Champion (what lots of us shoot for) you need 150 points, with at least 65 in halter and 65 in performance, including an ROM.

We had a very successful year, showing at only the 4 New England Pinto shows, which offers 9 classes for minis at each show - halter, color, trail-in-hand, hunter, jumper, obstacle driving, disciplined rail driving, pleasure driving, and ideal pinto driving (regular driving class then stripped and judged on halter & color). Some of our classes have as many as 15-16 minis and the driving classes had as many as 11.

SRF Buckshot, 3 year old stallion, earned his Open Pinto Championship, with performance points in trail in hand and hunter.

Aloha Acres Fashion by Magic (barn name Princess, Pinto name OTM Fashion by Magic) 4 year old mare, earned an ROE in Trail in Hand, and ROMs in hunter over fences and Pleasure Driving, and then a Certificate of Ability for earning a total of 4 performance ROMs and a PtHA Versatility Award. This latter requires a performance ROE plus a total of 4 performance ROMs (hers are in trail, hunter, jumper and pleasure driving), and 65 halter points. She had earned her Pinto Championship in 2006 as a 2 year old and the other ROMs in 2006 and 2007.

Princess is currently in the Top Ten on the Miniature of the Year list in several events (http://www.pinto.org/information/interim_poy/open.pdf (B Minis start on page 63; as A's, ours are just minis which follow the B's) but that could change by the time they are final. The Top Ten are listed in the National Pinto magazine, as are horses that complete their Pinto Championships.

Club awards are separate .....

So how did your pintos do in 2008 at local shows and/or the World Show????
Unfortunately, here in TX, there isn't a lot of Pinto shows. Only one club with 3-4 shows a year and competition is spotty. However, my barn has been very successful on the Pinto circuit.

Heaven's Gate Special Design - World Champion Hunter Pony Mare and finished her ROM

Happy Hooligan OK - 2/3's of the way to his first ROM

McCarthy's Marshall Dillon - World Champion B Mini Stallion and Reserve World Champion Color

CH Mickey's Wind in His Hair - World Champion Hunter Pony Gelding

Sir Tom Cat of Heaven's Gate - World Champion Tobiano Pony, Reserve World Champion Saddle Pony Gelding, Reserve High Point Please/Saddle Type Pony

In previous years:

CH Mickey's Wind in His Hair - Reserve World Champion Hunter Pony Gelding

RW Cruser - Top 5 Miniature Stallion and Color

CSF Vince Gill - World Champion Mini Tobiano Gelding and B Trail in Hand

Shadowfax Music to My Heart - World Champion A Trail in Hand

CSF Rosie Flores - Undefeated World Champion Hunter Pony Mare and ROM.

With the current show schedule and competition, down here it takes 2-3 years to accomplish a ROM.
This is my first year showing Pinto and we only went to three shows. It is also my horse's first year learning in-hand trail and hunter. We had a wonderful time and made a whole bunch of new BFF's!

National year end standings:

7th Pleasure Driving 37 pts ROM

6th Obstacle Driving 31 pts

7th Hunter 28 pts

12th Ideal Driving 23 pts

18th Discipline Rail 14 pts

18th Halter-Geldings 12 pts

Looking forward to next year going to 5 shows with my performance horse Max, and my new weanling colt, Scott Creek Unos Love Me True "aka Elvis". We'll give Elvis a try in Halter.


Diane in OR
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I decided at the very last minute to go to Pinto Worlds this year. I clipped my horse and said, 'WOW, she looks great! I am going!!!" My husband thought I was nuts, but....oh, well.....

And go I did! I had a great time- we entered three classes only and took two World Champions and one Reserve World Champion!!!

Star Bright showed at a local show held in conjunction with an AMHA show the year before too. But, I didn't take her to the World show in 2007.

I think she also received a couple of Register of Merits at the end of the year- I need to look back.

I am going to try and post a photo, but I never have much luck in getting one on, but here goes---

Reflections Star Bright


2008 PtHA World Champion, Halter Mares, Miniature, 34" & Under Halter, 2 & Under (Unanimous)

2008 PtHA World Champion, Tobiano/Overo Color, Miniature, Mares

2008 PtHA Reserve World Champion, Amateur Halter, Miniature/B Miniature

The body shot with our ribbons and belt buckles didn't look so great of me- I was so tired! lol So, I have this head shot from the Pinto World show.

Star Bright is also the horse in my avatar- so you can see just how lovely her pinto pattern is on her

I am looking forward to Pinto Worlds next summer, too! I am hoping to register my new filly, Riverdance's Wind in the Willow, with the Pinto registry and maybe take her to Worlds next year. I can't get her photo to upload, so you will all just have to be surprised next summer

People were great at the show and I had a wonderful time!


Oh, and thank you again, Reflections, for entrusting this sweet, beautiful girl to me--I just LOVE her!!!
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Wow - I wish I could just decide on a whim to go to the World show, but alas it is too long a trip for us so I don't think we will ever get there. Great job!!

Minxiesmom- I am really impressed that you got a driving ROM in 3 shows, but I can see from the photo how that could be. He is lovely!!!

Notice how everyone keeps saying they had a "wonderful time".....
We went to pinto world and had a blast too. This was my second year to show pinto. Mom got several buckles but I don't remember what in. She has been showing at world for several year. I did not get one this year but last year Babe and I got one. I really enjoy showing pinto. We have more opportunity here to show pinto then we do AMHA so that is really our main focus. Plus at Pinto I can take my paint and my minis so the best of both worlds!!
I had so much fun showing Pinto this year! I met so many new people and made so many new friends. Our local shows are just alot of fun. This year we made the "big trip" back to Pinto World....and it is a long trip from the Northwest!! Gas prices were at their all time high! But it was definately worth it!

My stallion Aloha Acres Heir to Magic ended up top 5 in halter and jumping and amatuer halter.



My yearling colt Total Eclipse Dances on Heir(Danny) won his halter class of 9....all 3 judges put him 1st, what a rush!! His was my very first class at the World show; to walk away with a World Champion really started the show off great!


My 3 yo mare Total Eclipse Starlight Dancer(Lily) blew me away!! She got top 5 in halter, 3rd in color, then World Champion: in-hand trail, amatuer in-hand trail, and hunter. Reserve World Champion in Jumper. She ended up hi-point A mini for the show and we won a easy entry cart!



Lily's also doing well in the year-end National points. I think she'll end up #1 in Jumping and in the top 5 for Hunter, Color, halter and top 10 in trail. I have to say, when I first started showing Pinto she would have easily been #1 in all her divisions with the points she accumulated this year. The number of mini's showing in Pinto has grown so much just in the few years I've been showing and competition is getting tougher.

I'm looking forward to showing next year! Lily is going into the broodmare band next year and is retired from showing.
I will miss showing her! However, next year I'm focusing on driving!! Poor Bubba(Mini Miracles Bubba's Choice) doesn't know yet what he's in for!!
Diane(Minxie's mom) is one of my new buddies and has been helping me getting him going again. We're going to have so much fun next year! I can't wait to see how her new guy Elvis does in halter!!

Edited to add! I forgot something! Danny also won his futurity class at our Albany show and then won Champion of Champions. He won a nice chair and buckle and also a check!!
The prizes these pinto clubs give out are really nice! I've got full sets of mugs, glasses, wine glasses, picture frames, silver platters, grooming bags......too much to list!!
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We showed in our first pinto show a couple months ago and had a blast. Im hoping to make it to pinto world in 2009 but will have to wait and see what the economy does. We are lucky to have a lot of pinto shows here in Ohio and priced pretty well too.

Tease at her first pinto show. She was so scared of the big horses so we were trying to get her to relax

I only went to one show this year and am retiring from showing. Oh, did I mention it was the world show? Doradas Spiritwalker was World Champion jumping, Reserve World Halter, 4th Color, 4th inhand trail.

I pulled my mare out of the pasture at the last minute and she got 4-6-9th.

My very first class of the world show I took about 3 steps into the arena and blew out my good knee. They were super nice to me and I ended up drugged, with braces on both knees, hobbling around the arena. People offered to show my horses for me but I went to show my own horses so the placings reflected more of what I was capable of with my knees more than what they were capable of.
Hi there, I just started showing pinto this year and I was wondering if there is a website you can go to, to look up the points that your horse has earned or to see which horses received awards? If I figured it right though at my first show in Mason City that had 6 judges I believe I got 33 points.
You can access your points (or anyone else's) through E-Pinto on the PtHA website at www.pinto.org. Look on the lower left side of the home page for the E-Pinto logo. But you need to enter your membership number and a password, which I think you have to get from PtHA. It is a wonderful feature!!! I think you can contact PtHA right through the website to get the help you need to log on.

Sounds like you only 2 more points for an ROM!! They mail those award certificates automatically.

If you go to www.pinto.org then to "awards" then to "pinto of the year" then to "open" on the left side of the page, you then can scroll through all the classes till you find miniature a or miniature b, which ever classes you showed in should list your horses name in order of his national standing. If you earned that many points in one class, you should be near the top.

I was impressed with how tough the competition is in the bigger pinto show I went to. These people could compete in any AMHA or AMHR show and do very well. I am showing pinto because there are more shows closer and the people are so nice and so much fun! We have a local club that is great and they give out so many awards. I am not so patiently waiting for the year end awards...Sandy (sedah) and I are neck and neck for the year end high point miniature award. We won't know until the banquet January 10!!!!!

Now I won't even consider getting another horse that is not pinto!

Diane in OR
Thanks I will try both of your suggestions and yea I decided to show pinto because we heard that the horses actually were getting placed instead of the people (like the R shows). It was a lot more fun than the AMHR or even the A shows because there wasn't any politics and everyone was friendly and helpful!

Now you know why we raise pintos - it isn't because of the wild colors, it is so we can show them at the Pinto Shows where we have such a great time. Our "gray" (frame overo) mare has even done well there. Our local competition is pretty tough and the quality is improving all the time. We have people that also show AMHA (and do very well there) and others show sucessfully in carriage driving.

Our Club points are posted on our website (New England Pinto Club) so I know how I did, but I am keeping it a secret until our Banquet Feb 7. There is an overall High Point Mini awarded in addition to High Points for each of the 9 mini classes.
[SIZE=14pt]Howard Stables is proud to show off their Miniature Pinto Champions -[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]Check My Label[/SIZE]

PtHA Supreme Champion #172

PtHA Superior Performance #23

PtHA Legion of Merit #308

PtHA Championship #2029

[SIZE=12pt]Scott Ck Fancy Pants[/SIZE]

PtHA Legion of Merit #233

PtHA Champion #1820

[SIZE=12pt]HaTaLi Julie[/SIZE]

PtHA Champion #1819

[SIZE=12pt]Dayspring Double Tuff[/SIZE]

PtHA Champion #2204
[SIZE=14pt]And our Shetland Pintos . . .[/SIZE]


[SIZE=12pt]HS Fall Bonanza[/SIZE]

PtHA Supreme Champion #66

PtHA Legion of Merit #214

PtHA Champion #1607

[SIZE=12pt]My Wild Imagination[/SIZE]

PtHA Supreme Champion #42

PtHA Legion of Merit #168

PtHA Champion #1431

[SIZE=12pt]HS Knights Gambler[/SIZE]

PtHA Supreme Champion #102

PtHA Legion of Merit #251

PtHA Champion #1859

[SIZE=12pt]HS Heartbreaker[/SIZE]

PtHA Supreme Champion #46

PtHA Legion of Merit #185

PtHA Champion #1585

[SIZE=12pt]HS Promised Me Color[/SIZE]

PtHA Legion of Merit #314

PtHA Champion #2151
[SIZE=14pt]Thank you![/SIZE]
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See what I mean...the competition in Oregon is double tough! I love it!

Kathy Howard...

Your new AMHR show is in conflict with the pinto show in Albany in July. I was just told that the pinto show will be July 1-5. I hope it won't be too much of a conflict for either show.

Diane in OR

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